Bye Bye Gardisil, Hello Lawsuits

"153"? Well, that's just about as many Gardasil deaths that have been reported (144). In actuality, it's probably several times that number. And let's not forget the other 32,000 adverse reactions. They're often more than skin reactions. They're life-destroying illnesses. Go read the stories for yourself. It will take several days to get through them.

There is NO evidence of deaths related to Gardasil. If you actually read the article linked, you'd see that there are nearly a million patients that have been reviewed post Gardasil, no deaths. And adverse reactions were minimal.

You're taking data from VAERS, which is a passive, manipulated database of self-reported claims. There's a story of one report, where a child died in a car wreck after vaccination, and it was reported.

VAERS is not epidemiology. It isn't science. It is barely more than anecdotes and observation, which are not the basis for any type of conclusion.

Seriously, I thought this board was for thoughtful intelligent current and ex-Big Pharma people.

No people have died along the way, so it's hard to take anything from you as being serious. As for PAP's, yes they find the cancer, mostly. But prevention is much better.

Finally, a cash cow for Merck? First, if you actually had taken Finance in college or grad school, you're missing what exactly qualifies as a cash cow. But that's not germane to the conversation. The fact is, Merck and other companies make boatloads more money in sick people. Gardasil is three doses.

Oh, and you're forgetting about all the other HPV related cancers. Some of them nasty.

I would imagine you started drinking the Kool-Aid as a young kid huh? Probably sold it on hot days instead of lemonade from a stand outside your house...

Ah yes, enabling pre-teens and teens to have sex without repercussions. Doing God's work indeed. Be Well.
This is the sickest fucking post in CF history. I hope you don't have daughters or a wife. Most likely, they will be exposed to HPV. (Why am I wasting my time on an asshole who thinks teen-agers or whatever should not have sex or are the only people at risk) - Asshole

It's easily one of the best products in the company. And makes a real health impact. I'm not drinking any kool-aid. It's the facts, jack!

The only thing that I would agree with your stupid ass os is that Gardasil is one of Merck's best products. Merck has the shittiest products in the entire industry. Even a piece of shit like Gardasil looks good in that lineup, if you can get past all of the dead women it's left in its wake.

Ah yes, enabling pre-teens and teens to have sex without repercussions. Doing God's work indeed. Be Well.

Indeed, cervical cancer, head & neck cancer, anal cancer and laryngeal papillomatosis is god's work. How christian of you to think so.

You do know that one of the forensic procedures to provide evidence of child sexual abuse is infection of the child by HPV? To be clear, your skeevy neighbor, pastor, or priest sticks his HPV infested fingers or penis into the vagina or anus of little six year old Muffy and/or Biff.

Very easy to cause infection, and most adults are infected during their lifetime. For instance, your pretend christian husband probably got infected during his wild years and infected you.

That is why you get pap smears done. Or maybe you don't because you think you are "safe".

Sanctimonious moronic asswipe. Be Well.

The only thing that I would agree with your stupid ass os is that Gardasil is one of Merck's best products. Merck has the shittiest products in the entire industry. Even a piece of shit like Gardasil looks good in that lineup, if you can get past all of the dead women it's left in its wake.

What about all the dead boys? You always forget about them. Oh, I forgot, that is also a big covered up conspiracy. You'd think a whistleblower would make a load of money. Why don't you try?

Ah yes, enabling pre-teens and teens to have sex without repercussions. Doing God's work indeed. Be Well.

I know you're not exactly the brightest bulb in the pack, but maybe your wife, sons and daughters are as pure as the driven snow. But eventually they're going to lose their virginity and bang some dude who's carrying HPV. Or get raped. Or giving oral sex.

So, you hate people don't you? Psychopath.

The only thing that I would agree with your stupid ass os is that Gardasil is one of Merck's best products. Merck has the shittiest products in the entire industry. Even a piece of shit like Gardasil looks good in that lineup, if you can get past all of the dead women it's left in its wake.

There are no dead women. Unless you have a peer-reviewed scientific article that shows the number of women who have died, with definitive causality, as a result of Gardasil, I'd love to see. Because there aren't any.

And again, if you actually read the original article that's linked here, the author references to massive, one 300,000 young women, the other 600,000 young men and women, has shown NO deaths, NO serious adverse effects. If you knew anything about clinical research, 900,000 patients is a massive study. I mean it would root out tiny adverse events. And it didn't.

So really, I know you're just being a troll here, because you've got nothing better to do, but unless you have actual peer-reviewed evidence supporting your claims, I think it's best we just treat you without any respect or civility.

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