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It only makes sense! Pfizer won't share profits on the only hopeful drug they have!!

If E does well out of the gate, Pfizer will try to buy BMS. If it tanks, Pfizer will try to buy somebody else. As a long time Pfizer rep, I recall our CEO telling us back in 1998 or so that we weren't interested in M&A... Of course that's about all PFE sr mgt has done since 2000. Well, that and lay people off.

Good luck to all. Wish I was going to sell E with you, but I got switched to a dying cluster last week, meaning I have 6-12 months to find a new job, Pfizer's special way of saying thanks after 23 years...

It only makes sense! Pfizer won't share profits on the only hopeful drug they have!!

YEP !!!
One more "me too" (of course its SOOOOOoooo much more than that,..right??) drug is a really great reason to merge too lethargic, greedy, otherwise ordinary and wasteful companies.... and cause even more misery for the employees in the "Process" ????
For "E" ??????

YEP !!!
One more "me too" (of course its SOOOOOoooo much more than that,..right??) drug is a really great reason to merge too lethargic, greedy, otherwise ordinary and wasteful companies.... and cause even more misery for the employees in the "Process" ????
For "E" ??????

What else do they have?? I would be curious to see the way their reps are aligned, if it is at all similar to ours. BTW, I am the person that posted on the Pfizer site that LAYOFFS were coming DEC. 1st and people like you said I was WRONG and "GO BACK TO WORK"! Guess what, I was wrong, they were 2 days earlier than I said!

BMS stock is way overpriced. Wait until the Q4 2012 and Q1 2013 earnings reports are published. They will tank! P/E's will be sky high and share price will drop like a rock.

so tired of hearing what pfizer does or doesn't do! Pfizer has runied industry so much. Remembing days when there was army selling Lipitor and Norvasc and driving doctors crazy with a call every hour every day detailing Lipitor or Norvasc. Then remembering a rep throwing competition Crestor, Lescol, Baycol, Zocor samples away in trash. Yes that happened! Wish some company would just devour Pfizer away!

Amazing! The drug hasn't even been packed yet and we are getting bought out. What a joke this site is..

One would expect Eliquis to have a total peak sales of $8-10 billion out of about $20 billion of total market. Besides Eliquis, BMS has some good products in the market and also an excellent pipeline. BMS market cap is about $54 billion. Can Pfizer buy BMS at 30% premium - around $70 billion? Yes, but it is all speculation which does not do good to worry about at this time. We don't know what the contract terms are between BMS and Pfizer when BMS offered Eliquis partnership to Pfizer.

Please research Pfizer and their near future patent expirations. Viagra and Celebrex are scheduled to expire in the next year. I doubt that they have the ability to finance another large takeover.

Please research Pfizer and their near future patent expirations. Viagra and Celebrex are scheduled to expire in the next year. I doubt that they have the ability to finance another large takeover.

That is exactly why they would do it now! Before that happens. Viagra is 100% contact reps so they are saving $. They need a solid pipeline to handle Celebrex loss so if they don't act now, it may not be feasible in the future!

If E does well out of the gate, Pfizer will try to buy BMS. If it tanks, Pfizer will try to buy somebody else. As a long time Pfizer rep, I recall our CEO telling us back in 1998 or so that we weren't interested in M&A... Of course that's about all PFE sr mgt has done since 2000. Well, that and lay people off.

Good luck to all. Wish I was going to sell E with you, but I got switched to a dying cluster last week, meaning I have 6-12 months to find a new job, Pfizer's special way of saying thanks after 23 years...

None of would want Pfizer to buy BMS, they have way too many problems at Pfizer. Besides, they dont have the cash to get BMS. So this is just another silly speculative thought by a dumbass who has gone senile.