bonus cut for us private jet for scott

And somehow you think adding another stupid post helps you save face after getting caught in a lie? You just keep digging a bigger hole for yourself.

Dipshyt if you know who I am why dance on the edge or buy booze at Wegmans off hwy 22 at 11:13 am on a Sunday.

Scott is caught on tape. Watch for it!

Dipshyt if you know who I am why dance on the edge or buy booze at Wegmans off hwy 22 at 11:13 am on a Sunday.

Scott is caught on tape. Watch for it!

But you said you have the flight manifest. Now you say you have a tape. Which is it? When you make up crap like this, you better keep notes because it get caught in one lie after another.

Instead of buying your booze at Wegmans, you might be better off passing it up next time.

really leave a stock at $80 for one at $8 and facing lawsuits nah he ran away ran so far didn’t even bring his own secretary…hmmmm

You are comparing one stock price to another? Really? So if a company splits shares, you are stupid enough to think the value was cut in half? Did you bother to look at the comparison of total comp? Didn't think so. You already have proven that you can't read SEC filings. Lastly, you cannot just bring former employees with you as most companies will enforce a non-solicit clause. You would have to prove that the employee reached out on their own to a job posting.

really leave a stock at $80 for one at $8 and facing lawsuits nah he ran away ran so far didn’t even bring his own secretary…hmmmm

Which company has a higher market cap? Obviously, Bausch. Which company pays more for the CEO? Obviously, Bausch. Did you take the time to look that up? Obviously not.

really? Perrigo had a market of $50 bln and vrx only $5 bln when Joe made the move

ohh arthole, did you catch amnesia/ didyou forget why you had to go to ireland or why you were rushed over to valeant when you were? what about the text messages backed up to the office server, did you think those are not entered into are ven dummer dan u look

ohh arthole, did you catch amnesia/ didyou forget why you had to go to ireland or why you were rushed over to valeant when you were? what about the text messages backed up to the office server, did you think those are not entered into are ven dummer dan u look

Another idiotic post. Text messages are transmitted via your cell phone service provider. They do not go through a company server. Emails are what are backed up on servers. Maybe you should have someone help you write your made up stories so that you don’t make such stupid errors. That might increase your odds in getting some of the morons on this site to actually believe the crap you make up.

really? Perrigo had a market of $50 bln and vrx only $5 bln when Joe made the move

Wrong again, Sluggo. Joe left Perrigo in 2016. At that time, the market cap was just under $12 Billion. It is now just less than half that. That shows they are not doing as well without Joe. BHC (was then under VRX symbol) was at $5 Billion and is now almost double at over $9.37 Billion, which means Joe has increased value for shareholders.

You really should use Google before posting your made up stories and lies. You got caught lying about flight manifests (which are not public), you got caught lying at Joe cashing out stock (when shares were used for tax liability), you have been caught many times making up things about the SEC/DOJ and how you get caught lying about the market cap performance under Joe.