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Blowout: 306 to 232. Thank You Georgia!


College educated voters tipped the election in Georgia! I know fellow Georgia coworkers are still celebrating and looking forward to Ossoff and Warnock winning for the Senate Majority. The New South Will Rise!


College educated voters tipped the election in Georgia! I know fellow Georgia coworkers are still celebrating and looking forward to Ossoff and Warnock winning for the Senate Majority. The New South Will Rise!

And then when Biden and Kamala shut us completely down for 6 weeks since Trump’s shut down allowed “too many people to be deemed essential employees”, we will all be laid off and out of a job! Thank you so much Georgia!! Those liberal arts degrees and philosophy classes really paid off!!!

College educated voters tipped the election in Georgia! I know fellow Georgia coworkers are still celebrating and looking forward to Ossoff and Warnock winning for the Senate Majority. The New South Will Rise!
Doubtful since Georgians didn't carry them across the first time in the context of a Presidential election and they were actually losing. Ossoff and Warnock are far too progressive and essentially radical hand-puppets of the far left that the majority won't embrace. Thank goodness for a treasure trove of incriminating evidence to prove it.

Congrats Georgia! Well done! Kudos to AZ, WI, MI & Penn as well!

To the person worried about a shut down.... if Trump wouldn’t have f***** up the COVID response to begin with he might still be President come Jan 20th, my kids wouldn’t still be home from school with half my offices closed and more importantly hundreds of thousands might still be alive. I’d rather have a 4 week shut down than drag this out another 6months. It’s Trumps lack of response that has hurt the economy. Oh & his “I won” spoiled tantrum...just trying to keep raising $ to pay off his campaign debt. You Trumpers fall for it every time. Remember when Hillary “lost” 4 years ago while winning the popular vote and Trumps response was to get over it and how he won by such a huge margin. What a loser/hypocrite. He didn’t win either & can’t do the right thing by conceding. Can’t wait till he is in jail for tax fraud or his charitable organization fraud or the other 6 pending charges against him. Total grifter.

Congrats Georgia! Well done! Kudos to AZ, WI, MI & Penn as well!

To the person worried about a shut down.... if Trump wouldn’t have f***** up the COVID response to begin with he might still be President come Jan 20th, my kids wouldn’t still be home from school with half my offices closed and more importantly hundreds of thousands might still be alive. I’d rather have a 4 week shut down than drag this out another 6months. It’s Trumps lack of response that has hurt the economy. Oh & his “I won” spoiled tantrum...just trying to keep raising $ to pay off his campaign debt. You Trumpers fall for it every time. Remember when Hillary “lost” 4 years ago while winning the popular vote and Trumps response was to get over it and how he won by such a huge margin. What a loser/hypocrite. He didn’t win either & can’t do the right thing by conceding. Can’t wait till he is in jail for tax fraud or his charitable organization fraud or the other 6 pending charges against him. Total grifter.
You can't "win the popular vote", since there is only one way to win (electoral college).
Say the words, Hillary lost
Say the words, Al Gore lost

Congrats Georgia! Well done! Kudos to AZ, WI, MI & Penn as well!

To the person worried about a shut down.... if Trump wouldn’t have f***** up the COVID response to begin with he might still be President come Jan 20th, my kids wouldn’t still be home from school with half my offices closed and more importantly hundreds of thousands might still be alive. I’d rather have a 4 week shut down than drag this out another 6months. It’s Trumps lack of response that has hurt the economy. Oh & his “I won” spoiled tantrum...just trying to keep raising $ to pay off his campaign debt. You Trumpers fall for it every time. Remember when Hillary “lost” 4 years ago while winning the popular vote and Trumps response was to get over it and how he won by such a huge margin. What a loser/hypocrite. He didn’t win either & can’t do the right thing by conceding. Can’t wait till he is in jail for tax fraud or his charitable organization fraud or the other 6 pending charges against him. Total grifter.

As a Commander-in-chief, had he just simply held his tongue about his PERSONAL feelings of an ex-POW that served honorably in the Senate for years after recovering from his interment, he would have easily carried that state. Was it worth it Donnybrook? The state was yours to lose and you and your ego did it so well. ;)

To post #6..... I’ll say the words..

Hillary lost.
Al lost.

& best of all, can now add...
Trump lost.

And a convincing loss at that. At least that’s what Trump said in 2016 when had the same 306 electoral votes as Biden received in 2020. Believe Trump referred to it as a “blowout”.

To post #6..... I’ll say the words..

Hillary lost.
Al lost.

& best of all, can now add...
Trump lost.

And a convincing loss at that. At least that’s what Trump said in 2016 when had the same 306 electoral votes as Biden received in 2020. Believe Trump referred to it as a “blowout”.
After we get the certified votes & the electoral actually college meets, we may be able to say that Trump lost
I certainly wouldn't wait for 2 years or 20 years to say it. The law says we will know for certain by January at the latest.

Doubtful since Georgians didn't carry them across the first time in the context of a Presidential election and they were actually losing. Ossoff and Warnock are far too progressive and essentially radical hand-puppets of the far left that the majority won't embrace. Thank goodness for a treasure trove of incriminating evidence to prove it.

Congrats Georgia! Well done! Kudos to AZ, WI, MI & Penn as well!

To the person worried about a shut down.... if Trump wouldn’t have f***** up the COVID response to begin with he might still be President come Jan 20th, my kids wouldn’t still be home from school with half my offices closed and more importantly hundreds of thousands might still be alive. I’d rather have a 4 week shut down than drag this out another 6months. It’s Trumps lack of response that has hurt the economy. Oh & his “I won” spoiled tantrum...just trying to keep raising $ to pay off his campaign debt. You Trumpers fall for it every time. Remember when Hillary “lost” 4 years ago while winning the popular vote and Trumps response was to get over it and how he won by such a huge margin. What a loser/hypocrite. He didn’t win either & can’t do the right thing by conceding. Can’t wait till he is in jail for tax fraud or his charitable organization fraud or the other 6 pending charges against him. Total grifter.
Nothing you said is true!

To post #6..... I’ll say the words..

Hillary lost.
Al lost.

& best of all, can now add...
Trump lost.

And a convincing loss at that. At least that’s what Trump said in 2016 when had the same 306 electoral votes as Biden received in 2020. Believe Trump referred to it as a “blowout”.
Everything you said after “Al lost” is irrelevant! :D

Happy to be one of over TEN MILLION Californians who voted for Joe Biden and helped make him the recipient of the most votes in American history! Doubly glad I was one of the almost EIGHTY MILLION voters who made Don the Con a one-term LOSER ex-president!

Congrats Georgia! Well done! Kudos to AZ, WI, MI & Penn as well!

To the person worried about a shut down.... if Trump wouldn’t have f***** up the COVID response to begin with he might still be President come Jan 20th, my kids wouldn’t still be home from school with half my offices closed and more importantly hundreds of thousands might still be alive. I’d rather have a 4 week shut down than drag this out another 6months. It’s Trumps lack of response that has hurt the economy. Oh & his “I won” spoiled tantrum...just trying to keep raising $ to pay off his campaign debt. You Trumpers fall for it every time. Remember when Hillary “lost” 4 years ago while winning the popular vote and Trumps response was to get over it and how he won by such a huge margin. What a loser/hypocrite. He didn’t win either & can’t do the right thing by conceding. Can’t wait till he is in jail for tax fraud or his charitable organization fraud or the other 6 pending charges against him. Total grifter.

So you are blaming Trump on a virus and people he can't control, but did restrict foreign travel, facilitate diagnostic testing, built ventilators, deployed PPE resources and military medical services, initiated Project Warp Speed for a vaccine & therapeutics just now becoming available, plus deferred to state and local officials/educators to control public health and schooling? Please!

I bet your also really disappointed in Hilary not going to jail due to her private email server, Bill's inability to keep it zipped up, Hilary's mismanagement of Benghazi resulting in the death of 4 Americans, Hilary & Bill's corrupt foundation, the whole misguided group of Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, McCabe, Comey, Brennan, Bolton, Steele, Page, Strzok, and Hunter & Joe's selling political access for personal gain for a few more. Now, who's the hypocrite?

So you are blaming Trump on a virus and people he can't control, but did restrict foreign travel, facilitate diagnostic testing, built ventilators, deployed PPE resources and military medical services, initiated Project Warp Speed for a vaccine & therapeutics just now becoming available, plus deferred to state and local officials/educators to control public health and schooling? Please!

I bet your also really disappointed in Hilary not going to jail due to her private email server, Bill's inability to keep it zipped up, Hilary's mismanagement of Benghazi resulting in the death of 4 Americans, Hilary & Bill's corrupt foundation, the whole misguided group of Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, McCabe, Comey, Brennan, Bolton, Steele, Page, Strzok, and Hunter & Joe's selling political access for personal gain for a few more. Now, who's the hypocrite?

Listen to Woodward's tape of Trump on Feb 7th dimwit - LMFAO :rolleyes:

Happy to be one of over TEN MILLION Californians who voted for Joe Biden and helped make him the recipient of the most votes in American history! Doubly glad I was one of the almost EIGHTY MILLION voters who made Don the Con a one-term LOSER ex-president!
SAME! Except from Pennsylvania here! He lost PA bigly!

Happy to be one of over TEN MILLION Californians who voted for Joe Biden and helped make him the recipient of the most votes in American history! Doubly glad I was one of the almost EIGHTY MILLION voters who made Don the Con a one-term LOSER ex-president!
Anything over 51% or so has no value in each state.
Overall popular vote doesn't even get you a free coffee