Bye bye Sumitomo

Bye bye Sumitomo

Well this didn’t work out as planned. Sign on with Sumitomo and Ulotaront fails.

So how is this going to work?

Aptiom goes generic in less than two years and is so far behind its budget.

Gemtesa’s main competitor goes generic in a year.

Myfembree is losing money.

and now Ulotaront bombs.

Next novel launch isn’t until 2033 and is based on Ulotaront.

AND…they are telling us the severances won’t be as good as what we were just offered.



Ok calm down and file back into the ranks young fella Let your leadership team work their plan. Get some rest tonite and plan to have a productive day out in your territory come morning. It’s all about message frequency so stay on point.

Good Selling

Relax, grasshopper. Aptiom did not make it until the third submission to the FDA, but eventually got approval.
I'm sure the studies will be redone in such a way that it will gain approval, maybe with a really specific label.

I hope they have a town hall on the latest quarterly results, speak candidly about them and what they’ll do moving forward. The Ulotaront news got all the attention and rightfully so, but it served as a distraction from the sales #’s

It’s no secret that leadership at this company is bottom of the pharma barrel. Tracking metrics on spread sheets is for the incompetent! It’s all they’re capable of doing in a desperate attempt to justify their existence.

I hope they have a town hall on the latest quarterly results, speak candidly about them and what they’ll do moving forward. The Ulotaront news got all the attention and rightfully so, but it served as a distraction from the sales #’s

speaking candidly about Aptiom that is behind from a revenue and budget and can make more money by stopping promotion?

or Myrbetriq going generic early next year which will crush Gemtesa?

or Myovant’s product sucking the life out of expenses?

or the psych franchise which was supposed to be our future?

or the fact that everyone is traveling and partying like it is 1999?

or the fact that we have more VP’s than all other levels combined?

nah, let’s talk about our great culture.

What about all those who took the package to leave here thinking they were going to greener pasture at Sage?

I took the package and don’t have a single regret. Sunovion was a dumpster fire filled with incompetence leaders who are driving the company into the ground. If Sage is a no go, I’ll roll into a new job elsewhere. Anything is better than Sunovion.