Brillinta Brand team killing our chances


I have to say, I have sold other OAP's in the past and Brillinta has good data to support it. The reason why its taking so long to take off is 100% the brand teams fault.

The 1st thing they did wrong was forecast with finance based off the branded Plavix market including PAD (75% of the market) when we don't even have that indication. Not to mention we are now competing with a generic market leader.

The 2nd main issue is they did no competitive research that makes any sense on what has worked with other companies and what has not. The path was already paved for us and they chose not to listen.

The 3rd thing is they have no idea how to sell this thing. They want a blanket message like "troponin positive". Are you kidding me?? These are IC's not PC docs. They dont respond to that garbage. The doctors at the Orlando meeting even admitted how stupid this messaging was but the brand team will not listen.

Pascal needs to make some major changes in marketing if he really wants Brillinta to succeed.


Everybody hates everybody else. Sales and marketing do not talk to each other. THere are no team calls or meetings or working sessions. All of the women on the brand team look upon sales with disdain and then they come out with a campaign - when you think troponin, think B. Really? This was tested where?

Everybody hates everybody else. Sales and marketing do not talk to each other. THere are no team calls or meetings or working sessions. All of the women on the brand team look upon sales with disdain and then they come out with a campaign - when you think troponin, think B. Really? This was tested where?

They test it with their advertising consultants, who are also women. The goal isn't to move share, but to win awards in the contests in the advertising world. Go on, look it up. Th ad campaign consultants don't give a cr$p about OUR sales. What they DO care about is winning an prize in the pharma category of the ad biz awards. They are on a totally different agenda, that also includes, yup, diversity again. No is is going to ask a sales rep what they think of the ad campaign, just like no one asks the floor sales people at sears.

They test it with their advertising consultants, who are also women. The goal isn't to move share, but to win awards in the contests in the advertising world. Go on, look it up. Th ad campaign consultants don't give a cr$p about OUR sales. What they DO care about is winning an prize in the pharma category of the ad biz awards. They are on a totally different agenda, that also includes, yup, diversity again. No is is going to ask a sales rep what they think of the ad campaign, just like no one asks the floor sales people at sears.
The culture in AZ HQ is all about the show. All sizzle and no steak. These dumb shits don't give a damn about sales results. They will wiggle, giggle and dress their way to success which works at AZ. Make a huge splash and move on before accountability catches up with is the ticket. HQ is full of people who turn everything they touch to shit but package it in pretty packaging.

It is because the whole team is run by skirts. LS and SD and LH and TG. Do yourself a favor and ask Lisa and Suzanne and Liza and Tammy how many real live doctor calls they have made on IC and CDs in the last 18 months. How many cath labs and break rooms and hospital pharmacies and actual IC calls they have personally made collectively in 18 months. Where did they get their insight about what is and is not working. Which reps and DSMs did they meet with as groups to examine and ascertain plus minus value activities. Anyone care to set the over/under for the total in 18 months?

They test it with their advertising consultants, who are also women. The goal isn't to move share, but to win awards in the contests in the advertising world. Go on, look it up. Th ad campaign consultants don't give a cr$p about OUR sales. What they DO care about is winning an prize in the pharma category of the ad biz awards. They are on a totally different agenda, that also includes, yup, diversity again. No is is going to ask a sales rep what they think of the ad campaign, just like no one asks the floor sales people at sears.

This is true. Started with the purple awards for pushing consumers through against the wishes of managed care. Check how many leaders are bathed in purple awards. Problem for them is that doesn't cut it anymore. They need to think harder and deliver more.
Managed care is on to them.

It is because the whole team is run by skirts. LS and SD and LH and TG. Do yourself a favor and ask Lisa and Suzanne and Liza and Tammy how many real live doctor calls they have made on IC and CDs in the last 18 months. How many cath labs and break rooms and hospital pharmacies and actual IC calls they have personally made collectively in 18 months. Where did they get their insight about what is and is not working. Which reps and DSMs did they meet with as groups to examine and ascertain plus minus value activities. Anyone care to set the over/under for the total in 18 months?

Same thing prior to launch. They fenced out MM, didn't listen to the hospital / market stuff. They planned it to be a CVAS only launch, then did all they could to minimize Hosp. They ignored the training needs. They ignored the protocol stuff. They thought protocol and formualry were the same thing. And the lawyers thought protocol was a word that had to come out of the training modules.

They screwed this pooch in so many ways that its almost amusing to see what happened.

Then RF told Pascal that LS was the star and it wasn't her fault. So he decided it must be RF's fault. And fired that sorry failure.

Same thing prior to launch. They fenced out MM, didn't listen to the hospital / market stuff. They planned it to be a CVAS only launch, then did all they could to minimize Hosp. They ignored the training needs. They ignored the protocol stuff. They thought protocol and formualry were the same thing. And the lawyers thought protocol was a word that had to come out of the training modules.

They screwed this pooch in so many ways that its almost amusing to see what happened.

Then RF told Pascal that LS was the star and it wasn't her fault. So he decided it must be RF's fault. And fired that sorry failure.

Brilinta will never be the product Pascal is hoping for. It's too late. Ce la vie! Now pass me the escargot will you Pascal!

It is because the whole team is run by skirts. LS and SD and LH and TG. Do yourself a favor and ask Lisa and Suzanne and Liza and Tammy how many real live doctor calls they have made on IC and CDs in the last 18 months. How many cath labs and break rooms and hospital pharmacies and actual IC calls they have personally made collectively in 18 months. Where did they get their insight about what is and is not working. Which reps and DSMs did they meet with as groups to examine and ascertain plus minus value activities. Anyone care to set the over/under for the total in 18 months?

Quit blaming it on the fact that they're women. I agree however that they have no real experience and rely on "paid consultants" to tell them what direction marketing should take. Aside from all these past failures, you still have hospital competing with CVAS and not sharing a damn thing. There are too many of us and access is terrible. You cannot sell someone anything if you cannot really see them. Here's a joke for you: I was outside a no see office and decided to check my TS to see if anyone actually gets back. LMAO, all my AZ counterparts were recording calls on this guy as "stand-up." That is the reality. We are so concerned with checking boxes in CVAS that no one really sells anything. The deployment is a joke. I hope they severe me.

Quit blaming it on the fact that they're women. I agree however that they have no real experience and rely on "paid consultants" to tell them what direction marketing should take. Aside from all these past failures, you still have hospital competing with CVAS and not sharing a damn thing. There are too many of us and access is terrible. You cannot sell someone anything if you cannot really see them. Here's a joke for you: I was outside a no see office and decided to check my TS to see if anyone actually gets back. LMAO, all my AZ counterparts were recording calls on this guy as "stand-up." That is the reality. We are so concerned with checking boxes in CVAS that no one really sells anything. The deployment is a joke. I hope they severe me.
the reality is that nobody in senior leadership wants to know the truth because that would destroy the house of cards they have built for themselves. One simple audit of any territory in America would turn up hundreds of fake calls where an absolutely no see doctor has hundreds of calls recorded. a simple check by having someone go into an office and ask a few questions or just try to get back to see the doctor would be enough. they don't want to know the truth pure and simple.

I agree with everyone on this thread. As a matter of fact, if the mass exodus of sales hasn't started yet, it won't be long before it does. The arrogance of the Brand Team along with the upper sales leadership "rule by fear" mentality has taught the good and talented people of this selling team that it's time to move along. I feel sorry for the DSM's actually. They have really worked hard to effect change upward - to warn the people above them that the launch was misguided, and that ruling with an iron fist only works for a short while. It's the DSM's that will ultimately suffer as their reps leave, there will be more time spent on training than on selling, and sales will continue to suffer. Remember, NOTHING happens until somebody sells something!

I have to say, I have sold other OAP's in the past and Brillinta has good data to support it. The reason why its taking so long to take off is 100% the brand teams fault.

The 1st thing they did wrong was forecast with finance based off the branded Plavix market including PAD (75% of the market) when we don't even have that indication. Not to mention we are now competing with a generic market leader.

The 2nd main issue is they did no competitive research that makes any sense on what has worked with other companies and what has not. The path was already paved for us and they chose not to listen.

The 3rd thing is they have no idea how to sell this thing. They want a blanket message like "troponin positive". Are you kidding me?? These are IC's not PC docs. They dont respond to that garbage. The doctors at the Orlando meeting even admitted how stupid this messaging was but the brand team will not listen.

Pascal needs to make some major changes in marketing if he really wants Brillinta to succeed.

You're an idiot. PAD accounted for MAYBE 5% of Plavix Rxs. Brilliantla has good data, but generic clopidogrel works well for most patients. You will be stuck with a minority of the market forever.

I don't think this poster is nuts. In fact, the T+ message is garbage. By definition a STEMI and a NSTEMI are both usually T+. . . What is your point? Troponins take time to elevate and stay that way for quite some time. Doctors look at you like you're nuts. I think it is better to just make sure the doctor realizes the trial was high risk ACS and was primarily STEMI and NSTEMI (where the benefit was clear). You are going off into the woods with the T+ thing. Pretty soon you are going to have to know what they consider urgent for AP therapy, what is the cut-off, do they feel the cut-off is too sensitive allowing for lower risk patients that are not urgent or emergent, how many T+ wait . . . and on and on. In the meantime, the rep is probably not really getting at the reasons why the doctor has not used B or quit using B. You have maybe five minutes. Ask a good question and just find out where they stand right away. Most cards will tell you the truth if you ask the right question and then you do not have to run off into the weeds. The consultants that told marketing this shit sure fed them a bill of goods.

I don't think this poster is nuts. In fact, the T+ message is garbage. By definition a STEMI and a NSTEMI are both usually T+. . . What is your point? Troponins take time to elevate and stay that way for quite some time. Doctors look at you like you're nuts. I think it is better to just make sure the doctor realizes the trial was high risk ACS and was primarily STEMI and NSTEMI (where the benefit was clear). You are going off into the woods with the T+ thing. Pretty soon you are going to have to know what they consider urgent for AP therapy, what is the cut-off, do they feel the cut-off is too sensitive allowing for lower risk patients that are not urgent or emergent, how many T+ wait . . . and on and on. In the meantime, the rep is probably not really getting at the reasons why the doctor has not used B or quit using B. You have maybe five minutes. Ask a good question and just find out where they stand right away. Most cards will tell you the truth if you ask the right question and then you do not have to run off into the weeds. The consultants that told marketing this shit sure fed them a bill of goods.

Lol. Not sure what you're reading. Absolutely no benefit over plavix in STEMI. data was driven by patients that were not high risk

Lol. Not sure what you're reading. Absolutely no benefit over plavix in STEMI. data was driven by patients that were not high risk

Wrong. Re-read Plato. Marginal benefit in UA, superior to Plavix in nstemi and stemi. I'm far from a kook aid drinker on Brilinta, but I do know the data well. If you're going to poop on stuff, know your facts.