It looks from the announcements that Dvorak is more comfortable with Biomet talent leading the new company ?
Do tell? Already gone but curious to see how this all plays out. Especially with the deal not even done.
What happened to cucolo?
A lot of the higher ranked Zimmer and Biomet folks that were not mentioned, will take their stock options or equity position.....and run! Best in the long run. They names mentioned to be "in charge" are great leaders and will do the new Zimmer/Biomet well. Hopefully this is the first of a lot of good, well thought out decisions. So far, so good. Dvorak is making this happen!
A lot of the higher ranked Zimmer and Biomet folks that were not mentioned, will take their stock options or equity position.....and run! Best in the long run. They names mentioned to be "in charge" are great leaders and will do the new Zimmer/Biomet well. Hopefully this is the first of a lot of good, well thought out decisions. So far, so good. Dvorak is making this happen!
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Kleopfer must have pictures!!
underperforming Z distributors watch out. DD has appointed Biomet leadership, and the Z distributorships will be next, once the deal is done .
One name I don't see is todd davis. Say what you want he helped us zimmer quite a bit and I heard he did great at biomet. Is is divorak willing to put personal feelings aside to have a winner on his team again
Davis is a great guy and does is job exceptionally well. I heard he had a meeting with DD and they've moved past whatever happened before. In my humble opinion if TD is a part of the future in the new company that means DD is serious about this company being different and the best it can be.
If Todd is going to be a part of it I expect he will be named in L2.
when is l2 coming?
Right about the same time as the layoffs!
It is very interesting that the big jobs so far in recon are going to the Biomet folks. What does it say about Zimmer when employees are excited and encouraged that the new leadership is from the other company? Current Zimmer leadership talks about empowerment and balance of life, but so far it is all still just talk. All they seem to do is fight among themselves and take forever to reach any kind of decision, no matter how obvious. And when they finally do, it is too late for everyone else to adjust and deliver. It is really all about late decisions, micromanagement, and impossible deadlines. The stress level has never been higher, job satisfaction has never been lower. All the uncertainty about the "merger" makes it worse. The only bright spot is the fact that Biomet execs will be running things and that gives a slight hope that a real culture change may be on the way - not just talk.
Right about the same time as the layoffs!
It is very interesting that the big jobs so far in recon are going to the Biomet folks. What does it say about Zimmer when employees are excited and encouraged that the new leadership is from the other company? Current Zimmer leadership talks about empowerment and balance of life, but so far it is all still just talk. All they seem to do is fight among themselves and take forever to reach any kind of decision, no matter how obvious. And when they finally do, it is too late for everyone else to adjust and deliver. It is really all about late decisions, micromanagement, and impossible deadlines. The stress level has never been higher, job satisfaction has never been lower. All the uncertainty about the "merger" makes it worse. The only bright spot is the fact that Biomet execs will be running things and that gives a slight hope that a real culture change may be on the way - not just talk.