
Ha. No way Rez, Kenny, MF, SB are still there!? Last I heard Rez was pretty deep into being investigated, and Kenny had quite a few HR complaints against him for getting cross eyed drunk at work meetings in front of reps. I thought Sweden cut off their supply and shut down the US. What they hell are they trying to sell now? Vitamins? Aerospan? I really have never seen a more embarrassing company, leadership, and sales force. Joey and the AMR team are the only thing they have going for them.

Joey got fired, went to another company, got fired and now some small generic pharma gave him a chance until they fire him.

They sold to Mylan and US operations will all be cut in August. Leadership tried to negotiate a severance package, but failed at that as well. All they have ever done is fail. That's what losers do.

Joey got fired, went to another company, got fired and now some small generic pharma gave him a chance until they fire him.

They sold to Mylan and US operations will all be cut in August. Leadership tried to negotiate a severance package, but failed at that as well. All they have ever done is fail. That's what losers do.

the gobs tried to negotiate, now that is funny! that CREATURE MR is still aliive? last i saw of him was in atl airport and had to be transported on one of those golf carts to wherever he was going. guess he couldnt make the walk. that was about 5 years ago and i figured his health maybe had 6 months left.