
This is nothing new for Butler. They pulled the same card out of their hat when they cut the notorious deal with VCA. They started it all by offering low ball margins in order to pry the business away from the equally scummy folks at Henry Schein. Adding VMG to the list just makes sense to the geniuses who run the show at Butler. They are pursuing additional low margin business to offset profit loss by hopefully increasing sales volume. This is a tough way to survive but look at what it did for MWI.

Ask a Butler sales rep how they stand to benefit from this latest move by their company. How do think these folks will fare the next time Butler changes hands? It did wonders for their collective income last time.

Want to have some fun? Take a look at the current membership of VMG. How many of these veterinarians ever put much value in distribution anyway? A good many of them are notorius price shoppers who consider themselves to be superior to the less fortunate colleage down the street.
Birds of a feather flock together in a dog eat dog world!

Veterinary Management Groups (VMG) are the fastest growing veterinary alliance in the United States. There are currently 10 VMG groups. Each is made up of twenty owners of some of the finest equine and companion animal practices in the country. Their national constituency allows members the freedom of in-depth discussions of the many challenges of veterinary practice management. The resulting practices are known for their forward thinking approaches to facilities, employees, client relations and patient care. Their shared experiences enable them to take advantage of proven opportunities and avoid those which will waste valuable time, talent, and resources. The effect is best described as dynamic stability. Their combined business strength encourages vendors and suppliers to form strategic alliances with the VMG network thereby encouraging further efficiencies and opportunities. These practices are positioning themselves for stable futures and to provide the best possible patient care in the 21st century.
Consider VMG hospital opportunities when you consider your future!

jggg26That's great....... your fastest growing veterinary alliance in the United States will put distributors out of business. You can then deal with manufacturers directly.... WOW .... good luck, if you can't charge $500 for a neuter ......guess what .........you were :)

First of all Vendors don't give a shit what distribution sells stuff for as long as the orders keep coming in.
Just like Butler has sold out so have the Vendors. We will all suffer from these poor business practices.
The name of the game to keep your head above water is decent margin %, Butler is going to drown us all.

My co has bigger bowel movements than butler. These little battles unfortunately only hurt the reps caught in the crossfire.

Re: Butler/Vetsource

It has come to my attention that Vetsource has just signed a deal to provide the pharmacy filling for WagRx/Amazon.com

How do I get manufacturer contracts to buy direct and 10-20% under vet list costs and then turn around to sell to Amazon.com and it's owned entities?

Good job Pfizer and Merial