Borhringer Ingelheim Termination Sweepstakes


Rules for entry: Must have already landed a much more desirable job elsewhere, within the last 14 days, haven't yet resigned from BI, with an ability to sit by the phone on Tuesday and hope you've been canned.

Got my entry approved today. Anyone else playing?


There is no job you could be offered than us worse than staying with BI, and that includes Walmart greeter.

It was a good place for a while. That time has passed. Big payday coming for many. Even if you don't have something lined up and you do get canned you win. You're going to land someplace much, much better.

So, if you have a job lined up in July, you give notice now and say you will work thru July 1st....if you were going to be laid off...would you still get your severance in Sept???

Grand prize: severance paid in the form of a lump sum check paid shortly after giving notice that you've landed a new job in the WARN Period.

Runner Up: Ability to double dip for a couple weeks and the satisfaction of resigning shortly after they tell you you've been retained.

You bi reps sure have a sense of entitlement. You think you are owed this and that. You cheat your employer with no sweat off your back. Bi reps....lowest of the low.

You bi reps sure have a sense of entitlement. You think you are owed this and that. You cheat your employer with no sweat off your back. Bi reps....lowest of the low.
You clearly haven't been treated to the 5 months of torture that the rest of us have. They started out telling us we would be treated with dignity and respect yet as the months wore on they found numerous ways to make everyone feel like crap. Even those already placed are still looking for other opportunities. This company used to be a great place to work. Now all you have is a group of "senior leaders" who's one and only goal is to suck up to the guy ahead of them to further their own careers. Good luck to those who stay, those who leave will find there is a whole world out there with real opportunities for growth and less toxic environments than here at BI.

You clearly haven't been treated to the 5 months of torture that the rest of us have. They started out telling us we would be treated with dignity and respect yet as the months wore on they found numerous ways to make everyone feel like crap. Even those already placed are still looking for other opportunities. This company used to be a great place to work. Now all you have is a group of "senior leaders" who's one and only goal is to suck up to the guy ahead of them to further their own careers. Good luck to those who stay, those who leave will find there is a whole world out there with real opportunities for growth and less toxic environments than here at BI.

They've continued paying you haven't they? All while you have coasted through the day. Getting paid $40/hour to really do nothing. Nothing other than come on here and bitch about your employer and finding other ways to cheat them as they are trying to find a way to stay profitable when they have a cancerous sales staff.

They've continued paying you haven't they? All while you have coasted through the day. Getting paid $40/hour to really do nothing. Nothing other than come on here and bitch about your employer and finding other ways to cheat them as they are trying to find a way to stay profitable when they have a cancerous sales staff.
Yeah out of the kindness of their big corporate heart. Go throw yourself out the basement window..A. HOLE

OP here. You can say what you will about me. I don't care. I've been a dedicated BI employee for a long time. Found something that going to pay me A LOT more money. I can't give two weeks notice yet for a variety of reasons, one of which is that I'm going to milk my benefits for all they are worth, termination packages being one of them. If that makes me a bad person I'll wear that hat proudly. Have a nice day!

post #15; the OP..DM here and I support and agree with you. I saw some lists last week at our 'culture meetings'. Long time BI employees...good or bad...are very underpaid for sure. DMs played God at my meeting and sliced and diced who would be resp and who would be diabetes. The card DMs looked on in shock as the Elitist crew performed. I'm a RAE so I was comfortably removed; damn!!!!