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Bonuses - The New World Ain't Pretty

Totally agree re the thin of the wedge. And yes, we should still be grateful that we have jobs (I'm not in sales/marketing) in these hard times but it's so clear that Roche decided when they took over GNE that they would leave all the good bonuses, perks, etc alone for a few years and then start their usual 'erosion' behaviours. Next year it will be our benefits turn - you watch - 100% sure of that. The 'good old days' of GNE are long gone - along with the heart of the company I loved working for, it's no surprise that we are where we are now in the top 100 companies to work for listing. It will only get worse - good luck to people like Ian who want to bring back the days of being top of the list - ain't gonna happen, in fact when/if the economy turns around this place will start to empty - just a matter of time.

The reality is that at least 25% of the 52% should have been shown the door and is no reflection of the company. Time for the reps to accept some responsibility. The gravy train is over.

Can't totally disagree, but wish would start with marketing and other home office deadweight. Actually, legal should be the first to get trimmed.

Totally agree re the thin of the wedge. And yes, we should still be grateful that we have jobs (I'm not in sales/marketing) in these hard times but it's so clear that Roche decided when they took over GNE that they would leave all the good bonuses, perks, etc alone for a few years and then start their usual 'erosion' behaviours. Next year it will be our benefits turn - you watch - 100% sure of that. The 'good old days' of GNE are long gone - along with the heart of the company I loved working for, it's no surprise that we are where we are now in the top 100 companies to work for listing. It will only get worse - good luck to people like Ian who want to bring back the days of being top of the list - ain't gonna happen, in fact when/if the economy turns around this place will start to empty - just a matter of time.

Sorry, the old Roche benefits were AT LEAST as good, if not better tan "JEAN"entech. Thats not even considering that we actually had a defined benefit pension plan (legacy roche will still have), which few companies have these days.

As far as quitting, "dont let the door knob hit ya, where the good lord split ya!".

34% of business was lost to FDA pulling the breast indication. The company didn't care ans made no adjustments to goal. I hope the job market changes and people start to have options for their careers.

Hey wait a minute, what about the "superior" Avastin reps?, "The best of the best"?, "The "brightest of the brightest", now want goal reductions? Aww shut up and go earn your bloated salaries! Bonuses are not guaranteed, and you are not entitled to anything!

If you dont like it, quit today! Otherwise JUST SHUT UP!

Totally agree re the thin of the wedge. And yes, we should still be grateful that we have jobs (I'm not in sales/marketing) in these hard times but it's so clear that Roche decided when they took over GNE that they would leave all the good bonuses, perks, etc alone for a few years and then start their usual 'erosion' behaviours. Next year it will be our benefits turn - you watch - 100% sure of that. The 'good old days' of GNE are long gone - along with the heart of the company I loved working for, it's no surprise that we are where we are now in the top 100 companies to work for listing. It will only get worse - good luck to people like Ian who want to bring back the days of being top of the list - ain't gonna happen, in fact when/if the economy turns around this place will start to empty - just a matter of time.

The "old" GNE had one thing right- there were 2 crucial elements to a successful company- research and sales. Everyone else supported those 2 so that the company was very successful. I can't speak to our friends in research, but sales is an afterthought to all the bureauracy in marketing, develoment, CT&D, etc., etc. etc....... Before any of you whiners rip me, I'm not saying that sales is the most important or only thing, just that it is more important than what we seem to be focusing these days. It used to be about research and patients.

The "old" GNE had one thing right- there were 2 crucial elements to a successful company- research and sales. Everyone else supported those 2 so that the company was very successful. I can't speak to our friends in research, but sales is an afterthought to all the bureauracy in marketing, develoment, CT&D, etc., etc. etc....... Before any of you whiners rip me, I'm not saying that sales is the most important or only thing, just that it is more important than what we seem to be focusing these days. It used to be about research and patients.

Wow, I guess Jeansentech was unique in that manner, especially compared to every other commercial entity in the world. Booo hooo. we are being treated like the lunch serving,k whiney babies that we ra e, and I don't like it! boo hooo! I have a rediculous salary, and much higher bonus potential than anyone else in the company, at my level, yet I still feel disrespected! boo hooo, booo hooo! I want to quit, but there is no place to go! boooo hooo!

Hey wait a minute, what about the "superior" Avastin reps?, "The best of the best"?, "The "brightest of the brightest", now want goal reductions? Aww shut up and go earn your bloated salaries! Bonuses are not guaranteed, and you are not entitled to anything!

If you dont like it, quit today! Otherwise JUST SHUT UP!
bunch of babbies!

I think I'll vomit with the whining! You have a freaking pie job...get off the bong. call some of the former Roche guys like me that got the axe a year ago after 20+ years. If you are whining about this you would certainly jump off a cliff on the outside. Trust me....you don't know how good you have it.