Breast & Skeletal

someone give me the skinny on breast and skeletal division - good place to work? good leaders? comp strong?

Really depends on the role and the manager.

CAM - lower end of industry pay for base + peanut’s for variable, 12-18 months tops for good reps as they will either fill a vacant TM role or leave for more money.

TM - can be very lucrative, or you’ll make no money…. not much in between. Commission only role. Takes a pretty aggressive rep as the products definitely lag behind the market. Majority are former CAMs, high turnover.

AE - very high pay if you’re in the right geography. Commission only. Mixed bag: Solid products on the capital side, average products on disposable side. If the territory is open, it’s more than likely because a large systemwide deal was done in the year or two prior, quota remained at that same level and the prior rep bailed.

whats the lastest with this division? is it a good place to be? I am getting mixed reviews. I was contacted to interview for a postion. Who is the biggest competitor in this space? Can you make money? Are you micomanaged?

total micromanagement environment. reps fit the mold of greedy and selfish, not helpful and smart. lots of dummies working here who can parrot back pitches and win easy gantry deals. imaging products are good, the rest are commodities. not a fun place to work

What’s the average time a hospital upgrades it capital? 3 years? How long are the contracts?
I heard the AE’s are making bank! How do they have enough machines to flip?

True, but fit the requirement as an all male leadership team isn’t a good look at a women’s health company. Fortunately for her, the bar isn’t set that high as her predecessor undoubtably had one of the worst retention rates in the industry, and made most of her decisions based off rumors gathered from one particular RSM who spends more time collecting gossip than hitting quotas.

She’s too green to be a director. Does not know how to manage higher caliber people. Used to hiring out of college and with reps she can just boss around
She’ll be fine. ABD’s here are more of a political, rubber stamping type role where she doesn’t really need that level of experience. I’ve probably interacted with my ABD 2x over the years and only at large meetings. It’s basically a middle mgmt role that buffers the VP from accountability, not much else.

She’ll be fine. ABD’s here are more of a political, rubber stamping type role where she doesn’t really need that level of experience. I’ve probably interacted with my ABD 2x over the years and only at large meetings. It’s basically a middle mgmt role that buffers the VP from accountability, not much else.
If this is true why not just eliminate the role?

Easy, multiple layers look good on an org sheet.

Plus, I’m not sure how we’d possibly survive without them relaying numbers from one level to the next, forwarding generic, mass-produced leadership emails and sending “motivational” sports meme’s.

They could take 6 months off and there would be no impact on business.