Brand new VP of sales already quit! Packert needs to wake up


So Now the brand-new VP of sales has quit already after only being here for several months. The VP of sales before him JP quit/got fired(nobody knows the truth), because he wanted to make the changes that were needed and nobody would listen. So as the regional manager that I am, I am asking you JW, our new CEO, at what point in time are you going to make some serious changes at this organization where we can retain good people? If having 2 VPs quit within a six-month time is not a red flag to any potential employees or current employees that are looking to leave that there are major issues here, then I don't know what is. My TMs are all miserable, they're sick of the bullshit at this place, and I can't retain anybody anymore, nonetheless when I interview for new candidates once I get serious on them they do their homework and refuse to take the job and turn it down. Now this is getting absolutely to the point of ridiculousness now at this company.when you have the unbelievable turnover rate that this company has, and 2 vice presidents that Have quit and left in a 6 month short timeframe, don't you think that that adds a lot of credibility to negative statements that are said on this website? Rick packert, you need to do your job and make the necessary changes as a leader. This has gone on for way too long. If I don't see changes in the next 3 months at this organization, I'll be the next regional manager resigning on top of the many others that have. oh,and just to be clear, I'm a top performing regional manager and always have been at this organization. Come on guys? What kind of message is it to the whole organization and potential new employees when a brand-new VP of sales comes on board and quits after a few months? This has got to stop.

AMEN. Seriously, this is beyond a cafepharma bitchfest, this is real at this point. This is a true example now of the dysfunction in leadership at this place. A brand new VP joins the company then quits a few months later. I mean REALLY! This is actually getting to be embarrassing at this point.

AMEN. Seriously, this is beyond a cafepharma bitchfest, this is real at this point. This is a true example now of the dysfunction in leadership at this place. A brand new VP joins the company then quits a few months later. I mean REALLY! This is actually getting to be embarrassing at this point.

Settle down children. Zoll is a mans company. Dog rat dog baby!! If you can't stand the heat get the F out of the kitchen. Churn and burn baby

Considering he already has a lot of the Daiichi -Sankyo management team in place he probably assessed that he still wouldn't be able or allowed to change anything. Now that is sad!

So Now the brand-new VP of sales has quit already after only being here for several months. The VP of sales before him JP quit/got fired(nobody knows the truth), because he wanted to make the changes that were needed and nobody would listen. So as the regional manager that I am, I am asking you JW, our new CEO, at what point in time are you going to make some serious changes at this organization where we can retain good people? If having 2 VPs quit within a six-month time is not a red flag to any potential employees or current employees that are looking to leave that there are major issues here, then I don't know what is. My TMs are all miserable, they're sick of the bullshit at this place, and I can't retain anybody anymore, nonetheless when I interview for new candidates once I get serious on them they do their homework and refuse to take the job and turn it down. Now this is getting absolutely to the point of ridiculousness now at this company.when you have the unbelievable turnover rate that this company has, and 2 vice presidents that Have quit and left in a 6 month short timeframe, don't you think that that adds a lot of credibility to negative statements that are said on this website? Rick packert, you need to do your job and make the necessary changes as a leader. This has gone on for way too long. If I don't see changes in the next 3 months at this organization, I'll be the next regional manager resigning on top of the many others that have. oh,and just to be clear, I'm a top performing regional manager and always have been at this organization. Come on guys? What kind of message is it to the whole organization and potential new employees when a brand-new VP of sales comes on board and quits after a few months? This has got to stop.

Nice to hear an RM's perspective. As a Senior TM with a solid track record, it is refreshing to hear a manager speak of the reality at this company. I'm constantly told it isn't that bad, I'm the one with the inability to navigate the circumstances, etc. How does anyone navigate a system where less than half of your sales count for commission? And you have to spend as much time monitoring revenue and booking errors as you do selling? In all my years, I've never seen such management/leadership dysfunction. I've also never seen such a disconnect between leadership and the front line. NEVER. It seems everything we say falls on deaf ears ... or more likely, incompetent ears. Enormous spans of responsibility are given to people without commensurate experience.

The problems that are driving the turnover rate are 100% solvable. It is not hard to figure out ... have someone INTELLIGENT interview the TMs that are leaving AND have someone INTELLIGENT interview the TMs that are here. This is not rocket science. The patterns will emerge immediately (since we are all saying the same thing), and then the issues can be addressed.

The fact that this is not happening says that (a) they don't care about the turnover rate because they don't understand how significantly it is undermining their growth; or (b) they are not competent enough to the address the issues at hand. The fact that we can't keep a VP in place speaks VOLUMES.

Rick, if you are as smart as you say, then DO SOMETHING.

Dear Senior TM Pussy or Whore: put your name on your post. You winey little bitches crying on café pharma. You couldn't cut it in pharma and were probably downsized. You accepted a "device" job at Zoll which you clearly are not cut out to win. Man up pussy and resign. Move on and show us all how you can make $500K selling something stent or wires or hips. Why don't you put you name on your post pussy? Only pussy wine about quota.

Dear Senior TM Pussy or Whore: put your name on your post. You winey little bitches crying on café pharma. You couldn't cut it in pharma and were probably downsized. You accepted a "device" job at Zoll which you clearly are not cut out to win. Man up pussy and resign. Move on and show us all how you can make $500K selling something stent or wires or hips. Why don't you put you name on your post pussy? Only pussy wine about quota.

This is music to my ears baby! Zoll is a MANS WORLD!! Although I have to ask tough guy, why is your name not on your post, BITCH!!

Dear Senior TM Pussy or Whore: put your name on your post. You winey little bitches crying on café pharma. You couldn't cut it in pharma and were probably downsized. You accepted a "device" job at Zoll which you clearly are not cut out to win. Man up pussy and resign. Move on and show us all how you can make $500K selling something stent or wires or hips. Why don't you put you name on your post pussy? Only pussy wine about quota.

This is music to my ears baby! Zoll is a MANS WORLD!! Although I have to ask tough guy, why is your name not on your post, BITCH!!

So Now the brand-new VP of sales has quit already after only being here for several months. The VP of sales before him JP quit/got fired(nobody knows the truth), because he wanted to make the changes that were needed and nobody would listen. So as the regional manager that I am, I am asking you JW, our new CEO, at what point in time are you going to make some serious changes at this organization where we can retain good people? If having 2 VPs quit within a six-month time is not a red flag to any potential employees or current employees that are looking to leave that there are major issues here, then I don't know what is. My TMs are all miserable, they're sick of the bullshit at this place, and I can't retain anybody anymore, nonetheless when I interview for new candidates once I get serious on them they do their homework and refuse to take the job and turn it down. Now this is getting absolutely to the point of ridiculousness now at this company.when you have the unbelievable turnover rate that this company has, and 2 vice presidents that Have quit and left in a 6 month short timeframe, don't you think that that adds a lot of credibility to negative statements that are said on this website? Rick packert, you need to do your job and make the necessary changes as a leader. This has gone on for way too long. If I don't see changes in the next 3 months at this organization, I'll be the next regional manager resigning on top of the many others that have. oh,and just to be clear, I'm a top performing regional manager and always have been at this organization. Come on guys? What kind of message is it to the whole organization and potential new employees when a brand-new VP of sales comes on board and quits after a few months? This has got to stop.

Too bad this forum is the only way to deliver this kind of feedback. Not that they'd probably listen or care anyway...

Yup Packert needs to wake up. Quite honestly he is the one that has caused a lot of this as he put the people and guidelines in place that have allowed the constant turn over and crazy ideas that paint reps and managers as poor performers. He hired JR in to the director role when his only experience was taking the top team in the nation and led them to dead last. Yes, he rewarded that with a promotion to director. JR then set up some managers to fail and then called them poor performers and then made some of the craziest manager hires ever. My geography won't ever recover from some of the good people that were pushed out of the organization. Yes, I'm here because those jobs were open, but I can't be successful because the there were good people here some time ago and JR pushed them out. I'm tired of hearing from customers on how Zoll screwed them. Packert doesn't know a good leader if it bit him in the ass. He needs to go as he is the biggest problem holding the company back. Let's face it he kept an engineer in charge for way too long.

All the answers are in the field. TMs and RMs know most of what needs to be done to turn this business around. There are just too many layers to allow for the feedback to reach the right people. AND the culture at Zoll is to silence those with different opinions, so what hope is there? Have to keep interviewing to find the next thing. Very sad, I love what I do otherwise.

If you have been here at Zoll for any substantial length of time....1-2 years you realize how screwed up this organization actually is compared to the industry. The turnover is frightening & the executive answer to this problem is hire a new rep, drop that territory quota 30% and they will do ok for 6-9 months & then repeat. It is comical. 2 week quota's are coincidentally administered when insurance/medicare reimbursements are lagging way behind. Zoll this is not real $...its monopoly $. Pay the reps.

Now u have a bunch of Daitchi Sankyo reps that have no business being here and a Northeast Area manager going into NYC where the turnover is like 75% and telling a well known EP that we saved a patient in a sister hospital with cardiopathy. This is not a lie, the doc told me....Crystal Walter this dolt made up her own medical If it was not so frightening it would be funny. You have the inmates running the asylum. No Area or RM can last here because they want one with leadership skills or ground breaking solutions to this mess. God forbid this product ever got an aggressive competitor....they would be done in 9 months. In my career, I have never seen upper management discount sales reps opinions and feedback. When I was in training....the former president, who I believe was an engineer told me that sales is a necessary evil to a Now you may understand why this place is the way that it is.

If you have been here at Zoll for any substantial length of time....1-2 years you realize how screwed up this organization actually is compared to the industry. The turnover is frightening & the executive answer to this problem is hire a new rep, drop that territory quota 30% and they will do ok for 6-9 months & then repeat. It is comical. 2 week quota's are coincidentally administered when insurance/medicare reimbursements are lagging way behind. Zoll this is not real $...its monopoly $. Pay the reps.

Now u have a bunch of Daitchi Sankyo reps that have no business being here and a Northeast Area manager going into NYC where the turnover is like 75% and telling a well known EP that we saved a patient in a sister hospital with cardiopathy. This is not a lie, the doc told me....Crystal Walter this dolt made up her own medical If it was not so frightening it would be funny. You have the inmates running the asylum. No Area or RM can last here because they want one with leadership skills or ground breaking solutions to this mess. God forbid this product ever got an aggressive competitor....they would be done in 9 months. In my career, I have never seen upper management discount sales reps opinions and feedback. When I was in training....the former president, who I believe was an engineer told me that sales is a necessary evil to a Now you may understand why this place is the way that it is.

That's funny, yes, they just want zombies! Never thought of it that way, but anyone without a brain would do great here!

If there ever were a competitor, I bet Zoll would have 95% turnover that year. That competitor would be in for a windfall of Zoll reps looking to go work for them!

My friend you are correct. A strong aggressive competitor would wipe the floor with Zoll. They would lose about 80% market share in 6 months. Every good rep would run from here like a disease.

Nice to hear an RM's perspective. As a Senior TM with a solid track record, it is refreshing to hear a manager speak of the reality at this company. I'm constantly told it isn't that bad, I'm the one with the inability to navigate the circumstances, etc. How does anyone navigate a system where less than half of your sales count for commission? And you have to spend as much time monitoring revenue and booking errors as you do selling? In all my years, I've never seen such management/leadership dysfunction. I've also never seen such a disconnect between leadership and the front line. NEVER. It seems everything we say falls on deaf ears ... or more likely, incompetent ears. Enormous spans of responsibility are given to people without commensurate experience.

The problems that are driving the turnover rate are 100% solvable. It is not hard to figure out ... have someone INTELLIGENT interview the TMs that are leaving AND have someone INTELLIGENT interview the TMs that are here. This is not rocket science. The patterns will emerge immediately (since we are all saying the same thing), and then the issues can be addressed.

The fact that this is not happening says that (a) they don't care about the turnover rate because they don't understand how significantly it is undermining their growth; or (b) they are not competent enough to the address the issues at hand. The fact that we can't keep a VP in place speaks VOLUMES.

Rick, if you are as smart as you say, then DO SOMETHING.

My friend you are correct. A strong aggressive competitor would wipe the floor with Zoll. They would lose about 80% market share in 6 months. Every good rep would run from here like a disease.

Nice thought shit stain..check your employment agreement. YOU HAVE A NON-COMPETE ON YOUR WORTHLESS ASS. We dominate and scare the crap out of anyone even thinking about entering this space. Why anyone would hire your whiney butt would be a fatal mistake. Just do as your told, shut up, sell and when we are done with you just dry up and blow away. Clean slate bitch.

Nice thought shit stain..check your employment agreement. YOU HAVE A NON-COMPETE ON YOUR WORTHLESS ASS. We dominate and scare the crap out of anyone even thinking about entering this space. Why anyone would hire your whiney butt would be a fatal mistake. Just do as your told, shut up, sell and when we are done with you just dry up and blow away. Clean slate bitch.

To every potential new hire: Above is the sentiment of Zoll leadership. This is the way we are regarded.

Nice thought shit stain..check your employment agreement. YOU HAVE A NON-COMPETE ON YOUR WORTHLESS ASS. We dominate and scare the crap out of anyone even thinking about entering this space. Why anyone would hire your whiney butt would be a fatal mistake. Just do as your told, shut up, sell and when we are done with you just dry up and blow away. Clean slate bitch.

And this my friends as why there is 70% turnover each year! I have been told by others that have already left the company that zoll doesn't inforce the noncompete, as any lawyer worth their salt would win the case.