Does anyone know which the BMS contract provides? A company car or a car allowance?
About 250 reps. were displaced from this contract about 9 weeks ago.... now they're adding around the same number. Go figure, who's the brains behind this brilliant move!!
BMS can't be trusted, you'll be blindsided without a doubt.
Selling Byetta, Bydurion and Omglyza because sales are eroding. I was told that the benefits were good, 3 weeks vacation plus company closure last week of year. Contract is open ended, no end date announced. May roll into BMS, may end abruptly, or may just continue. Think I would rather be on a contract with an end date so at least i can plan. Don't like knowing I can get a call one day that says you have no job the next day. I know that can happen even with a time-duration contract, and it has happened to me twice now in large pharma companies as a "regular" employee, however, I feel that with a time allotted contract, you are more likely to have the job for most of the contract, than just not knowing. I am passing on this contract for those reasons.
Even time allotted contracts end unexpectedly and put you in a tail spin. I was just on a contract that was suppose to go for two years but was ended after just 1 year. Completely blindsided. Contract only make sense for people that don't count on the income to pay the mortgage and have a spouse that is the primary breadwinner. Otherwise, you can get yourself in deep financial trouble, not to mention it's an emotional rollercoaster.
When are the interviews for this contract? Anybody know? I was phone screened last week and haven't heard anything since. Also, is it true that they are filling the positions with reps that were laid off from the position a few months ago?????? Really????? Doesn't sound like a good situation.