Buyout....Most Likely Scenario?

You all do realize that Judge Du's ruling had nothing to do with Reduce it data and that it was strictly about Marine, right?

Wait, so the generic EPA won't have CV risk benefits because the Marine trial was all that was referenced in the lawsuit? I for some reason thought that EPA was EPA and that physicians were smart enough to know that! Wow, was I dumb for thinking that stuff....

Don't be a fool.... at least not somewhere like this.

What a cesspool this place can be (cafepharma).

Nobody is going to buy a company under litigation, especially this type of litigation. Regardless, JT doesn't decide who buys the company. This isn't a privately owned business. The shareholders and board decide the fate. At this point, the company files an appeal and sees what comes of it. The salesforce stays in place, the home office stays in place and we all have a 12 - 18 month waiting period to see what becomes of all this.

Rumors and / or lies regarding what is happening help no one, with the exception of the bitter former employees who write in caplocked red text and attempt to sow discord among the winners.

Stay the course and keep doing what you are doing. This will work out for the best in the end.

Chill out y’all. There may have been a procedural error in the judge’s ruling that will likely overturn it. Look it up. Don’t be leaving your job because an interview for another fish oil goes well. Those jobs are’t going to materialize.

Chill out y’all. There may have been a procedural error in the judge’s ruling that will likely overturn it. Look it up. Don’t be leaving your job because an interview for another fish oil goes well. Those jobs are’t going to materialize.

Okay JT. Because an analyst interviewed one Harvard patent attorney and he said that? Do us all a favor as you’ve messed up plenty of lives...resign and sell the company ASAP before bankruptcy happens