Boca for COE Award Trip?


Novo has a market cap of 580 billion and the COE trip is to Boca? Dexcom has a 50 billion market cap and is going to Iceland! Glad I left Novo and won COE at Dexcom!


For those who may not know, or are not Novo employees, the Boca setup is pretty sweet. Not everyone is interested in flying overseas. Would love for them to continue to do US destinations!

For those who may not know, or are not Novo employees, the Boca setup is pretty sweet. Not everyone is interested in flying overseas. Would love for them to continue to do US destinations![/QUOTE

I have been to this same resort in Boca. It is nice. I also went on the Rome COE trip. Yeah, not comparable…

For those who may not know, or are not Novo employees, the Boca setup is pretty sweet. Not everyone is interested in flying overseas. Would love for them to continue to do US destinations!
Agree with this. Why the F would you want to go to Rome or even worse, Hawaii, for 4-5 nights? Give me a quick high end trip to the Caribbean or Florida any day.

Agree with this. Why the F would you want to go to Rome or even worse, Hawaii, for 4-5 nights? Give me a quick high end trip to the Caribbean or Florida any day.
Have to agree with you here. None of us in our district was even close this year, but I would def opt for a quick flight and maximum vacation time. FL, CA, mountains of CO, Caribbean are all good! Have fun everyone who qualified this year!

COE is a complete joke! Not motivating at all when a lot of people go to FL for Spring Break. At least have the Caribbean available. Is the ET limiting their air travel because of their carbon footprint? They should only have meetings on Zoom.

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