

Anyone that worked in Wilmington HQ and didn't see this coming was either incredibly naive or extremely stupid. They have been chipping away at this for years.

I know!!! That's why I left and never looked back! I saw the writing on the wall with buildings C and D. I started applying other places shortly after that

Does getting out from under that huge real estate mill stone help lay the ground work for some future merger action?

Possibly. It says they have signed a long term lease, but we all know how good AZ's promises are. AZ will have no problem whatsoever paying that rental fee, then eating the costs when the right opportunity to haul ass out of Wilmington comes. Like they say, it's much easier and quicker to leave when you don't own the buildings.

Sad but true. So glad I'm not there anymore!

The whopping 1,500 employees who are left need to wake up and see the signs. It's definitely a lot easier to pack up and leave Delaware when you are merely renting the space! That's why they sold it and are leasing for an "undisclosed" period of time- they are buying time and not looking to stay there long term! Ha, and the "new office design" they're talking about for the existing space - they are going to take away most of the personal office spaces at HQ and go all open concept- they are trying to be like Medimmune- "collaboration" tables with employees packed in like sardines. These types of environments don't foster collaboration, they stifle it.

Good luck to those who are left! The end of an era is near and it's going to be rough!

Sad but true. So glad I'm not there anymore!

The whopping 1,500 employees who are left need to wake up and see the signs. It's definitely a lot easier to pack up and leave Delaware when you are merely renting the space! That's why they sold it and are leasing for an "undisclosed" period of time- they are buying time and not looking to stay there long term! Ha, and the "new office design" they're talking about for the existing space - they are going to take away most of the personal office spaces at HQ and go all open concept- they are trying to be like Medimmune- "collaboration" tables with employees packed in like sardines. These types of environments don't foster collaboration, they stifle it.

Good luck to those who are left! The end of an era is near and it's going to be rough!

Open concept and collaboration areas, You better find out who the farters are and try to sit away from them.

Sad but true. So glad I'm not there anymore!

The whopping 1,500 employees who are left need to wake up and see the signs. It's definitely a lot easier to pack up and leave Delaware when you are merely renting the space! That's why they sold it and are leasing for an "undisclosed" period of time- they are buying time and not looking to stay there long term! Ha, and the "new office design" they're talking about for the existing space - they are going to take away most of the personal office spaces at HQ and go all open concept- they are trying to be like Medimmune- "collaboration" tables with employees packed in like sardines. These types of environments don't foster collaboration, they stifle it.

Good luck to those who are left! The end of an era is near and it's going to be rough!

What is so different than what already happens at corporate?

Need to find team leaders? Just head to the cafe any time of day. Open BS been around for years.

What is so different than what already happens at corporate?

Need to find team leaders? Just head to the cafe any time of day. Open BS been around for years.

Yes but the inner circle is getting smaller every day. When the ordained ones begin to jump ship then you know the game is just about over. HQ is a ghost town and those remaining are walking dead.

Down from 80 acres to 2 office buildings that are 380,000 sq. ft!! That's smaller than a Costco building! Old Frenchie has almost run AZ under the ground! The Board is just as responsible as he is! They are all crooks!

How many of you lazy ass reps and managers out there are still sitting around on your delusional asses thinking, "as long as I do a good job, yuk! yuk!, I'm safe!" Left a year ago, and it was the best move I could have ever made! Buh-Bye is right!

Down from 80 acres to 2 office buildings that are 380,000 sq. ft!! That's smaller than a Costco building! Old Frenchie has almost run AZ under the ground! The Board is just as responsible as he is! They are all crooks!

How many of you lazy ass reps and managers out there are still sitting around on your delusional asses thinking, "as long as I do a good job, yuk! yuk!, I'm safe!" Left a year ago, and it was the best move I could have ever made! Buh-Bye is right!

Within 2 years the Wilmington campus will be a combination of nursing home and assisted living. One thing won't change though, a bunch of demented old fucks will be sitting around sipping coffee in the cafe and talking about the old times.