Biohaven & Pfizer - Nurtec Reps.....

What do you expect coming from a young, non-tenured, snowflake Biohaven primary Care rep. Thats all they care about which is exactly why people like this will have short careers in Pharma or simply be job hoppers their entire career. That post was probably from some self entitled 25-30 year old female that shops on-line all day for designer scrubs.

Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree with you. I think this “non-tenured, snowflake Biohaven primary Care rep” is just the kind of idiotic person headed for a long successful career in Pharma. Typically the stupider you are the farther you go.

Hey OP - Enjoy your Volvo and future Director or VP of Sales position.

Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree with you. I think this “non-tenured, snowflake Biohaven primary Care rep” is just the kind of idiotic person headed for a long successful career in Pharma. Typically the stupider you are the farther you go.

Hey OP - Enjoy your Volvo and future Director or VP of Sales position.

Thank u. I will. I know what I’m capable of and my friend that’s experienced in tech sales is def wrong.

Your post makes zero sense. Even if you lose your Volvo, PFZ will give you a different car idiot.
You should be worried about the car. My first fleet car at Pfizer was a very beat up jeep with lots of rust. It was delivered to me just filthy. It smelled of cat urine. What was worst was that it didn't run. It was delivered on a flat bed. I had to have it towed to a dealership. It had an intake manifold problem in the engine. They got it fixed and running. About a month later the transmission failed and it was towed and sent to an auto auction.

The last vechile I had was an Altima. I had that car for seven years because they kept putting a halt on new car ordering because they had layoffs yearly. You could get a newer used car from a rep that quit. I never asked to trade because of that first car experience where the used rep car smelled of cat urine.

Also Pfizer doesn't pay for car washes or to detail a car if its used.

That aren't going to let you keep those expensive nice Volvos when their current reps and managers have beat up old Nissans.

You should be worried about the car. My first fleet car at Pfizer was a very beat up jeep with lots of rust. It was delivered to me just filthy. It smelled of cat urine. What was worst was that it didn't run. It was delivered on a flat bed. I had to have it towed to a dealership. It had an intake manifold problem in the engine. They got it fixed and running. About a month later the transmission failed and it was towed and sent to an auto auction.

The last vechile I had was an Altima. I had that car for seven years because they kept putting a halt on new car ordering because they had layoffs yearly. You could get a newer used car from a rep that quit. I never asked to trade because of that first car experience where the used rep car smelled of cat urine.

Also Pfizer doesn't pay for car washes or to detail a car if its used.

That aren't going to let you keep those expensive nice Volvos when their current reps and managers have beat up old Nissans.
I have heard similar stories about the Pfizer fleet cars. They try to push you to buy your own car. They keep the fleet cars for a long time in poor condition to pressure you to buy your own car. The reimbursement for the car causes you to loose money on it.

Never said I was not worried about my employment either. It's my first sales job. Some people say they will keep me because I am not paid as much compared to others. Some people say they will get rid of me. 50/50.

Pfizer doesn’t do “teams” 2 people for a territory is just “not how we operate”

Pfizer internal medicine gets the shut Nissan Altima. Even in heavy snow areas or mountain belt- no exception.
Nissan Altima

Because nurtec is such a big push. I think the team has a little longer in general.
Best of luck

It is a matter of time before the 2 person silos that Nurtec has become one person. The protection BJ and Vlad provided is up on October 4th. Zero chance Pfizer doesn’t cut them. 2017, 2019, 2021 all cut years for the sales force. Why should this year be any different?

It is a matter of time before the 2 person silos that Nurtec has become one person. The protection BJ and Vlad provided is up on October 4th. Zero chance Pfizer doesn’t cut them. 2017, 2019, 2021 all cut years for the sales force. Why should this year be any different?

Well, we find out tomorrow just what may be in the cards. I will revisit this post after to see if there was validity. FYI...I NEVER say "zero chance' because this is Pfizer..they are a wildcard of decisions.

Pfizer doesn’t do “teams” 2 people for a territory is just “not how we operate”

Pfizer internal medicine gets the shut Nissan Altima. Even in heavy snow areas or mountain belt- no exception.
Nissan Altima

Because nurtec is such a big push. I think the team has a little longer in general.
Best of luck

Biohaven rep here. It's Feb 2024 and guess what? Still operating as a team, just like my counterparts from Biohaven...also still driving my Volvo. So next time..just stfu.

It is a matter of time before the 2 person silos that Nurtec has become one person. The protection BJ and Vlad provided is up on October 4th. Zero chance Pfizer doesn’t cut them. 2017, 2019, 2021 all cut years for the sales force. Why should this year be any different?

How is your post holding up? Every Biohaven rep still here. Nurtec brings in revenue and the entire team was kept. So...shut up.