There is nobody more full of shit on the entire CP website than you. You maintain you've been taking BSX forward for years when in reality there isn't a BSX rep in the country who has grown . Hence the introduction of the EA. You my friend are a Walter Mitty of the highest order, you're living in fantasy land where issuing a tech note or advisory is a statement of quality rather than an admission of poor manufacturing or QC. Look in the mirror douche your competitors are cleaning you out.
You have to love this site. You speak as if you know me but you have no clue. You obviously were spit out of CRM at some point and are now on here angry and taking up for st Jude. Please stoP wasting our time. I have been around a long time and well before 05. I am not on an ea. you are also quite ignorant as you can't understand that hiding your problems and not issuing an advisory is equal to quality. Once more go back for each gdt advisory and look at total failures. Add the actual failures up if you are able. Then look at what stj is dealing with. You really think there is a comparison? Multiple deaths and thousands of failures is what you will find with Riata/Durata. And let me tell you a lead issue is MUCH more difficult to deal w than a device issue. Of course since you are ignorant to CRM you probably don't get that. So while you Dwell in the past we deal with a real and present problem. So all of this bs aside why do you talk about your poor recollection of the past and ignore what stj is doing to patients?????? Why don't you stick to selling tampons and forget about cp.