Bob Hugin running for Senate-- why?

I think what you meant was a rapidly disappearing middle class, even more concentration of wealth in the top 0.1%, gutting of spending on education, elimination of environmental safeguards, rigging the tax code to favor the wealthy then cutting VA benefits to help pay for it, and destruction of trust worldwide.

And since you seem to get your new from Sean Hannity, you might want to talk to those in the military to see what really happened. Putin beat ISIS. Not us. Putin beat ISIS and he propped up Assad and gave the Iranians a land bridge to the Med. Come on man, no one thinks Trump, the draft dodging, non tax paying fat ass had anything to do with it. Now, go watch some Info Wars and rage on!
why dont you tell this to Bob Hugin if you have the courage since he is running on Republican ticket.
He must be liking Trump and ssee teh power the president has

Look, Hillary was corrupt and a horrible person so I'm glad she's not President, but anyone defending Trump or supporting him in any way is a sick piece of shit. Fcuk you.

America is screwed.

America is a better place now because of Trump.
After North Korea he will take care of Iran, you watch.
He will win the next election followed by President pence in 2024

America is a better place now because of Trump.
After North Korea he will take care of Iran, you watch.
He will win the next election followed by President pence in 2024

I absolutely believe Trump will win the next election. Not because he's any good, but because the abuses of the radical left and their main stream media have gone on for so long and the American Middle is fed up with it. That doesn't make him a good person. He's a POS and everyone knows it, even his family.

I served in the Marines. I still have DOD friends. The rank and file hate him. They just hated HRC more.

Trump supportes spend alot of time practicing denialism, becuase they spend zero time fact checking or researching the topics. Fact checking and research is uncomfortable for them, because the truth seldom matches the narrative that Fox News tells them is reality.

Good luck to Bob H. on his quest for political office. If any Trumpsters on this thread would like to debate a topic, I am very willing to do so. Please choose the topic or issue, include your data and or reference your source to back your point of view or stance. If the source is not the originator of the data, please confirm with citations from originator. Just to be a little snarky...I don't really expect any acceptance of this challenge and the words, "something great" is not an answer to anything.

Good luck to Bob H. on his quest for political office. If any Trumpsters on this thread would like to debate a topic, I am very willing to do so. Please choose the topic or issue, include your data and or reference your source to back your point of view or stance. If the source is not the originator of the data, please confirm with citations from originator. Just to be a little snarky...I don't really expect any acceptance of this challenge and the words, "something great" is not an answer to anything.
who did you vote for President in this past election?

Good luck to Bob H. on his quest for political office. If any Trumpsters on this thread would like to debate a topic, I am very willing to do so. Please choose the topic or issue, include your data and or reference your source to back your point of view or stance. If the source is not the originator of the data, please confirm with citations from originator. Just to be a little snarky...I don't really expect any acceptance of this challenge and the words, "something great" is not an answer to anything.
Here are questions for you
1) why is illegal immigration a good thing when people from all over the world including from lawless nations which harbor lots of terrorists and terrorist training camps.
2) why is building a wall and protecting our nation a bad idea
3) why is stopping the abuse of H1/L1 visa by IT companies a bad thing
4) why is lowering taxes a bad thing
5) Why is adding tariff's to foreign imports a bad thinge escpcially if it can help the steel and auto industry
6) why is temporarily stopping people from islamic nations who is not vetted properly especially when they hate us is a bad thing

Here are questions for you
1) why is illegal immigration a good thing when people from all over the world including from lawless nations which harbor lots of terrorists and terrorist training camps - then why hasn't he done anything about Saudia Arabia? Anything to do with selling condos there?
2) why is building a wall and protecting our nation a bad idea -we should enforce borders and immigration law but building a Wall won't work. He guaranteed the Mexicans would pay for it - hows that going?
3) why is stopping the abuse of H1/L1 visa by IT companies a bad thing -It's not, but it would help if we could source those jobs. Too often, we can't.
4) why is lowering taxes a bad thing -again, not a bad thing. What is bad and in my view immoral, is focusing almost the entirety of the tax benefit for the ultra rich and then cutting programs that help the public good (education, health, infrastructure) to pay for it.
5) Why is adding tariff's to foreign imports a bad thinge escpcially if it can help the steel and auto industry -because we all learned in freshman economics that doesn't work over the long run. What works is building worker skills/competency so that productivity improves.
6) why is temporarily stopping people from islamic nations who is not vetted properly especially when they hate us is a bad thing - that was already going on under every administration. Americans are most at risk of being killed by freakish, radical right, tax protester types.

It's sad that your vote count the same as mine. I see you as no different than the freakish left wing radicals. You two are fundamentalists on the same coin.

Here are questions for you
1) why is illegal immigration a good thing when people from all over the world including from lawless nations which harbor lots of terrorists and terrorist training camps.
2) why is building a wall and protecting our nation a bad idea
3) why is stopping the abuse of H1/L1 visa by IT companies a bad thing
4) why is lowering taxes a bad thing
5) Why is adding tariff's to foreign imports a bad thinge escpcially if it can help the steel and auto industry
6) why is temporarily stopping people from islamic nations who is not vetted properly especially when they hate us is a bad thing
MAGA baby-manipulating America’s gullible assholes.

Here are questions for you
1) why is illegal immigration a good thing when people from all over the world including from lawless nations which harbor lots of terrorists and terrorist training camps.
2) why is building a wall and protecting our nation a bad idea
3) why is stopping the abuse of H1/L1 visa by IT companies a bad thing
4) why is lowering taxes a bad thing
5) Why is adding tariff's to foreign imports a bad thinge escpcially if it can help the steel and auto industry
6) why is temporarily stopping people from islamic nations who is not vetted properly especially when they hate us is a bad thing

sounds like a coal worker wrote this...hows it working out?

Here are questions for you
1) why is illegal immigration a good thing when people from all over the world including from lawless nations which harbor lots of terrorists and terrorist training camps. Who said illegal immigration was a good thing? Did Fox news fool you by telling you everybody who doesn't watch their channel believes illegal immigration is a good thing. You know we have a process of vetting already in place. If you don't believe me, than I assume you have never won a Diamond Club or introduced yourself to any of your foreign physicians.
2) why is building a wall and protecting our nation a bad idea Do you have any idea of the logistics, cost, and effectivness of this proposed wall? Did the individuals who flew planes into the World Trade Center walk across the Rio? You know, the wall would only stop those who are walking across the southern border between Mexico and the U.S. Ever heard of a boat or plane, or the fact that the rest of the almost 6,000 miles of ground border is wide open and the costal shoreline of the U.S and outlying territories is over 95,000 miles. "Build that wall! Build that wall!" I can't beleive how a sound bite gets you Trumpty Dumpty supporters all crazy. I'm sure that wall will protect you from all that hides under your bed and those who may take your lawn mowing job.
3) why is stopping the abuse of H1/L1 visa by IT companies a bad thing. First, prove the abuse. Again, did Fox News tell you all the people utilizing this catagory of Visa are terrorist? How do you set a precident on what industries can utilize a visa catagory? I think some of your customers would love to disagree.
4) why is lowering taxes a bad thing I know nobody who thinks lowering taxes is a bad thing. But of course the narrative of lowering taxes is such a drooling sound bite for the Trumpty Dumpty supportes that they cant think more than one paycheck in front of themselves and have no idea how the cost of running a country will continue or who will pay for the future or who really is benefiting from the cuts. I ask supply or demand economics more effective. I'm assuming you know the difference.
5) Why is adding tariff's to foreign imports a bad thinge escpcially if it can help the steel and auto industryOMG!!! Please tell me you have had one single economics class!! Please tell me you know the definition of end user? Who do you think pays for those tariffs???
6) why is temporarily stopping people from islamic nations who is not vetted properly especially when they hate us is a bad thing
This question is as ignorant as the rest, not only in context, but gramatically. Please detail me on the "not vetted properly" immigrants. Examples of who they are. Again, you have let Fox News Narrative bend your little mind. Have you studied any religion...I mean beyond Sunday School at Westboro Baptist Church.

I know I sound sarcastic, but really, these topics tell me you have no real understanding of for what you voted. Please educate yourself. When you ask someone how much they will pay you to work at a company, do you agree to take the job when they say..."something great'.

This question is as ignorant as the rest, not only in context, but gramatically. Please detail me on the "not vetted properly" immigrants. Examples of who they are. Again, you have let Fox News Narrative bend your little mind. Have you studied any religion...I mean beyond Sunday School at Westboro Baptist Church.

I know I sound sarcastic, but really, these topics tell me you have no real understanding of for what you voted. Please educate yourself. When you ask someone how much they will pay you to work at a company, do you agree to take the job when they say..."something great'.
I knew you couldnt answer any of them.
To me it looks like you are an ignorant person and you keep rattling calling names on others who ask intelligent questions based on their life experiences.
I know about christianity, Islam, hinduism, jainism and buddhism and lived in a community with fixed faith.
which religion are you an expert and want to debate?
Here's more questions for you and educate yourselves before you make false statements.
1) why is Pakistan, Indonesia and bengladesh and many islamic countries are shithole countries.
2) what was the population of pakistan, bengladesh, indonesia in 1950 and in 2018
3) why is Primeminister Modi and his government came to power in India and trying to change the secular rules in India
4) what chnages happened in european cities like london, hamburg,brussels and vienna

Once you get insights to above questions you will become more knowledgeable and understand teh bigger picture.

Earlier poster was correct, but left out that you are not only impotent and still a are a Loser and CRAZY! Maybe you don’t know you are impotent cause there’s no way you have ever been laid. Your anger is astonishing.

I knew you couldnt answer any of them.
To me it looks like you are an ignorant person and you keep rattling calling names on others who ask intelligent questions based on their life experiences.
I know about christianity, Islam, hinduism, jainism and buddhism and lived in a community with fixed faith.
which religion are you an expert and want to debate?
Here's more questions for you and educate yourselves before you make false statements.
1) why is Pakistan, Indonesia and bengladesh and many islamic countries are shithole countries.
2) what was the population of pakistan, bengladesh, indonesia in 1950 and in 2018
3) why is Primeminister Modi and his government came to power in India and trying to change the secular rules in India
4) what chnages happened in european cities like london, hamburg,brussels and vienna

Once you get insights to above questions you will become more knowledgeable and understand teh bigger picture.
LOL! You are a joke, just like your failing leader. History will not be kind to either of you, and please try PROOF READING for once in your life!!!!

I knew you couldnt answer any of them.
To me it looks like you are an ignorant person and you keep rattling calling names on others who ask intelligent questions based on their life experiences.
I know about christianity, Islam, hinduism, jainism and buddhism and lived in a community with fixed faith.
which religion are you an expert and want to debate?
Here's more questions for you and educate yourselves before you make false statements.
1) why is Pakistan, Indonesia and bengladesh and many islamic countries are shithole countries.
2) what was the population of pakistan, bengladesh, indonesia in 1950 and in 2018
3) why is Primeminister Modi and his government came to power in India and trying to change the secular rules in India
4) what chnages happened in european cities like london, hamburg,brussels and vienna

Once you get insights to above questions you will become more knowledgeable and understand teh bigger picture.

Wow. I am a reluctant Trump supporter but guys like you make us look bad with your 3rd grade grasp of English and the almost non-existent grasp of logic. Please don't post again. You are proving their point.

I knew you couldnt answer any of them.
To me it looks like you are an ignorant person and you keep rattling calling names on others who ask intelligent questions based on their life experiences.
I know about christianity, Islam, hinduism, jainism and buddhism and lived in a community with fixed faith.
which religion are you an expert and want to debate?
Here's more questions for you and educate yourselves before you make false statements.
1) why is Pakistan, Indonesia and bengladesh and many islamic countries are shithole countries.
2) what was the population of pakistan, bengladesh, indonesia in 1950 and in 2018
3) why is Primeminister Modi and his government came to power in India and trying to change the secular rules in India
4) what chnages happened in european cities like london, hamburg,brussels and vienna

Once you get insights to above questions you will become more knowledgeable and understand teh bigger picture.
He or she has answered all of your questions with rebuttal questions and plenty of sarcasm. You should stop posting.

Wow. I am a reluctant Trump supporter but guys like you make us look bad with your 3rd grade grasp of English and the almost non-existent grasp of logic. Please don't post again. You are proving their point.
So you are a half ass deplorable?? A Trump supporter is a Trump supporter. Thanks for screwing up our country to a traitor!!

Post mortum on the election? Why he lost?

Bob's adds were mostly negative. Why did he not take another approach?

For example - There hasn't been a Republican in the Senate for New Jersey since 1972. With all the high taxes and other issues in New Jersey. The Dems have let New Jersey down, why not challenge the power structure by electing Hugin a Republican?

This is just one point to exploit that may of made a difference.

Cant help but think that good old Bob's motivation for working at Celgene and awarding himself big stock options was to fund this political campaign.
Overtones of Valeant pharma here. Watch it on Netflix and you can't but see similarities especially in the constant price rises and expensive drugs. REVELIMID price has doubled in 5 years!!!!!