Damn you Celgene for showing me the good life, then having our CEO's ego have him run for Congress, then having Celgene sell out to BMY. They suck. Almost as much as Amgen sucks.

Damn you to hell.

Damn you Celgene for showing me the good life, then having our CEO's ego have him run for Congress, then having Celgene sell out to BMY. They suck. Almost as much as Amgen sucks.

Damn you to hell.

Consumer Reports lists the top 5 organizations that suck:

1) BMS
2) Amgen
3) Dyson
4) Bissell
5) Hoover

I have suffered since 2019 and I can say BMY is the most toxic environment I have ever witnessed. Should be studied. Contained. Learned from. Absolutely the worst environment ever.

BMY sucks.

I have suffered under Amgen since 2019. Sounds like BMY is bad, but let me tell you Amgen is fake. All we do is fake KPI measurements. My drunk, lobster catching, slum lord of a RSD actually tells the DMs and they screen shot it and send us: "just put the POA call plan in just as it says" and I'll take care of you. Fake place. I can't believe they put this clown in any role. He is the legacy they have created.