Sorry for the late posts. Just got word David K the Manager out Texas of was canned from BHD due to shady practices. He didn't quite. Verified from someone still there in a position to know. Unless you consider him being forced out quitting.
Who would have thought a womanizing, drunk no talent toilet toilet seat cover who needed to induce MDs to get business would eventually be caught? Little clinical knowledge, bad attitude, shady, and full of himself... Never seen another DM drop so many F Bombs on reps when hittin the bottle before. How he kept his job always amazed those that worked directly with him. But then again, during NSM he would drop to his knees to Susan or anyone else higher up the Org Chart. One day cursing out reps, the next, kissing Matt and Susan's backside. It was disgusting to watch.
I don't wish anyone ill, however, there are some folks who cross your path in life that you enjoy seeing them exposed for who and what they are. Well done David K, you deserve a well earned kick in the cajones! Ahhhh, karma can be such a sweet thing.
Cash says he lands some job with former KOS folks. Probably the other sleaze, Phil "SeanFreaky" former Autherotech Sales VP. Snakes prefer the company of snakes.