CafePharma NCAA Pick-Em for 2012/13?


We're about a month away from NCAA football season 2012/13. Haven't seen BamaBoy around lately. Just wondered if everyone is up for another round of Pick-Em?

Sound off if you're all in.

I see the Poli Board got shut down again. Shocker, eh? Maybe the Poli slugs would like to join us here for some fun.

Come on come all.

We don't discriminate here.

All are welcome.

Even liberals. :D

We're about a month away from NCAA football season 2012/13. Haven't seen BamaBoy around lately. Just wondered if everyone is up for another round of Pick-Em?

Sound off if you're all in.

I see the Poli Board got shut down again. Shocker, eh? Maybe the Poli slugs would like to join us here for some fun.

Come on come all.

We don't discriminate here.

All are welcome.

Even liberals. :D

Sure. I expect Tennessee to take the whole thing this year. :)

Let's do this.

Hopefully BamaBoy will be back - Maybe he is still celebrating after the Tide won the national championship.


Why doesn't Libluvs play Pick Em?

The only wager on the line is personal pride.

Wouldn't it be cool if Hairy returned?

Even though we didn't always see eye to eye on issues I hope all is well with him.

If he's blocked he can always return anonomously on the sports board.

We'll know who he is. :)

Sure. I expect Tennessee to take the whole thing this year. :)

Hi Pale, you came out of the gate a little too quickly last year with some awesome picks in the first half of the season. You were literally on fire. You scared us. I thought you were plugged into Vishnu. But toward the end you started to fizzle and showed your human side. Pace yourself in 2012/13. Love to see you bring home a winner. I know you're up for it.

Let's do this.

Hopefully BamaBoy will be back - Maybe he is still celebrating after the Tide won the national championship.


Hi Breaking. Welcome back. The slate has been wiped clean and everybody starts at ground zero. I know you have been in training for the 2012/13 season and will put on a good show for us. You always do. 'For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne'.

Looks like Week 1 starts Thurs, Aug 30.

I want all of you to show up to camp in shape this year. No stragglers. No excuses. No weak links in the chain. No back biting either. This year we emphasize cooperation and team spirit!

I would like to commemorate Thurs, Aug 30, opening day, as Homecoming for Hairy Fiddler!!!

Come on, Hairy! Suit up, man! I know you still got what it takes! You got more moves than a damn chinese checkerboard! Show the people you're no has-been!

Report to camp by Wed Aug 29 @ 7pm sharp, Hairy! And bring an attitude wit ya!!! :D


We understand that the poli board has been shut down indefinitely due to nasty and caustic vitriolic gibberish exchanged among the posters there.

We run a clean operation over here at the sports board. If you enter our home please be respectful of one another and use common decency as your guide.

We are entering college football season which is sort of like the Diwali festivals celebrated by the Hindus on the sports board.

If you intend to play nice, join us. If not, go away.

The first Pick Em contest will get posted about a week in advance of the Thurs, Aug 30 NCAA Division 1 opening day.

We are waiting on BamaBoy to take the lead. However, if Bama is MIA the show must go on.

One way or another - through rain, sleet or snow, economic meltdowns, political upheavals, riots, foreign or domestic wars, assassinations, Octomom's porn debut, Anderson Cooper's conversion to heterosexualism, California balancing their state budget or a catastrophic meteor impact that takes out the eastern hemisphere of the globe - you can depend on Cafe Pharma NCAA Football Pick Em to be there when you need it.

Hi Breaking. Welcome back. The slate has been wiped clean and everybody starts at ground zero. I know you have been in training for the 2012/13 season and will put on a good show for us. You always do. 'For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne'.

Looks like Week 1 starts Thurs, Aug 30.

I want all of you to show up to camp in shape this year. No stragglers. No excuses. No weak links in the chain. No back biting either. This year we emphasize cooperation and team spirit!

I would like to commemorate Thurs, Aug 30, opening day, as Homecoming for Hairy Fiddler!!!

Come on, Hairy! Suit up, man! I know you still got what it takes! You got more moves than a damn chinese checkerboard! Show the people you're no has-been!

Report to camp by Wed Aug 29 @ 7pm sharp, Hairy! And bring an attitude wit ya!!! :D

Who exactly is this "Hairy" that you speak of? I heard the fucker was a doooosh bag. Any truth to that?

OK. So let's review. Ohio State forfeited all their wins in 2010. Penn State forfeited all their games since 1998.

So who won the OSU/PSU in 2010?

And no Fucktard, it was not Florida.

Who exactly is this "Hairy" that you speak of? I heard the fucker was a doooosh bag. Any truth to that?

Hi Hairy, welcome back. We will not judge you based on your Hairy Fiddler history. The slate has been wiped clean. Aug 30th will be your metamorphsis under "Night Train Lane" and we will harbor no preconceived notions. We are confident you have turned over a new leaf. With that said, we know you'll give us a good show. BTW, the Cafe Pharma Pick 'Em contest is democracy in action. As we move forward we will decide important guidelines as a group or the rules of the board, if you will, moving forward - questions like 'Do we use the 'point system' and 'odds' or just pick winners and losers straight away?'.

It will prove to be an interesting season. You have some real competitors on this board. It won't be a cakewalk. You'd better bring your best game. And check your pride at the front desk.

Wipe my slate clean? Why? I owned this place, remember?

There are 2 types of bloggers in this world....those who entertain...and those who are entertained. Which pile do you lay in?

Wipe my slate clean? Why? I owned this place, remember?

There are 2 types of bloggers in this world....those who entertain...and those who are entertained. Which pile do you lay in?

You're not getting off to a very good start, Night Train. Change requires cooperation from both sides. We are open to accepting your new and improved persona w/o bearing any grudges or imposing any preconceived notions. From our perspective are just the new kid in town. And new kids always make or break their reputations by initial impressions. Let's play nice. I would rather not discuss Hairy. Let dead dogs lie.

I have been known to both sing and dance for skittles AND pay admission to see quality entertainment. The key word here is QUALITY.

Let's control our competitive spirit in 2012/13.


Early odds got Michigan State favored by only a touchdown against Boise at home on 8/31.

I would have expected at least a 10 pt. spread.

Boise only has 7 starters returning. No one close to the quality of Kellen Moore @ QB

I heard Coach Peterson is going to run a 3 QB offense to throw he Spartan defense off.

If Coach P can pull this one off he's a genius.