Call for suggestions for B2B boards - new site launching soon


Staff member
  • cafead   Nov 07, 2008 at 01:31: PM
If you haven't already, please read the announcement about the upcoming launch of a new anonymous message board site for B2B reps. The announcement can be found in the announcement section at the top of any of our boards.

I've started this thread for a place for suggestions for this new site. You can also email me with "B2B board" in the subject line.

Thank you,

  • cafead   Feb 03, 2009 at 06:37: PM
I've tried to post to this B2B board ... seems it will not allow anon. postings.

Please tell me which board you were trying to post on, so I can notify them of a possible glitch. Anonymous posting is definitely allowed there.

Is this medical B2B only?

No, it is for all types of B2B including insurance, food service, office equipment, industrial equipment, and so on.

I know that a lot of people like to complain on the medical device boards-it is out of frustration and not being really heard by the Company-ususally due to really poor middle level management. I think it would be helpful to management (who does read these boards) to have a page on "How to fix the Company" "Commission Structure-what works what doesn't" "What motivates a rep and what doesn't" "How can managers do a better job of managing" A lot of us in the field have great ideas that never get passed on due to insecure or jealous managers. They usually take our ideas as their own anyway-at least if they're going to do it they could get a lot of feedback. Or more importantly upper management could get real feedback on middle management and create the kind of necessary and productive change needed. I love the idea of this board but more constructive topics could actually make some real changes. I am aware of several reps making Board Memebers and Company CEO's aware what's going on in their Company through this site since they are often insulated from the truth by the other levels of management.

Thank you creating an amazing forum that should put this industry on its ear and allowing people to do so anonymously as you have is the only way to get to the real truth of problems and work towards the goal of fixing them.