
"What we need to be successful after the aquisition is a sales force that has driven in circles pushing me too runny nose drugs and a beyond bloated management team with a structure that made sense in the 1980s"

Said no pharma executive with a clue ever

nope! everything on hold. forensic accountants brought in bc its that ugly . Word is that the bigger the bellies got around here the bigger the money! Guess thats why we saw all the GOBS appear with glamour shots all at the same time on the internet. looks like everyone took good care of themselves. Especially the rez- looking stunning. did he take up crossfit?

mylan can back out of the deal but it would be costly. if i were them i would get out while they still can. meda us is the only pharma company that was run not for profitability by its management team. they ran it like a country club food and booze checkered pants organization.