Thanks for the Allergan job website. I'll check it out. But what I really wanted was to get the name of a local manager for the Montana/Wyoming area.
Actually this post is the opposite. You are the envy of any rep that is not in the facial aesthetic division. You are respected by the doctors and the staff. Oh yeah my wife loves the fact that we have 2 houses and live the good life.
No way--that stinks.
No way--that stinks.
Wait until you are downsized from another pharma company and that compesation program will look very good to you.
You only get a base in the 70's??? Wow, Allergan sure is using you people!
That's for an average rep. The top 10% make at least 5k more. If you're number 1 you could potentially break 115k. Keep in mind that you get a company car.
You only get a base in the 70's??? Wow, Allergan sure is using you people!
But free botox, right?
What is a base range for this position?
Target bonus and high bonus?
Hey moron, it doesn't matter what you sell, we are the laughingstock of the industry. We are not looked at as thought leaders, just mere caterers, and company mouthpieces. We are not needed. The show is over.
Then why don't you take your ungrateful self out of the situation and go sell copiers or yellow page ads...or better yet, Dysport. Some of you people are so full of unearned entitlement that you don't realize most people would love to be in your shoes. Pathetic. If you wanted to be a "thought leader", why didn't you attend medical school? You're obviously too intelligent to be selling Botox. And just so ya make more than a caterer does.
Quoted $72K-80K base, $60K potential bonus. BS or "real", assuming you hit your number?