
Orexo - didn't meet their "budgeted" projections...we all get screwed! Bonus payouts, MAYBE 20% of targeted amount. so that 17,500 for the top studs now goes to - $3,500.00

and then the poop flows down hill until there are zero dollars for all your hard work!

congrats to all! But at least you will get $300 bucks for the KICKER contest, after taxes you can take your spouse out to Arbys for Valentine's Day! Oh Yeah!!!!

A bunch of idiots in upper management and managers are sheep! BAHHHHHHH

I would think that if after all "your hard work" you only achieved 20% of your goal, you might be hardly working? Just saying.

Bonus: here is the problem. It's fake. Chase the carrot and make one more call. Ask for the business. You were so close to making the next level. If you can't see who the fool is in this scenerio then it you. You're bonus is capped should be the dead give away. This means that a few will get the max or close to to keep things looking legit. I bet if you met one of those reps you would not be impressed an say to yourself, "I see how they can make that." It like company selling xyz says our goal i to do 1 millions in sales this year. Do they stop when they reach that goal? So why should bonus have a cap? It is a play on words that keeps you working to try to hit the goals they have created. Jut like your prescriber data it's not real.