bye bye CB ....

Stop wasting your breath on TC she is the right color and gender and would have to have multiple offenses for HR to consider "letting go" not to mention they would have to find another qualified race/gender to replace somewhere within the company. I am currently employed w/ Forest mgmt (not in sales) but it is sad that there is a strong push for minority leaders. Who cares? We need the best person in the role and that is not always a Male/Female/Black/White/Asian etc... Sad but true.

It's pretty funny that guys e-mail to the world forced HR to address the North Florida circus. He must be feeling awesome! You're right about the DM(s) though. They'll just claim they were following orders from the douche at the top which probably isn't far from true. Since their "crimes against humanity" were in the workplace it'll slide.

Plain and simple SS was a reps manager and that is why we are doing so good now. He truly cared about his people and he was someone that you wanted to work hard for. It's a shame what happened and he will be very missed.

Coincidence that the backstabbing manager in Region 34 had dinner in NY with the Area HR manager and the next Monday an investigation is launched and two weeks later a RD and manager are terminated? Hmmmmm.........

Are you kidding me? SS came in and turned the Palmetto Division around in a year. We were nothing and he brought a breath of fresh air and winning attitude. He worked harder and cared about his people more than ANYBODY before. I am absolutely lost, in shock and will miss him very much.

He shouldn't have harrassed his employees. Power went to his head. Those defending him should feel shame.

He shouldn't have harrassed his employees. Power went to his head. Those defending him should feel shame.

Well once again we know which ONE rep this is referring to. Because yes if you didn't work he held you accountable. The other nine of us loved him and would have done ANYTHING for him so you and the one manager hater need to get a life and update your resumes while you are at it bc karma is a BITCH!!!