BMS Layoffs February 18


Layoffs will start tomorrow (Tuesday February 18th) in research at least. Not sure when they start for the rest of the organization or if they already did.

Not sure of the total scope but sounds like cancer immunology is gone (leftovers of TME). Anyone else know what's going on across research or the rest of the organization?

no clue but there will be layoffs in db and mocr that is confirmed i guess immunology too but not sure i kinda assume tm labs anyone have any other info
What is db? discovery biotherapeutics? Is there anyone to lay off from that group at this point just get rid of that function. When will they announce the layoffs

Does this include field too?
no clue. just know about research. field? you are prolly screwed if its a LoE drug- fine if its a new drug. but isnt that normal for that your function? you guys are super dispensable - you just sell whatever is the drug of the moment.. if its going generic you are getting laid off- that's how it works no?

You mentioned immunology gone? Does this include neuro/ MS zeposia? This falls under both immunology and neuro. When will immunology cuts begin?
Neuro is gone. Haven’t refilled vacant positions in months. That’s the BMS tell. Look around your respective groups, if you have had open positions for a while, you’re gone. Meg is terrific at lying and not caring which makes her the perfect vessel for this type of activity