Bloodbath in Puerto Rico


Wake-up Novartians! Over half of the sales force in Puerto Rico just got the axe today! Neuro-Psych will have no reps there. This is what is coming for the rest of the country. GET READY!


Wake-up Novartians! Over half of the sales force in Puerto Rico just got the axe today! Neuro-Psych will have no reps there. This is what is coming for the rest of the country. GET READY!

Did you review the details of this with a knowledgeable, credible source? No doubt, it is horrible, but you seem to be very misinformed about this bleeding to the states with this type of severity. PR hasn't had a restructuring in 6 years. We've had several already. Stop causing a panic.

Did you review the details of this with a knowledgeable, credible source? No doubt, it is horrible, but you seem to be very misinformed about this bleeding to the states with this type of severity. PR hasn't had a restructuring in 6 years. We've had several already. Stop causing a panic.

Thanks for your compassion so pendejo! Espero tù cabeza ruede la próxima vez. We are undergoing big time changes from 46 reps we are going dowm to 20.

To all of our PR colleagues and friends, please ignore the last post. It is not reflective of the majority sentiment. Rather, having just gone through this last year, I fully empathize with you. We know how difficult it is, especially given the closeness of the people in your region. I am delighted they are, for seemingly the first time, allowing voluntary separation, that's good. Typically the packages are fair, and you are all so talented that everyone will find new work soon. Have faith, all those I know who got let go last year have found new jobs and many are happier than could have imagined upon first hearing the news. Good luck!

46 reps in PR. gimme a break! What have they been doing down there? building grass huts and busting coconuts with rocks. PR has been a joke as long as I can remember. No sales data, purely objective evaluation, men evaluated on how well they kissed ass and women evaluated on their ass.

who the fuck cares....
is a banana "associated" colony.....who dont want to learn to spik inglich

Wao know we have a fucking racist ignorant! Talking about speaking do you know any other langage than english. We dont ask you guys to invade us. At least we still have culture, what you have, a contry builded by imigrand, maybe your grand mother was cuban or irish what is the diference, learn more and get your mind out of the getto motherfucker!

46 reps in PR. gimme a break! What have they been doing down there? building grass huts and busting coconuts with rocks. PR has been a joke as long as I can remember. No sales data, purely objective evaluation, men evaluated on how well they kissed ass and women evaluated on their ass.

A joke, it seams you have no travel a lot, have only see lakes and corn fields? PR reps are the best some of them with more than 20 years of experience, winnig a lot of awards and always having better numbers than the states, and your ignorant we do have data. How many companies you worked for before comes to work for Novartis? At least the arrassement case did no came from us instead came from the US DMs, so stupid ignorant, get a life and get out of the USA.

Can u give us details about the package? What the new structure looks like and how you got the news?

Thanks we want to see the punch coming

It wad swift, an invitation to a Townhall, GM, MD and HR, 3 slides and wham, your struck by lighting from head to toes. You are in disbelieve of what you just heard and as the speech goes on you start to realize that your days in Novartis have ended. To those who criticize us, we can read and write on both lenguages, cuantos de ustedes podrán leer esta próxima parte y darse cuenta lo ignorantes que son.

A joke, it seams you have no travel a lot, have only see lakes and corn fields? PR reps are the best some of them with more than 20 years of experience, winnig a lot of awards and always having better numbers than the states, and your ignorant we do have data. How many companies you worked for before comes to work for Novartis? At least the arrassement case did no came from us instead came from the US DMs, so stupid ignorant, get a life and get out of the USA.

Im sorry they were let go. But the only reason they win awards is that there goals are always a mere fraction of what is going on in the mainland. The Neuro rep out there win $3,000 in a contest with 10 scripts.

Dont worry the rest of our BU will be massacred next

DDD or factory sales for the whole little island isn't data. PR reps are not compared to US territories just the other... ones.

Hey what year you are living? We dont have DDD data since 1999 you ignorant! All pharma companies in PR have weekly data. Is obvious that you are a rookie rep and you will be that way!

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