why dont you tell this to Bob Hugin if you have the courage since he is running on Republican ticket.I think what you meant was a rapidly disappearing middle class, even more concentration of wealth in the top 0.1%, gutting of spending on education, elimination of environmental safeguards, rigging the tax code to favor the wealthy then cutting VA benefits to help pay for it, and destruction of trust worldwide.
And since you seem to get your new from Sean Hannity, you might want to talk to those in the military to see what really happened. Putin beat ISIS. Not us. Putin beat ISIS and he propped up Assad and gave the Iranians a land bridge to the Med. Come on man, no one thinks Trump, the draft dodging, non tax paying fat ass had anything to do with it. Now, go watch some Info Wars and rage on!
He must be liking Trump and ssee teh power the president has