BPV job - good or bad


I received a call from a recruiter about a BPV opening. I understand that there are three differenct sales teams for BPV, Biopsy and two others. It sounds like more cath lab type of job for the opening so this is not Biopsy which based on reading some of the comments is a good thing. I don't know a lot about Bard but do know that the divisions are pretty different after talking with some of my friends. What are things like at BPV? How is management? How does it compare to BMD? Is there upward mobility and promotions? Is quota realistic? New products, recruiter talked about a drug coated balloon will they get it soon?

At plan 190 after 1 year and average rep makes 230 with no cap on commissions and some pretty high income numbers given, true or not? Base seems low compared to other companies and wondering if they negotiate and if numbers are true. Some sort of stock plan that is not a purchase program that the top reps get. Seems pretty interesting with all the acquistions and products coming. Too good to be true or worth the time? Looked up the stock and looks like Bard is doing pretty well and is stable at least and is investing a lot of money into the company. All the other things compare with the industy. Anyone willing to comment? Interview process seems like a lot of people and steps.

Most of the stuff you mention here is true. We are poised for major growth with drug coated balloon and operate in some fast growing markets. No negotiation on salary etc it is what is. Solid leadership and really a great job IF you can get it.

At plan is not $190k and the average comp is no where near $225k+. Sounds like some typical recruiter inflation going on regarding he comp.

Realistically $150k 1st year IF your territory is in descent shape, otherwise you'll be riding the guarantee and lucky to clear $130k.

Great products on both vascular and peripheral side, but highly competitive market with pricing pressure killing baseline business.

You've been quoted at least $50k too high on average comp. Its a tough time to come in. Our share was lower 3-4 years ago, and with Lifestent, some new balloons, filters, and crosser, we have had a good run. The gravy train is over. Pricing pressure on stents, which is our biggest product, is hurting us. Our balloons are below average overall. The Crosser, if we lose the athrectomy code, is toast. That product will literally go away.

On the bright side, when you have an extra $700-$800MM from Gore, it can cover a lot of sins. Lutonix- the drug coated balloon, I don't see it being a game changer. We paid a ton of money for a marginally proven product. We will have to sell it for $1500-$2000 each, and in todays environment, that will all depend on how its reimbursed.

It all comes down to how desperate you are to leave your current job. All things equal, I'd say BPV's best days are behind us for a while.

You've been quoted at least $50k too high on average comp. Its a tough time to come in. Our share was lower 3-4 years ago, and with Lifestent, some new balloons, filters, and crosser, we have had a good run. The gravy train is over. Pricing pressure on stents, which is our biggest product, is hurting us. Our balloons are below average overall. The Crosser, if we lose the athrectomy code, is toast. That product will literally go away.

On the bright side, when you have an extra $700-$800MM from Gore, it can cover a lot of sins. Lutonix- the drug coated balloon, I don't see it being a game changer. We paid a ton of money for a marginally proven product. We will have to sell it for $1500-$2000 each, and in todays environment, that will all depend on how its reimbursed.

It all comes down to how desperate you are to leave your current job. All things equal, I'd say BPV's best days are behind us for a while.

Keep the faith man, out time is going to come.

It's funny how recruiters lie. Average rep makes 190? Doubt it. At plan is maybe 170 and with the amount of red that is in the rankings maybe 10 people on our side are at plan. The minimum commission which will pay them 30 k for the year on top of their salary which makes it almost half of the target pay. I'd ask the Manager to show you the commissions for his district and the teritory. I've made between 100 and 150 for the past 2 years. I keep thinking it will change.

It's funny how recruiters lie. Average rep makes 190? Doubt it. At plan is maybe 170 and with the amount of red that is in the rankings maybe 10 people on our side are at plan. The minimum commission which will pay them 30 k for the year on top of their salary which makes it almost half of the target pay. I'd ask the Manager to show you the commissions for his district and the teritory. I've made between 100 and 150 for the past 2 years. I keep thinking it will change.

Where are you ranked and/or to quota making $100-150?

There is a job posting in LA area I herd first year comp is 150k is this possible? 225k 2nd year is it worth your time or recruiters blowing smoke? Anyone know how micro managed you are here?

Consistent comp is going to be more difficult with the new rolling base line. The better you perform every quarter, the higher your base and the hard it gets to earn bigger commissions.

Micromanagement depends on the manager. Like any company, there are some good am some bad

new rolling comp? Is this a good thing or bad thing? The manager tried to avoid discussing this as if he didnt want you to know or maybe he didnt understand it like most of the reps.

Jack talk Thai real good. Management totally understands the comp plan. It can be favorable or terrible depending on your level of success or how big some account losses are.

It's actually a much more fair plan if you lose and account or fall behind as it doesn't haunt you for a full 12 months.

The catch is your upside earning potential is lower because as you grow business, so does your quarterly base.

The new comp plan is all about strategy.

Good or bad, all depends on what you need. If its a start in medical then I would take the job. If you need a job, then I'd take the job. If you are running from one bad job, probably hold off. And if you are an experienced rep, I would find something else.

Like every big company, every month is the most important month and every quarter is the most important quarter. So plenty of pressure. No on call but long hours and lots of spreadsheets from management which cut into your selling time. I think they do spreadsheets on spreadsheets, no call reports but the spreadsheets are about the same thing if not worse and they use some old sales system that e-mails you your numbers in a pdf that makes it a pain to fill out your spreadsheets.

If you get a good territory you'll make really good money but if you have to build it and the territory has turned over a lot then it will be tuff so expect to make 100 or less then.

Those that left couldn't handle the pressure. There is a lot more pressure in this division then at Access. The drug eluting balloon is coming and it will take top people to sell it.