Bioreference to Quest by end of 2019?

I think a funny part was where the blood samples were splattered all over the equipment. Did it remind you of Rockleigh when Fresenius tried to transition the samples from the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The ex V.P. could verify.

Did you study how she got caught?

Enjoy your Night

Hope this helps


Bio reps are telling the docs they are leaving because Quest is gonna buy them out.

No more gift cards, writing off bills, fancy dinners actually think these accounts are gonna come to Quest when the rep has to make the transition?

Bio reps are telling the docs they are leaving because Quest is gonna buy them out.

No more gift cards, writing off bills, fancy dinners actually think these accounts are gonna come to Quest when the rep has to make the transition?

What transition? You think any of that is in their employment manual or job description other than the parts that clearly state “don’t do this”. Performance equals pay and privilege no matter where you hang your hat. Those who produce will feel right at home here and so will their clients. Hope this helps

Listen son, bio reps are telling docs to get ready for the biggest piece of shit lab to come in here and ask for all managed care business once Bio is bought out.

These accounts are not going to be put on hold for 45 mins for a simple test add on or wait for a call back from you because your on a conference call explaining to your manager why your not getting the UHC and why all of the Aetna has disappeared already.

These clients are simply going to call up a small regional lab and deal with a true professional that gets paid more on a monthly basis then all 7 of your regional managers combined in a territory.

Time to load up the gift cards honey boo boo child.

Bio reps are telling the docs they are leaving because Quest is gonna buy them out.

No more gift cards, writing off bills, fancy dinners actually think these accounts are gonna come to Quest when the rep has to make the transition?

Is this double sourced? or single sourced ?
If true. NY/NJ landscape will change drastically.
Many doors will open and some will close.

Is this double sourced? or single sourced ?
If true. NY/NJ landscape will change drastically.
Many doors will open and some will close.

Most will open. It will be a free-for-all as it is each time Quest buys a lab. Until the reps leave then the business follows. This is more than double sourced. It is going to happen.