Bridge to Retirement and Severance

Hard to believe anyone missed it by weeks. I would have opted to decline severance and filed lawsuit for age discrimination. Only an idiot would take a small severance and pass up the big bucks!

Fact. It happens. You're not aware how it all works. You are denied state UI and cut on employee severance medical if you decline and dispute terms. Merck then will take it's time, drags its heels with any dispute responses. You will go back and forth for months......

You decline. Expect to have no source of income and benefits unless you sign.

No, these companies hope to intimidate the employee into not doing something and that is where they make a big mistake. These companies prefer to settle so there is no record for shareholders.

No, these companies hope to intimidate the employee into not doing something and that is where they make a big mistake. These companies prefer to settle so there is no record for shareholders.

You got that right. Forget the lawyers if the media shines a light on Merck then they respond. Don't waste your time and money on lawyers on this one.

Most people don't have any where near the money Merck employees have after 15-20 years. Stop complaining! Be thankful for what you got!

Stop wasting your money and live within your means.

Most people don't have any where near the money Merck employees have after 15-20 years. Stop complaining! Be thankful for what you got!

Stop wasting your money and live within your means.

Goose Egg Recipient here.....yes zip, nada.

Stop the pompous lecture, I'm thrifty and as low budget as anyone can be. Would you trade your stash for a goose egg? Doubt it, now shut your trap.

Goose egg, you must not have been at Merck very long. At the end of the day, publicly traded companies are not in existence to provide corporate welfare. If you want a financial free ride, go get a job with the city of Chicago or Detroit.

Or better yet, go strike out on your own and create your own company filled with entitlements.

No, just another mediocre castaway that bitches on these ridiculous forums.

Goose egg, you must not have been at Merck very long. At the end of the day, publicly traded companies are not in existence to provide corporate welfare. If you want a financial free ride, go get a job with the city of Chicago or Detroit.

Or better yet, go strike out on your own and create your own company filled with entitlements.

No, just another mediocre castaway that bitches on these ridiculous forums.

There is no denying some people are being unfairly denied their bridge. Whenever people are unexpectedly cut then denied a bridge it prompts a closer look. When bridges are denied older employees and for very minor amounts of time it elevates to being not only highly suspicious but teeters on being a legal age discrimination issue.

No, these companies hope to intimidate the employee into not doing something and that is where they make a big mistake. These companies prefer to settle so there is no record for shareholders.

Why are they so withholding? They intimidate and force you to spend thousands on lawyers so they'll do what they should have done in the first place. Shameful is right.

It sounds like goose egg got terminated for cause. A person I know in hr said that people near milestones are usually taken care of. It does suck though losing a job if you are not ready to go.

The "causes" of losing your job for the cuts often comes down to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Good workers on a bad year and its a cut? You're gone...

Anyone can be placed in a crappy territory...with a team of clowns....have MC losses...lose a high writers ms maker....

But if you have a buddy ctl they'll pardon the dings. You'll be protected....but not so for the unlucky unconnected..

Guess the motto a AKer, work the system....
Get a CTL buddy....and put them in your bull pen.

It sounds like goose egg got terminated for cause. A person I know in hr said that people near milestones are usually taken care of. It does suck though losing a job if you are not ready to go.

When those goose eggs are victim of set ups, the company and its ctls wind up getting served on the grill.

Never a tasty choice.

How sad that tenured employees are seeking retirement advice from strangers on Café Pharma.

Are things that bad at Merck that even a question about retirement is an excuse to shove someone out the door? If so, I wouldn't stay there a day longer than necessary.

What a long, slow slide down the drain for a once decent company.

How sad that tenured employees are seeking retirement advice from strangers on Café Pharma.

Are things that bad at Merck that even a question about retirement is an excuse to shove someone out the door? If so, I wouldn't stay there a day longer than necessary.

What a long, slow slide down the drain for a once decent company.

Get off of our site and mind your own business.

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