BSX reps talking about reliability

There is nobody more full of shit on the entire CP website than you. You maintain you've been taking BSX forward for years when in reality there isn't a BSX rep in the country who has grown . Hence the introduction of the EA. You my friend are a Walter Mitty of the highest order, you're living in fantasy land where issuing a tech note or advisory is a statement of quality rather than an admission of poor manufacturing or QC. Look in the mirror douche your competitors are cleaning you out.

You have to love this site. You speak as if you know me but you have no clue. You obviously were spit out of CRM at some point and are now on here angry and taking up for st Jude. Please stoP wasting our time. I have been around a long time and well before 05. I am not on an ea. you are also quite ignorant as you can't understand that hiding your problems and not issuing an advisory is equal to quality. Once more go back for each gdt advisory and look at total failures. Add the actual failures up if you are able. Then look at what stj is dealing with. You really think there is a comparison? Multiple deaths and thousands of failures is what you will find with Riata/Durata. And let me tell you a lead issue is MUCH more difficult to deal w than a device issue. Of course since you are ignorant to CRM you probably don't get that. So while you Dwell in the past we deal with a real and present problem. So all of this bs aside why do you talk about your poor recollection of the past and ignore what stj is doing to patients?????? Why don't you stick to selling tampons and forget about cp.

We do have a clue about you, we can read it in your posts.! You are a bitter individual who has struggled against STJ since 2005 and you feel that they haven't had to work hard to beat you. Your posts also demonstrate that you stuck it out at GDT/BSX because you are gullible enough to believe the spin originally put out in that disastrous Summer. Now, when you are too old and institutionalized to move on, a bit like Brooks in The Shawshank Redemption, you find yourself super excited by the Riata/Durata stories, in fact your almost pissing yourself it's so close. But its taking a little bit too long isn't it, you're getting angry because those STJ fuckers came out with Quadpole and Dr's kept buying from them. You're concerned that they( STJ) may get away with it and all the time BSX issue recall after recall and insist on calling it transparency.
It's so frustrating, those dirty STJ reps earning all that money, that should've been you....!!!!

Truth hurts when it's all down in B+w doesn't it pencil dick.


We do have a clue about you, we can read it in your posts.! You are a bitter individual who has struggled against STJ since 2005 and you feel that they haven't had to work hard to beat you. Your posts also demonstrate that you stuck it out at GDT/BSX because you are gullible enough to believe the spin originally put out in that disastrous Summer. Now, when you are too old and institutionalized to move on, a bit like Brooks in The Shawshank Redemption, you find yourself super excited by the Riata/Durata stories, in fact your almost pissing yourself it's so close. But its taking a little bit too long isn't it, you're getting angry because those STJ fuckers came out with Quadpole and Dr's kept buying from them. You're concerned that they( STJ) may get away with it and all the time BSX issue recall after recall and insist on calling it transparency.
It's so frustrating, those dirty STJ reps earning all that money, that should've been you....!!!!

Truth hurts when it's all down in B+w doesn't it pencil dick.


Omg you are hopeless. I've NEVER seen quad pole by the way. That should tell you something. So besides tampons what do or did you sell? And btw I'm not bitter. As you can see dipshit everything I've been saying has come to pass. And you just can't handle that can you. I think you were riffed from BSC and have an axe to grind. I feel for sorry for you.

I can't tell you how many leads we've replaced and we've seen optim leads fail as well! Why don't you tell us why Durata is being questioned and make a case for your crap products instead of this emotional whiny crap you always post. You have no subtance Riata/Durata boy.

Hauser: "Conclusions Riata ST Optim™ and Durata ICD leads have failed due to insulation abrasions. Optim™ did not prevent these abrasions, which developed ≤4 years after implant. "

ring ring ring ring.........Guten Tag, es der haupstitz BIOTRONIK, wi helfen du?
("Translation" Hello, Biotronik Headquarters, can I help you?)

"Biotronik headquarters? GREAT! So yah this is Dan Starks, you know the president of St Jude, hmmm, yah anyway, Im gonna need 876,987 of your defib leads.....and could you please overnight fedex these to Little Canada, MN asap......oh yah and could we keep this confidential? Donkenshon my friends!!"

We do have a clue about you, we can read it in your posts.! You are a bitter individual who has struggled against STJ since 2005 and you feel that they haven't had to work hard to beat you. Your posts also demonstrate that you stuck it out at GDT/BSX because you are gullible enough to believe the spin originally put out in that disastrous Summer. Now, when you are too old and institutionalized to move on, a bit like Brooks in The Shawshank Redemption, you find yourself super excited by the Riata/Durata stories, in fact your almost pissing yourself it's so close. But its taking a little bit too long isn't it, you're getting angry because those STJ fuckers came out with Quadpole and Dr's kept buying from them. You're concerned that they( STJ) may get away with it and all the time BSX issue recall after recall and insist on calling it transparency.
It's so frustrating, those dirty STJ reps earning all that money, that should've been you....!!!!

Truth hurts when it's all down in B+w doesn't it pencil dick.


Such a great post..........

We do have a clue about you, we can read it in your posts.! You are a bitter individual who has struggled against STJ since 2005 and you feel that they haven't had to work hard to beat you. Your posts also demonstrate that you stuck it out at GDT/BSX because you are gullible enough to believe the spin originally put out in that disastrous Summer. Now, when you are too old and institutionalized to move on, a bit like Brooks in The Shawshank Redemption, you find yourself super excited by the Riata/Durata stories, in fact your almost pissing yourself it's so close. But its taking a little bit too long isn't it, you're getting angry because those STJ fuckers came out with Quadpole and Dr's kept buying from them. You're concerned that they( STJ) may get away with it and all the time BSX issue recall after recall and insist on calling it transparency.
It's so frustrating, those dirty STJ reps earning all that money, that should've been you....!!!!

Truth hurts when it's all down in B+w doesn't it pencil dick.


Well ladies this is my last post on this thread. This is a futile effort as I'm dealing with mental midgets that think stj has done nothing wrong and since they don't communicate they are leaders in quality. I've not once gotten a straight answer from a stj rep in regards to quality and performance of their products. I've addressed our experiences beginning on 05 as it relates to pt deaths and overall failure rates. I realize to a rookie or someone outside this industry it appears stj is highly reliable. However those of us in this industry know the truth. Stj refuses to report even in the face of intense scrutiny from every major kol. Also their continued success relies on unethical payments for various "programs" and "studies". I've seen very large payments that have never been exposed to the public. Its unfortunate but true. So until these physicians are exposed or have a high profile catastrophe they will continue to prop up their cash cow. Stj has very low share in my area mainly due to physicians with integrity that stand up for pts. As for the newbie on here I have no respect for you. I'm not sure why you defend stj's handling of this situation but it doesn't really matter. The fact is I've told the truth and almost everything I've discussed has come to pass. Stj is being exposed as the frauds they are. There is a good chance Durata will be pulled and this saga will be over except for managing the thousands of unfortunate pts with these deadly
Leads. So it's been fun boys and girls but I've nothing left to prove.

Well ladies this is my last post on this thread. This is a futile effort as I'm dealing with mental midgets that think stj has done nothing wrong and since they don't communicate they are leaders in quality. I've not once gotten a straight answer from a stj rep in regards to quality and performance of their products. I've addressed our experiences beginning on 05 as it relates to pt deaths and overall failure rates. I realize to a rookie or someone outside this industry it appears stj is highly reliable. However those of us in this industry know the truth. Stj refuses to report even in the face of intense scrutiny from every major kol. Also their continued success relies on unethical payments for various "programs" and "studies". I've seen very large payments that have never been exposed to the public. Its unfortunate but true. So until these physicians are exposed or have a high profile catastrophe they will continue to prop up their cash cow. Stj has very low share in my area mainly due to physicians with integrity that stand up for pts. As for the newbie on here I have no respect for you. I'm not sure why you defend stj's handling of this situation but it doesn't really matter. The fact is I've told the truth and almost everything I've discussed has come to pass. Stj is being exposed as the frauds they are. There is a good chance Durata will be pulled and this saga will be over except for managing the thousands of unfortunate pts with these deadly
Leads. So it's been fun boys and girls but I've nothing left to prove.

Great. I'll leave you with these words from seekingalpha today. They could be a metaphor for your career.....
''While St. Jude (STJ) continues to look like it has some momentum, Medtronic does appear to be picking up some incremental lead business. Boston Scientific (BSX) continues to look pretty hopeless.''

Nothing like a 3rd party opinion to finish deadbeats like you off.

Great. I'll leave you with these words from seekingalpha today. They could be a metaphor for your career.....
''While St. Jude (STJ) continues to look like it has some momentum, Medtronic does appear to be picking up some incremental lead business. Boston Scientific (BSX) continues to look pretty hopeless.''

Nothing like a 3rd party opinion to finish deadbeats like you off.

Hey no fair you two can't quit now! We wanted to know if he sold Always or Tampax!

Great. I'll leave you with these words from seekingalpha today. They could be a metaphor for your career.....
''While St. Jude (STJ) continues to look like it has some momentum, Medtronic does appear to be picking up some incremental lead business. Boston Scientific (BSX) continues to look pretty hopeless.''

Nothing like a 3rd party opinion to finish deadbeats like you off.

A finance flunky from Alphaville is an expert on what's really happening daily in Hospitals? He'll catch on next quarter when St Jude's sales vanish. Especially with MDT's Drone army hammering Physicians on the reliability of their leads...Fidelis was the best until you Doctors started placing them in the heart wrong. Now Quattro is the best, honest...If MDT says it often enough it must be true. Smart EP's make independent decisions, they don't listen to Droning....or do they?

Great. I'll leave you with these words from seekingalpha today. They could be a metaphor for your career.....
''While St. Jude (STJ) continues to look like it has some momentum, Medtronic does appear to be picking up some incremental lead business. Boston Scientific (BSX) continues to look pretty hopeless.''

Nothing like a 3rd party opinion to finish deadbeats like you off.

3rd wheels are so lame. Nobody likes them and they wish they were welcome when they really aren't. We are glad this is over. You never made any sense and obviously know little to nothing about the CRM space.

A finance flunky from Alphaville is an expert on what's really happening daily in Hospitals? He'll catch on next quarter when St Jude's sales vanish. Especially with MDT's Drone army hammering Physicians on the reliability of their leads...Fidelis was the best until you Doctors started placing them in the heart wrong. Now Quattro is the best, honest...If MDT says it often enough it must be true. Smart EP's make independent decisions, they don't listen to Droning....or do they?

The finance guy probably doesn't know the big picture. But neither does a sad old GDT/BSX Rep whose had his lunch eaten for years by STJ but doesn't have the ability to realize that's whats happened.

RIATA/DURATA BOY WHERE ARE YOU? Oh I'm sorry you are busy scheduling pts for X-rays!!!! You are now on the downhill slide you slime ball. Just think hauser's article hasnt even came out yet. Im sure nothing is wrong, it's just those pesky BSC reps spreading lies or "shit" as you put it. Long winter ahead for you Riata/Durata boy. That is assuming you survive the RIF.

How ironic talking about RIF's. More BSX losers looking for something new...

Can anyone interpret this nonsense? Obviously from one of the 3 stj reps still taking up for this turd company. Btw more Durata stories coming out. It's sad pt sill being implanted w these leads.

Since STJ's warranty/rebate on Riata only honors it if they replace it with another TBD failure rate Durata, the revenue shows up in STJ's favor of which I'm sure they will report as earnings in their next report. Since irresponsible physicians continue to practice this shell game of swapping shit for shit I have to answer to my manager why STJ shows revenue growth at my accounts. Well, do the math.....2 to 3 Riata AND Durata leads per week are extracted/replaced ALONG with the device not near ERI it is initially submitted as new revenue at that hosp and shows up on the books as such until the year long warranty process is calculated.

Question to all- Out of all the Riata/Durata extractions and relacements that are going on daily, how many of them do you think are being submitted for rebates and warranty? Oh yeah...forget about the MAUDE submissions...that ain't happening either.

Since STJ's warranty/rebate on Riata only honors it if they replace it with another TBD failure rate Durata, the revenue shows up in STJ's favor of which I'm sure they will report as earnings in their next report. Since irresponsible physicians continue to practice this shell game of swapping shit for shit I have to answer to my manager why STJ shows revenue growth at my accounts. Well, do the math.....2 to 3 Riata AND Durata leads per week are extracted/replaced ALONG with the device not near ERI it is initially submitted as new revenue at that hosp and shows up on the books as such until the year long warranty process is calculated.

Question to all- Out of all the Riata/Durata extractions and relacements that are going on daily, how many of them do you think are being submitted for rebates and warranty? Oh yeah...forget about the MAUDE submissions...that ain't happening either.

OMG. Are you the worlds worst rep..! No wonder STJ have been pulling BSX pants down for years.