Black Box Warning

Thank you Merck for your insight. Keep playing up the terrible black box story....and then when you get a chance while you're spending your day at the mall, look at your PegIntron PI and remember you have a drug with a black box as well.

Ok, If that makes you feel better. The doctors will decide whether it makes a difference or not. Most of them have indicated that it does matter....

Thank you Merck for your insight. Keep playing up the terrible black box story....and then when you get a chance while you're spending your day at the mall, look at your PegIntron PI and remember you have a drug with a black box as well.

WOW! Sounds like a Vertex rep, pointing fingers, not taking ownership and pretending like your drug is safe when now you are the one with all the SEVERE warnings... and the only protease with a BLACK BOX due to your lies and hiding how to handle side effects!!!
The nurses who handle their patients think you are liars and your MSL's provide misleading studies to justify treating patients and your company puts patients lives at risk just to make 50 K in 12 weeks

WOW! Sounds like a Vertex rep, pointing fingers, not taking ownership and pretending like your drug is safe when now you are the one with all the SEVERE warnings... and the only protease with a BLACK BOX due to your lies and hiding how to handle side effects!!!
The nurses who handle their patients think you are liars and your MSL's provide misleading studies to justify treating patients and your company puts patients lives at risk just to make 50 K in 12 weeks

Poor Merck....keep believing your odd warp of reality.

Glad to see this....Merck management doesn't tell their reps this stuff. They focus on the competition and try to downgrade them....just like they tried in the PegIntron days and then got SLAMMED by Pegasys. 3 cheers for the Merck reps continuing their "attack" on Incivek when all of this info is out there. Idiots.

I just tell my docs, remember Vioxx

Uh.... The point being that you drones are running around sayinf "only 2 patients" and thats total BS.... and there is an ENORMOUS difference between deaths that are a DIRECT RESULT of your drug so that the FDA issues a black box warning and patients dying while taking a medication without correlation and..... Wait for it..... NO BLACK BOX WARNING!!!! Can you feel the drop in share.... Oh yeah.... It's happening.

Read the training materials we were given just prior to and at launch, waiting for the subpoena to arrive any day. MDs are already getting them. How can we consciously do our jobs when we are continually asked to downplay facts the company was aware of long before the BBW? Docs have lost faith in Vertex, get out while you still have a decent reputation as a rep.Review of the FDA briefing hearings and commentary about adverse events, shows downplay has been in play since launch. Worst company ever. Vertex cares, about WHAT?

Read the training materials we were given just prior to and at launch, waiting for the subpoena to arrive any day. MDs are already getting them. How can we consciously do our jobs when we are continually asked to downplay facts the company was aware of long before the BBW? Docs have lost faith in Vertex, get out while you still have a decent reputation as a rep.Review of the FDA briefing hearings and commentary about adverse events, shows downplay has been in play since launch. Worst company ever. Vertex cares, about WHAT?

Merckie....why oh why do you keep coming to our board? I'm sorry you weren't qualified to join us 2 years ago but you were a loser then and still are. Do you need any more Incivek package inserts to pass out? Docs have lost faith in reps that consistently have to talk about their competitor vs. their own drug AND when questioned on their own updates that occurred in November 2012, the reps don't know anything about them. THAT's where respect is lost. You evidently aren't with Vertex because we've NEVER downplayed our side effects. But get over the death's terribly sad that anyone has died but BOTH drugs have shown that people DO die. And it's NOT all because of one drug or the other....these patients are SICK. But we know your company doesn't care about patients....they believe in bashing. You would be much more accepted and respected if you cared a little about the patient and not about your pockets.

And by the way....I know why you hang out here. It's because no one at Merck will ever listen to you...that's the culture.

Merckie....why oh why do you keep coming to our board? I'm sorry you weren't qualified to join us 2 years ago but you were a loser then and still are. Do you need any more Incivek package inserts to pass out? Docs have lost faith in reps that consistently have to talk about their competitor vs. their own drug AND when questioned on their own updates that occurred in November 2012, the reps don't know anything about them. THAT's where respect is lost. You evidently aren't with Vertex because we've NEVER downplayed our side effects. But get over the death's terribly sad that anyone has died but BOTH drugs have shown that people DO die. And it's NOT all because of one drug or the other....these patients are SICK. But we know your company doesn't care about patients....they believe in bashing. You would be much more accepted and respected if you cared a little about the patient and not about your pockets.

And by the way....I know why you hang out here. It's because no one at Merck will ever listen to you...that's the culture.
