Boehringer Ingelheim - def. worst company in pharma


After leaving BI almost 3 months ago, I can tell you, that BI is one messed up, pathetic, dysfunctional organisation. Even Junior High School was more functional than BI. BI is probably the worst of the worst in pharma (except maybe Pfizer) - exceptionally badly managed, and what's worst is that BI people don't have a clue how things in pharma are really done. People at BI are expected to support their own pathetic organisation no matter what it does or how badly it performs. Exactly as in the Third Reich. BI's pipeline and organisation is a mess and most people won't realize it until it's too late. Thank goodness I left and I am the happiest person alive.


After leaving BI almost 3 months ago, I can tell you, that BI is one messed up, pathetic, dysfunctional organisation. Even Junior High School was more functional than BI. BI is probably the worst of the worst in pharma (except maybe Pfizer) - exceptionally badly managed, and what's worst is that BI people don't have a clue how things in pharma are really done. People at BI are expected to support their own pathetic organisation no matter what it does or how badly it performs. Exactly as in the Third Reich. BI's pipeline and organisation is a mess and most people won't realize it until it's too late. Thank goodness I left and I am the happiest person alive.

Must not have much to do at the new job. Good luck with that.

After leaving BI almost 3 months ago, I can tell you, that BI is one messed up, pathetic, dysfunctional organisation. Even Junior High School was more functional than BI. BI is probably the worst of the worst in pharma (except maybe Pfizer) - exceptionally badly managed, and what's worst is that BI people don't have a clue how things in pharma are really done. People at BI are expected to support their own pathetic organisation no matter what it does or how badly it performs. Exactly as in the Third Reich. BI's pipeline and organisation is a mess and most people won't realize it until it's too late. Thank goodness I left and I am the happiest person alive.

Good riddance. Hope you are enjoying your new organisation. Eh?

The funny thing is nobody knows or cares that you left. Enjoy the green grass.

After leaving BI almost 3 months ago, I can tell you, that BI is one messed up, pathetic, dysfunctional organisation. Even Junior High School was more functional than BI. BI is probably the worst of the worst in pharma (except maybe Pfizer) - exceptionally badly managed, and what's worst is that BI people don't have a clue how things in pharma are really done. People at BI are expected to support their own pathetic organisation no matter what it does or how badly it performs. Exactly as in the Third Reich. BI's pipeline and organisation is a mess and most people won't realize it until it's too late. Thank goodness I left and I am the happiest person alive.

I sure hope your new company teaches you where the "spell check" feature is located.

After leaving BI almost 3 months ago, I can tell you, that BI is one messed up, pathetic, dysfunctional organisation. Even Junior High School was more functional than BI. BI is probably the worst of the worst in pharma (except maybe Pfizer) - exceptionally badly managed, and what's worst is that BI people don't have a clue how things in pharma are really done. People at BI are expected to support their own pathetic organisation no matter what it does or how badly it performs. Exactly as in the Third Reich. BI's pipeline and organisation is a mess and most people won't realize it until it's too late. Thank goodness I left and I am the happiest person alive.

OP is 100% right on...and the grass is greener everywhere else. Sorry that you losers are still stuck at BI, which us why you are obviously offended and jealous.

so what's a "real job"?

I can't imagine someone of your intelligence and drive has anything important to do.

Because if you did, you wouldn't be trolling around cafepharma insulting people from a keyboard.

You are just a coward with sour grapes. No need to cry cause you got passed over a promotion because nobody can stand being around you.

I would call you a loser, however, it would be giving you a compliment.

I sure hope your new company teaches you where the "spell check" feature is located.

LOL... typical BI idiot, has nothing to contribute and therefore behaves/thinks/acts like "grammar police".

Keep drinking your Kool-Aid, idiot. We will all be laughing when Pradaxa gets pulled and your titanic finally sinks (of course you will be too stupid to realize it, even after your garbage excuse for a company goes down the toilet and it's too late.)

LOL... typical BI idiot, has nothing to contribute and therefore behaves/thinks/acts like "grammar police".

Keep drinking your Kool-Aid, idiot. We will all be laughing when Pradaxa gets pulled and your titanic finally sinks (of course you will be too stupid to realize it, even after your garbage excuse for a company goes down the toilet and it's too late.)

I thought what he stated was quite comical, actually. keep it up man, was a good zinger.

BI is no better nor worse than any other pharma company. We have the same issues as all other pharma manufacturers; some bad leadership, some bad reps, top-heavy (leaden) internal departments, subject to the delays and whim of an antiquated MLR process, extremely heavily regulated, subject to managed care access, and the list goes on and on.

What we DO have are some good leadership (including senior leadership, directors and managers) some excellent reps, relatively strong pipeline in diverse disease categories (all subject to FDA approval) some good internal people on various marketing and ops departments.

We get relatively good rankings from our external customers (testament to our field teams.)

If you think things are bad here, go read other company boards on CP. EVERY company has similar posts; my DM sucks, our products suck, products launch poorly, etc.

I still say the best thing about CP is the fun posts on who is sleeping with who, who are the hot reps, who hooked up at the recent POA meeting.

All the other posts are just crap that are likely done by a handful of current/former reps that are just cry babies.

Now go enjoy your breakfast.

BI is no better nor worse than any other pharma company. We have the same issues as all other pharma manufacturers; some bad leadership, some bad reps, top-heavy (leaden) internal departments, subject to the delays and whim of an antiquated MLR process, extremely heavily regulated, subject to managed care access, and the list goes on and on.

What we DO have are some good leadership (including senior leadership, directors and managers) some excellent reps, relatively strong pipeline in diverse disease categories (all subject to FDA approval) some good internal people on various marketing and ops departments.

We get relatively good rankings from our external customers (testament to our field teams.)

If you think things are bad here, go read other company boards on CP. EVERY company has similar posts; my DM sucks, our products suck, products launch poorly, etc.

I still say the best thing about CP is the fun posts on who is sleeping with who, who are the hot reps, who hooked up at the recent POA meeting.

All the other posts are just crap that are likely done by a handful of current/former reps that are just cry babies.

Now go enjoy your breakfast.

Bla bla bla what rubbish!! I LEFT BI for another pharma company, and I can definitely attest to the fact that BI is a complete joke! Not just the pipeline, but the way employees are treated, the structure, the organisation, are all complete rubbish! Only people who are stuck at BI and who are unemployable anywhere else, are jealous, and therefore post garbage like the poster above. BI is a complete joke, and does NOT even come close to representing a successful, progressive pharmaceutical company. Not a single bit.

Bla bla bla what rubbish!! I LEFT BI for another pharma company, and I can definitely attest to the fact that BI is a complete joke! Not just the pipeline, but the way employees are treated, the structure, the organisation, are all complete rubbish! Only people who are stuck at BI and who are unemployable anywhere else, are jealous, and therefore post garbage like the poster above. BI is a complete joke, and does NOT even come close to representing a successful, progressive pharmaceutical company. Not a single bit.

That is a hoot! I left another pharma company for BI and find this company to be way better! My guess is that you you were a loser here and couldn't handle it. Glad to hear that you have your current leadership fooled. I'm sure that you'll be judged and measured wanting there soon as well. Good luck!

Bla bla bla what rubbish!! I LEFT BI for another pharma company, and I can definitely attest to the fact that BI is a complete joke! Not just the pipeline, but the way employees are treated, the structure, the organisation, are all complete rubbish! Only people who are stuck at BI and who are unemployable anywhere else, are jealous, and therefore post garbage like the poster above. BI is a complete joke, and does NOT even come close to representing a successful, progressive pharmaceutical company. Not a single bit.

It's spelled organization, not "organisation". Of note, the misspelled words are underlined in red. Please correct your spelling errors if you want to sound credible! You can't expect anyone to take your criticisms of BI seriously if you don't know how to spell. Now, go back to where you think the grass is greener.

If BI is better than your last company you must have come from Apria or something. BI is a joke. There are no sales taking place here. Reach and frequency is all they want which makes reps chase sigs and double up at lunches. I like it here because I can be done by noon and ref basketball.

If BI is better than your last company you must have come from Apria or something. BI is a joke. There are no sales taking place here. Reach and frequency is all they want which makes reps chase sigs and double up at lunches. I like it here because I can be done by noon and ref basketball.

No, I worked for one of the bigs and everything was the same - Just different people and slightly different terminology. This job is what you make of it. There is a great deal of what we do that is not directly supervised, so can play it either way - be a hard working person of integrity or a complete waste of integument. It's up to you.

It's spelled organization, not "organisation". Of note, the misspelled words are underlined in red. Please correct your spelling errors if you want to sound credible! You can't expect anyone to take your criticisms of BI seriously if you don't know how to spell. Now, go back to where you think the grass is greener.

"Organisation" is correct - it is the British spelling, dumbass. Shows how ignorant and uneducated BI people truly are.

That is a hoot! I left another pharma company for BI and find this company to be way better! My guess is that you you were a loser here and couldn't handle it. Glad to hear that you have your current leadership fooled. I'm sure that you'll be judged and measured wanting there soon as well. Good luck!

LOL! What a joke. You don't even explain what you mean by "BI is way better"? I've worked at several pharma companies before. For your information, BI offered me a better contract and salary but I REFUSED, and instead went elsewhere, I now have MUCH greater responsibilities, working together with people who aren't so braindead and incredibly incompetent as BI fools. Face it, BI is the lowest of the low in pharma, it's not even a "real" pharma company. The ones who stay at BI are idiots such as yourself who are unskilled and incompetent, and can't find a job at any other company. The good ones who were at BI all leave eventually. That is a fact. Now go and wallow in your self-pity and jealousy, knowing the fact that you could never dream of making it anywhere else due to your shallow caveman-like mentality.