Black Monday

whats has been changed or updated now that will prevent people from dying?

2 people died. everyone has home monitoring and alerts but still 2 people died?

a letter is the only thing thats changed.

so, wondering, I'm new to stj. If my doc starts changing these devices out, am I gong to get commission or will my work be free? Not my fault i come on board and this problem arises. Strange situation. Feel bad for the patient that needs an unnecessary procedure. But I need to be paid. Can I get out of my contract or something, everyone said stj was slime. Dang it.

so, wondering, I'm new to stj. If my doc starts changing these devices out, am I gong to get commission or will my work be free? Not my fault i come on board and this problem arises. Strange situation. Feel bad for the patient that needs an unnecessary procedure. But I need to be paid. Can I get out of my contract or something, everyone said stj was slime. Dang it.

Uhhhh, is this post real? Best go find a new job wuh wuh wuh wilbur.

so, help me with this. If my dad got a stj ICD between May 2015 and now, it is likely he has an ICD with a potential battery problem? You knew there was a problem, but kept putting them in for over a year? Who knows a lawyer?

so, help me with this. If my dad got a stj ICD between May 2015 and now, it is likely he has an ICD with a potential battery problem? You knew there was a problem, but kept putting them in for over a year? Who knows a lawyer?

Call the SJM 800 number and they can look up his device and tell you if it's affected or not.