The above post is spot on. Let's face it-most of us know about where we finished Q3. What this demonstrates is a lack of respect for the sales force. What they fail to realize is that when words aren't kept, trust is lost and when people don't trust or believe in their leadership motivation tanks. Yes, we are sales people and as such self motivated so that we can increase our bonus potential. However, if the general feelings of negativity become so pervasive and people don't feel valued they will start to look elsewhere and some simply won't put in the time they would if they felt valued.
Additionally, as sales people we need to connect with people and gain trust from our Doctors and the their staff as well as our teams. There is a certain amount of "personality" we need to have to be able to communicate and build relationships so our HCPs gain confidence in us. How the heck did KK get this far in sales by acting like a robot spewing canned lines that everybody can see through? There is absolutely no genuine sentiment there or real personality that connects with anyone. She does not have a motivating personality whatsoever. I just don't see her as a good sales person, let alone a VP of sales that needs to rev up the sales force-esp heading into a launch. Epic fail on this hiring decision Shire.