Breaking News!!!!

MPL purchased by Sathesh Reddy and P4 Diagnostics. Details to follow. Probably and attempt to screw everyone that is suing them! What an embarrassment this place has become.
How is this place possibly still in business? Still not paying bills on time or at all, losing business left and right while not gaining any and now I see a million new cars in the parking lot! What are they for, lunch runs for the IT Dept! Would have been a lot cheaper to just back in a lunch truck everyday! Have mercy and just shut the place down.
Money runs out next quarter. Investors know now that no one buys this crap. PAMA is the nail in the coffin.

LH won't visit this again, Breakup is scheduled for April 16th, Tax dealing , in more ways than one. Time to jump or leave the industry fellas
Money runs out next quarter. Investors know now that no one buys this crap. PAMA is the nail in the coffin.

LH won't visit this again, Breakup is scheduled for April 16th, Tax dealing , in more ways than one. Time to jump or leave the industry fellas

Hey dumbass, MPL was sold to P4 Dx, deal closed over a month ago so get your facts straight.
Big deal. Its not like Sathesh has bottomless pockets. MPL, P4 same circus different clown. Was losing money for 9 years. Will be no difference now. Depends on how long he wants to bleed money and out up with all the lawsuits.
He will be shown the door very soon. Entire IT Dept was canned this week. Sathesh beginning to make the clean sweep and bring in his own..I hear the Wendys on the corner is closing and an Indian restaurant is going in!