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by his own definition, a leadership failure


Explain this statement obama made opposing increasing the debt ceiling in 2006 under Bush but now says such a move would be reckless:

In 2006, then-Sen. Obama said on the Senate floor: "The fact that we're here today to debate raising America's debt is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit."


Yes, and focus on their bullshit about bipartisanship, having everyone sit together so opposition to obama's agenda isn't so obvious, and to tone down 'rhetoric' which you can translate to toning down opposition to his extremism. Maybe if they divert with this endless jabber, we'll miss the real issues!

But remember, he was supposed to be the bipartisan president. That is so far from the truth! He opposed it simply because it was the Bush administration but now wants anyone who opposes him to be chastised, defined as violent or a racist, or in this case, as reckless.

Like a bunch of giggling pre-pubescent Hanna Montana fans over the prospect of someone walking by with toilet tissue stuck to their shoe.

First of all, I didnt see this thread until it was referenced in another one.

Secondly, Obama will have to explain why he is taking a different approach. We shall see.

Now, I want YOU guys to explain the GOP flip flop. How many times did Bush raise the ceiling and where you so-call fiscal conservatives. Explain that.

And while you are at it, explain what programs and increased spending Obama added as a result of HIS policies and contrast those with the reasons GW added to the debt....like his unfunded wars, tax cuts, and prescription drug program- a program none of the beneficiaries paid into, but the cost has been shifted to the backs of future generations.

Like a bunch of giggling pre-pubescent Hanna Montana fans over the prospect of someone walking by with toilet tissue stuck to their shoe.

First of all, I didnt see this thread until it was referenced in another one.

Secondly, Obama will have to explain why he is taking a different approach. We shall see.

Now, I want YOU guys to explain the GOP flip flop. How many times did Bush raise the ceiling and where you so-call fiscal conservatives. Explain that.

And while you are at it, explain what programs and increased spending Obama added as a result of HIS policies and contrast those with the reasons GW added to the debt....like his unfunded wars, tax cuts, and prescription drug program- a program none of the beneficiaries paid into, but the cost has been shifted to the backs of future generations.

Why is it you keep trying to answer a question with a question when it is more than obvious that Obama lied again and this is total bullshit.

It seems odd to me that you keep brining up Bush when he has been out of office for over 2 years and on the first day of Congress you were screaming "Where's the jobs". You are a putz.

Why is it you keep trying to answer a question with a question when it is more than obvious that Obama lied again and this is total bullshit.

It seems odd to me that you keep brining up Bush when he has been out of office for over 2 years and on the first day of Congress you were screaming "Where's the jobs". You are a putz.

Funny how he demands others answer questions but he never seems to be able to. It is always about trying to evade the question and point fingers in another direction in the desperate attempt and hope that no one notices he can't address the question.

Like a bunch of giggling pre-pubescent Hanna Montana fans over the prospect of someone walking by with toilet tissue stuck to their shoe.

First of all, I didnt see this thread until it was referenced in another one.

Secondly, Obama will have to explain why he is taking a different approach. We shall see.

Now, I want YOU guys to explain the GOP flip flop. How many times did Bush raise the ceiling and where you so-call fiscal conservatives. Explain that.

And while you are at it, explain what programs and increased spending Obama added as a result of HIS policies and contrast those with the reasons GW added to the debt....like his unfunded wars, tax cuts, and prescription drug program- a program none of the beneficiaries paid into, but the cost has been shifted to the backs of future generations.

Typical RABBY fashion, make some off handed "he will have to answer that" and then proceed with his usual "Yeah but Bush" routine.

Yeah, like you libtardiots are going to make your Dear Leader answer for anything.

As for how Odummyfuckers policies have increased spending? Very simple

1) The Porkulus Bill
2) Cash for clunkers
3) Odummycare
4) War in Iraq he said he was going to end
5) Running GITMO he said he was going to close
6) Ramping up war in Afghanistan killing more US soldiers.


Why is it you keep trying to answer a question with a question when it is more than obvious that Obama lied again and this is total bullshit.

It seems odd to me that you keep brining up Bush when he has been out of office for over 2 years and on the first day of Congress you were screaming "Where's the jobs". You are a putz.

Do you have any intention of answering a direct question on the thread you started? Is what the tea party fundraiser letter disgusting too?

Typical RABBY fashion, make some off handed "he will have to answer that" and then proceed with his usual "Yeah but Bush" routine.

Yeah, like you libtardiots are going to make your Dear Leader answer for anything.

As for how Odummyfuckers policies have increased spending? Very simple

1) The Porkulus Bill
2) Cash for clunkers
3) Odummycare
4) War in Iraq he said he was going to end
5) Running GITMO he said he was going to close
6) Ramping up war in Afghanistan killing more US soldiers.


1- Stimulus Bill was made up of 40% tax cuts and not all of it spent. Are you know admitting tax cuts have added to the deficit? Let me know.

2- Partly paid back which will be in the future.

3- Fully funded with savings from Medicare Advantage subsidies to private insurers that do nothing but line their pocket, some taxes, premiums. CBO estimates saving of over $100B unless the CBO doesnt count now.

4- True, it is adding to deficit.....he didnt start that war but he is continuing it/winding it down....but you tell me when the GOP said no to raising the debt ceiling then. I say dont spend another dime there. But if its winding down, is the spending DECREASING?

5= True, I say dont spend another dime there. But when did the GOP say no to raising the debt ceiling because of this.
6- True, but I say dont spend another dime there. But again, when did the GOP say no to raising the debt ceiling for this policy under Bush.

1- Stimulus Bill was made up of 40% tax cuts and not all of it spent. Are you know admitting tax cuts have added to the deficit? Let me know.

2- Partly paid back which will be in the future.

3- Fully funded with savings from Medicare Advantage subsidies to private insurers that do nothing but line their pocket, some taxes, premiums. CBO estimates saving of over $100B unless the CBO doesnt count now.

4- True, it is adding to deficit.....he didnt start that war but he is continuing it/winding it down....but you tell me when the GOP said no to raising the debt ceiling then. I say dont spend another dime there. But if its winding down, is the spending DECREASING?

5= True, I say dont spend another dime there. But when did the GOP say no to raising the debt ceiling because of this.
6- True, but I say dont spend another dime there. But again, when did the GOP say no to raising the debt ceiling for this policy under Bush.

Another Rabby special, when SHANKED he gives you his ole "Yeah, but" routine.


BTW, You might want to go research #3 again. That isn't what the CBO is saying today. Just sayin puddin.

But, regardless of the CBO, lets use some sheer common sense. Do you really think that ANY gobblement program extended to 30 million people is really going to decrease the deficit? Seriously? Come on Rabby, I know you are all Rex Ryan for Odummyfucker, but come on baby. Even you gotta know in your heart of hearts that it ain't so

Don't miss that RAB has managed to divert the conversation from another obama failure. Too bad he just walked into another one.

The healthcare reform bill costs are another matter of smoke and mirrors. They include fewer years of costs and more years of revenues. Included in those revenues are cuts and wishful thinking that is not madated by the bil,, and things like the SGR that gets readjusted each year. Anyone who thinks this thing isn't going to cost a boatload doesn't know basic math.

And RAB, we're not tlaking about whether or not the GOP said no to raising the debt ceiling. No one debates that Bush spent like a drunken sailor. Trouble is, obama spends like a drunken fleet. The issue is, how does he get by saying the need to increase the debt ceiling is a leadership failure in 2006 and therefore he opposed raising the limit, yet in 2010 to not raise it is reckless? Here I thought all you libbies were so upset by hypocrisy.
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Another Rabby special, when SHANKED he gives you his ole "Yeah, but" routine.


BTW, You might want to go research #3 again. That isn't what the CBO is saying today. Just sayin puddin.

But, regardless of the CBO, lets use some sheer common sense. Do you really think that ANY gobblement program extended to 30 million people is really going to decrease the deficit? Seriously? Come on Rabby, I know you are all Rex Ryan for Odummyfucker, but come on baby. Even you gotta know in your heart of hearts that it ain't so

"yeah but"??

Point out the "where but" in my post. Lame, even for your cutnrun standards.

The only one Rex Ryan around here is YOU and the threads you run from, like this one you're about to.


SHANKED and DISPOSED OF, once again.

Don't miss that RAB has managed to divert the conversation from another obama failure. Too bad he just walked into another one.

The healthcare reform bill costs are another matter of smoke and mirrors. They include fewer years of costs and more years of revenues. Included in those revenues are cuts and wishful thinking that is not madated by the bil,, and things like the SGR that gets readjusted each year. Anyone who thinks this thing isn't going to cost a boatload doesn't know basic math.

And RAB, we're not tlaking about whether or not the GOP said no to raising the debt ceiling. No one debates that Bush spent like a drunken sailor. Trouble is, obama spends like a drunken fleet. The issue is, how does he get by saying the need to increase the debt ceiling is a leadership failure in 2006 and therefore he opposed raising the limit, yet in 2010 to not raise it is reckless? Here I thought all you libbies were so upset by hypocrisy.

Then, you must have the figures to back that claim up. Drunken fleet? Lets see the figures. Surely, you must have those numbers of how much he has added to the deficit based on policies he has initiated.


You really cannot admit reality with this guy. Despite the facts, you cannot admit his hypocricy. AND, once again, yo try to change the subject and avoid the topic of the thread that you refuse to address yet just go and dig yet another hole.

Here is the simple facts about his statements in 2006 compared to now:
The interesting part of Obama's statement above though, is it was made in a Senate Floor speech in March of 2006 when the issue was raising the debt ceiling to $9 trillion, versus where it stands now at $14.3 trillion and now Obama is President and the shoe is on the other foot.

Just how many times does someone need to find this deficit information for you? It's not like you'll believe it anyway. You're going to live in your fantasy land and keep supporting this guy. BTW, his budget also does not include the full price of the wars, and most estimates don't inclue the cost of the health care 'reform' package. (And yes, Hairy, I know some of these reference the deficit and some of these the debt). Let me know if you would like more or if you're just going to ignore all these sources too.

Obamacare, in fact, does not save money. The belief that it does is based on a last-minute analysis from the Congressional Budget Office before the legislation was passed that found that the new health law would reduce the federal deficit by $138 billion over 10 years. But CBO calculations were based on 10 years of revenues under the plan and just six years of expenditures. A straight-up balance sheet shows the plan adding $114 billion annually to the national debt by 2020. CBO now reports that the student loan nationalization slipped into the health care legislation will add an additional $52 billion in debt by the end of the decade.

On March 24, the day after the president signed Obamacare into law, CBO released an analysis of the president's latest budget proposal. The numbers are sobering. The lowest annual deficit will be $724 billion in 2014, and the red ink will rise every year thereafter. Net interest payments will nearly triple from 1.4 percent of gross domestic product in 2010 to 4.1 percent in 2020. Interest payments alone will consume $5.6 trillion this decade.

The Obama budget adds $12.8 trillion to public debt between 2009 and 2020, growing from $7.5 trillion to $20.3 trillion. The current, very high 63 percent ratio of debt to GDP will rise to an unsustainable 90 percent by the end of the decade and is expected to soar to more than 100 percent in later years. So while Mr. Obama claims to be concerned about deficits, he is in fact driving the United States to international pauper status.

It's no wonder that the president attempts to portray himself as some kind of deficit hawk. Polling indicates that the swiftly mounting national debt is a leading issue going into the 2010 election season. The Obama administration routinely asserts that these were problems the O Force inherited, even though final CBO estimates of projected debt from the George W. Bush administration were much lower, and the base line debt assumptions are raised consistently with each new estimate. Most shocking, the current dire numbers are based on the belief that the economy will recover quickly and fully from its present woes. If the Obama team's rosy scenarios do not come to pass, these record peacetime deficits will grow even higher.

In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.

The CBO predicted this week that the annual budget deficit for fiscal 2010, which ends on the last day of this month, will exceed $1.3 trillion. The first two fiscal years in which Obama has served will see the two biggest federal deficits as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product since the end of World War II. “CBO currently estimates that the deficit for 2010 will be about $70 billion below last year’s total but will still exceed $1.3 trillion,” said the CBO’s monthly budget review for September, which was released yesterday. “Relative to the size of the economy, this year’s deficit is expected to be the second-largest shortfall in the past 65 years

Back in 2006, when Democrats were hoping to win control of the House and Senate, party leaders worked themselves into a righteous outrage over the issue of out-of-control federal spending. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called the Republican budget “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic” because it increased the amount of U.S. debt held by foreign countries. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., accused Republicans of going on “an unprecedented and dangerous borrowing spree” and declared GOP leadership “the most fiscally irresponsible in the history of our country … no other president or Congress even comes close.”

But a check of historical tables compiled by the Office of Management and Budget shows that the spending that so distressed Pelosi and Reid seems downright modest today. After beginning with a Clinton-era surplus of $128 billion in fiscal year 2001, the Bush administration racked up deficits of $158 billion in 2002, $378 billion in 2003, $413 billion in 2004, $318 billion in 2005, $248 billion in 2006, $162 billion in 2007, and $410 billion in 2008.

The current administration would kill to have such small numbers. President Barack Obama is unveiling his budget this week, and, in addition to the inherited Bush deficit, he’s adding his own spending at an astonishing pace, projecting annual deficits well beyond $1 trillion in the near future, and, in the rosiest possible scenario, a $533 billion deficit in fiscal year 2013, the last year of Obama’s first term.

The CBO and the White House are in relative agreement about the short-term budget picture, with both predicting a deficit of about $1.5 trillion this year -- a post-World War II record at 10.3 percent of the overall economy -- and $1.3 trillion in 2011. But the CBO is considerably less optimistic about future years, predicting that deficits would never fall below 4 percent of the economy under Obama's policies and would begin to grow rapidly after 2015. Deficits of that magnitude would force the Treasury to continue borrowing at prodigious rates, sending the national debt soaring to 90 percent of the economy by 2020, the CBO said. Interest payments on the debt would also skyrocket by $800 billion over the same period.
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You really cannot admit reality with this guy. AND, once again, try to change the subject and avoid the topic of the thread that you refuse to address yet just go and dig yet another hole. Let me know if you would like more or if your just going to ignore all these sources too.

Here is the simple facts about his statements in 2006 compared to now:
The interesting part of Obama's statement above though, is it was made in a Senate Floor speech in March of 2006 when the issue was raising the debt ceiling to $9 trillion, versus where it stands now at $14.3 trillion and now Obama is President and the shoe is on the other foot.

Just how many times does someone need to find this deficit information for you? It's not like you'll believe it anyway. You're going to live in your fantasy land and keep supporting this guy. BTW, his budget also does not include the full price of the wars, and most estimates don't inclue the cost of the health care 'reform' package. (And yes, Hairy, I know some of these reference the deficit and some of these the debt).

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/apr/6/obamas-deficit-deception/Obamacare, in fact, does not save money. The belief that it does is based on a last-minute analysis from the Congressional Budget Office before the legislation was passed that found that the new health law would reduce the federal deficit by $138 billion over 10 years. But CBO calculations were based on 10 years of revenues under the plan and just six years of expenditures. A straight-up balance sheet shows the plan adding $114 billion annually to the national debt by 2020. CBO now reports that the student loan nationalization slipped into the health care legislation will add an additional $52 billion in debt by the end of the decade.

On March 24, the day after the president signed Obamacare into law, CBO released an analysis of the president's latest budget proposal. The numbers are sobering. The lowest annual deficit will be $724 billion in 2014, and the red ink will rise every year thereafter. Net interest payments will nearly triple from 1.4 percent of gross domestic product in 2010 to 4.1 percent in 2020. Interest payments alone will consume $5.6 trillion this decade.

The Obama budget adds $12.8 trillion to public debt between 2009 and 2020, growing from $7.5 trillion to $20.3 trillion. The current, very high 63 percent ratio of debt to GDP will rise to an unsustainable 90 percent by the end of the decade and is expected to soar to more than 100 percent in later years. So while Mr. Obama claims to be concerned about deficits, he is in fact driving the United States to international pauper status.

It's no wonder that the president attempts to portray himself as some kind of deficit hawk. Polling indicates that the swiftly mounting national debt is a leading issue going into the 2010 election season. The Obama administration routinely asserts that these were problems the O Force inherited, even though final CBO estimates of projected debt from the George W. Bush administration were much lower, and the base line debt assumptions are raised consistently with each new estimate. Most shocking, the current dire numbers are based on the belief that the economy will recover quickly and fully from its present woes. If the Obama team's rosy scenarios do not come to pass, these record peacetime deficits will grow even higher.

In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.

The CBO predicted this week that the annual budget deficit for fiscal 2010, which ends on the last day of this month, will exceed $1.3 trillion. The first two fiscal years in which Obama has served will see the two biggest federal deficits as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product since the end of World War II. “CBO currently estimates that the deficit for 2010 will be about $70 billion below last year’s total but will still exceed $1.3 trillion,” said the CBO’s monthly budget review for September, which was released yesterday. “Relative to the size of the economy, this year’s deficit is expected to be the second-largest shortfall in the past 65 years

Back in 2006, when Democrats were hoping to win control of the House and Senate, party leaders worked themselves into a righteous outrage over the issue of out-of-control federal spending. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called the Republican budget “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic” because it increased the amount of U.S. debt held by foreign countries. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., accused Republicans of going on “an unprecedented and dangerous borrowing spree” and declared GOP leadership “the most fiscally irresponsible in the history of our country … no other president or Congress even comes close.”

But a check of historical tables compiled by the Office of Management and Budget shows that the spending that so distressed Pelosi and Reid seems downright modest today. After beginning with a Clinton-era surplus of $128 billion in fiscal year 2001, the Bush administration racked up deficits of $158 billion in 2002, $378 billion in 2003, $413 billion in 2004, $318 billion in 2005, $248 billion in 2006, $162 billion in 2007, and $410 billion in 2008.

The current administration would kill to have such small numbers. President Barack Obama is unveiling his budget this week, and, in addition to the inherited Bush deficit, he’s adding his own spending at an astonishing pace, projecting annual deficits well beyond $1 trillion in the near future, and, in the rosiest possible scenario, a $533 billion deficit in fiscal year 2013, the last year of Obama’s first term.

The CBO and the White House are in relative agreement about the short-term budget picture, with both predicting a deficit of about $1.5 trillion this year -- a post-World War II record at 10.3 percent of the overall economy -- and $1.3 trillion in 2011. But the CBO is considerably less optimistic about future years, predicting that deficits would never fall below 4 percent of the economy under Obama's policies and would begin to grow rapidly after 2015. Deficits of that magnitude would force the Treasury to continue borrowing at prodigious rates, sending the national debt soaring to 90 percent of the economy by 2020, the CBO said. Interest payments on the debt would also skyrocket by $800 billion over the same period.

Honey, no one can read this. And beside, many of links dont work.

But let me take the links that DO work.


That one discusses the debt ceiling. I asked you to provide me the figures of what Obama has advanced to increase the debt. FAIL!


Obama's tax-cutting agenda is by far the biggest contributor to those budget gaps, the CBO said. As part of his campaign pledge to protect families making less than $250,000 a year from new taxes, the president is proposing to prevent the alternative minimum tax from expanding to ensnare millions of additional taxpayers. He also wants to make permanent a series of tax cuts enacted during the Bush administration, which are scheduled to expire at the end of this year.

The link talks specifically to the differences between the WH estimates and the CBO estimates. The above quote specifically talks about a particular policy as the cause. It still reads policies that are already in place and nothing new that he proposed and put in place. He has the option to discontinue those, but it still doesnt address the fundamental question:

what Obama policies had he instituted was the cause of the deficit increase?

If they were in place when he took office, then those policies caused deficits previously.

But here is his big signature policy and what YOUR source states:

Other policy changes, such as Obama's signature health-care initiative and a plan to dramatically expand the federal student loan program, would have significant effects on the budget, Elmendorf wrote, but they generally would be paid for and therefore would not drive deficits higher.

Fo the other sources, get better links. But based on what you have highligted, it seems to only talk about the increase in debt but does not attribute that specifically what Obama placed in the budget. Remember, increases in public debt are caused by a number of factors such as interest on PREVIOUS debt and lower tax receipts due to economic downturns, and increased in outlays DUE to economic downturns.

So, again show me with facts and figures what makes up that Obama "spending spree" you fuckers talk about. Why is it so hard for you to back it up.

Yes RAB, the first link was in regard to the debt ceiling. You know, the topic you refuse to address on this thread? In case you missed it, obama is a leadership failure.

As to obama increasing the deficit, well, there's the proof. No matter the facts, RAB will ignore it. This is a basic requirement to being an odummy follower.
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Yes RAB, the first link was in regard to the debt ceiling. You know, the topic you refuse to address on this thread? In case you missed it, obama is a leadership failure.

As to obama increasing the deficit, well, there's the proof. No matter the facts, RAB will ignore it. This is a basic requirement to being an odummy follower.

What is striking is how you pretend to be an intelligent thinker but when called on the carpet, what you do is double down on your disproven sources and call names.

No one denies the deficit increased. That is not the issue. The issue is WHAT caused the deficit to increased. Since you guys claimed due to an Obama spending spree but cant back up what that is, then all it says is you have nothing.

The causes of the increased deficit are as follows:

lower tax receipts
higher spending
increased interest expense on PREVIOUS deficit balances.

Try and look at it this way. Lets say a wife ran up the family's credit card to the tune of $50K with frivolous expenditures like shopping sprees and spa visits with the girls.

Husband takes card away but right before that, both gets laid off from work.

Because of the lower income, they paid down virtually nothing on the previous balance.

Husband spends $200 on a new bowling ball.

1 yr later, the balance has ballooned $60 due to $10K on interest from previous debt.

Becaue the debt increased $10K while the card was in possession of the card, you are blaming HIM for that entire debt including that increase even though he only spent $200 on that bowling ball.

Even a 5th grader can understand that math. Until you list those items that Obama initiated for the massive ballooning of the debt, you will forever be OWNED on this. Im not interested in wingnut sites with hair on fire pronouncements that the debt went up while Obama has the "credit card". WE already know that. Either put up or shut up on such a very simple question.
