Boehringer Ingelheim's pipeline is a joke!


Only fixed-dose combos in respiratory, but when happens when those combo ideas run out? Oncology and Metabolism are a joke, Spiriva patents will expire soon, and then what's next? BI is a joke!


I agree that the OP does not work at BI. Either that or they are a moron. There is nothing wrong with BI's pipeline. They have as much going as any company does in this day and age. Drugs are just not getting throught the FDA as they did years ago (especially "me-too" products).

You obviously do not work at BI

Pipeline is best in industry.
Name one better.

What will happen when resp combo runs out?

How about asking that in 13 yrs?

Clearly, BI is so lame that the only thing you can do is try out combinations of existing products. No ingenuity or creativity exists at BI. Idiots, why can't you screen your own molecules?