So Starbucks Schultz retiring & has presidential aspirations. You want him? Not me! These billionaires are one extreme or the other. Trump is better option anyday compared with the rest of them considering a 2020 run.ego
which is ok, but the suck up to Trump is disgusting. It's ok to be a good Rebuplican and not suck up to Trump. We all know he's an embarrassment and a bad person.
The abuses of the politically correct left went on for so long, that monsters like T are possible. Once he's run his course, I hope we get back to a centrist outlook that takes care of the middle.
problem is, there's no party that has the middle's interest at heart.
the Democrats are beholden to fringe elements and look after the lazy, Wiccans, LGBTQ, NAACP, criminals, those who don't intend to work, etc. the Republicans say F everybody who isn't exceptionally rich. They co-opt patriotism and religion(which they actually are very bad at) to get the votes of the weak and turn around and F everyone
the middle, the workers, the people who actually stay married and look to better their children are left out
So Starbucks Schultz retiring & has presidential aspirations. You want him? Not me! These billionaires are one extreme or the other. Trump is better option anyday compared with the rest of them considering a 2020 run.
Trump is the right guy for today to restore some order, control illegal immigration and tobring back the country to its culture. Bob Hugin is a failed candidate, it was under his watch the R&D was done n Crohn's dseas and Ozanimod and failed miserably. It was under hsi watch many celgene IT jobs were outrsourced to cheap Indian companies.I think he is running to influence decisions pertaining to Phamaceutical industrySo Starbucks Schultz retiring & has presidential aspirations. You want him? Not me! These billionaires are one extreme or the other. Trump is better option anyday compared with the rest of them considering a 2020 run.
Trump is the right guy for today to restore some order, control illegal immigration and tobring back the country to its culture. Bob Hugin is a failed candidate, it was under his watch the R&D was done n Crohn's dseas and Ozanimod and failed miserably. It was under hsi watch many celgene IT jobs were outrsourced to cheap Indian companies.I think he is running to influence decisions pertaining to Phamaceutical industry
Trump is the right guy for today to restore some order, control illegal immigration and tobring back the country to its culture. Bob Hugin is a failed candidate, it was under his watch the R&D was done n Crohn's dseas and Ozanimod and failed miserably. It was under hsi watch many celgene IT jobs were outrsourced to cheap Indian companies.I think he is running to influence decisions pertaining to Phamaceutical industry
You can call any names you want to Trump.Nothing changes and he keeps winning
Are you a perfect person in every aspect?
Didnt your dumbocratic president Mr Clinton cleat?
Did you make you first million yet?
To become a successful businesses billionaire is not an easy task.
How many business do you own?
How did Trump bring North Korea to its knees and negotiating table?
Go to Newark, NJ and Philadelphia in summer time and report back if it looks America or a third world town.
How do you like Merry Christmas and God bless America?
Guessing you are impotent? Also clearly a huge geek in HS?
His and your view of winning seems to resemble Charlie Sheen's version. The election could be referenced as a win except for the influence of ya, not really.
I never said I was perfect, but I do proclaim my mistakes and don't blame others for them.
I didn't vote for Clinton. You should have read entire post, but I assume you were all lathered up and wanted to respond in a feverish and inaccurate manner. Maybe twitter is more your style.
Yes, I have made my first million and a few more.
Becoming a billionaire is not easy. Lying, cheating and getting money from daddy is not really the noble and true discription of doing it yourself. You might want to read his book. Do you have any proof of his claimed wealth?
I own 3 businesses myself and am a principal in 3 venture capital entities.
I think you are referring to the Faux News narrative of North Korea...chickens that have not hatched.
Cherry picking two cities as a representation of all of America is myopic at best.
I never quit saying Merry Christmas, as I am not a whining little conservative snowflake.
Did I answer all of your questions?
-forced religion isn't religion, it's propaganda. My guess is you don't tithe, cheat on your spouse, cheat on your taxes, don't help people in need and don't love your enemies.You can call any names you want to Trump.Nothing changes and he keeps winning -he isn't winning at anything except embarrassing America
Are you a perfect person in every aspect? -no, but I haven't cheating on 3 wives, I paid taxes the past 10 years, and I don't cheat everyone I work with
Didnt your dumbocratic president Mr Clinton cleat? - not sure what this means, rube but Clinton isn't the POTUS
Did you make you first million yet? -yes, plus several more
To become a successful businesses billionaire is not an easy task. It's a bit easier when you lie, cheat, don't pay taxes and accept billions is corporate welfare
How many business do you own? -I own two on the side but I keep the Celgene gig for the benefits. I have lots of free time because as you might know, oncologists don't see us
How did Trump bring North Korea to its knees and negotiating table? -so wrong it's funny. China brought them to the table. Trump simply doesn't count but if you believe Breitbart, InfoWars and Fox Opinions, you do believe that Trump is quit the power. Too bad he dodged the draft.
Go to Newark, NJ and Philadelphia in summer time and report back if it looks America or a third world town. -go to the Hamptons, Beverly Hills or Aventura and tell me if it looks like Merica.
How do you like Merry Christmas and God bless America?
Look, Hillary was corrupt and a horrible person so I'm glad she's not President, but anyone defending Trump or supporting him in any way is a sick piece of shit. Fcuk you.
America is screwed.
Yep! With unemployment at a 20 year low, and the markets more than recovering and headed in a positive direction, women, Hispanics and African Americans unemployment at an all time low,ISIS is under control ( for now)
If this is what it’s liked to be screwed then sign me up!
I think what you meant was a rapidly disappearing middle class, even more concentration of wealth in the top 0.1%, gutting of spending on education, elimination of environmental safeguards, rigging the tax code to favor the wealthy then cutting VA benefits to help pay for it, and destruction of trust worldwide.
And since you seem to get your new from Sean Hannity, you might want to talk to those in the military to see what really happened. Putin beat ISIS. Not us. Putin beat ISIS and he propped up Assad and gave the Iranians a land bridge to the Med. Come on man, no one thinks Trump, the draft dodging, non tax paying fat ass had anything to do with it. Now, go watch some Info Wars and rage on!
Totally agree with you!! That poster is out of touch and probably from one of the legal weed smoking states.whoever you are, you are an ass!
If you work at Celgene I now know why it has turned to shit!
whoever you are, you are an ass!
If you work at Celgene I now know why it has turned to shit!
So, if you didn’t vote for HC who did you vote for?Too bad. Facts don't care about your feelings. Isn't that what your wonder boy Ben says?
Stop watching Fox Opinions and open your brain.
meanwhile, Trump gives ZTE the green light to US industry even though his own officials confirm they single handedly broke North Korean sanctions and stole US technology
all while giving out pardons to politicians who outing service agents for political gains
what a patriot!