Biohaven & Pfizer - Nurtec Reps.....

Never ceases to amaze me on concerns about the car verses having secure employment.

Never said I was not worried about my employment either. It's my first sales job. Some people say they will keep me because I am not paid as much compared to others. Some people say they will get rid of me. 50/50.

What do you expect coming from a young, non-tenured, snowflake Biohaven primary Care rep. Thats all they care about which is exactly why people like this will have short careers in Pharma or simply be job hoppers their entire career. That post was probably from some self entitled 25-30 year old female that shops on-line all day for designer scrubs.

What do you expect coming from a young, non-tenured, snowflake Biohaven primary Care rep. Thats all they care about which is exactly why people like this will have short careers in Pharma or simply be job hoppers their entire career. That post was probably from some self entitled 25-30 year old female that shops on-line all day for designer scrubs.

I care about my job too! I'm good at it, and my managers and team compliment how I am such a natural and have a future in pharma sales. I have a chem degree. I know drugs. So I'm not just some random sales/marketing person. I just asked a simple question. jeez....

I care about my job too! I'm good at it, and my managers and team compliment how I am such a natural and have a future in pharma sales. I have a chem degree. I know drugs. So I'm not just some random sales/marketing person. I just asked a simple question. jeez....

Understandable but questions like this are indicative of someone with very little tenure. Those of us that have been through several mergers and downsizings understand this should be the least of anyone’s concerns. It shows a very narrow mindset. I hope you know enough to never ask the car question in an interview, you will all but eliminate your chances of being hired.

I care about my job too! I'm good at it, and my managers and team compliment how I am such a natural and have a future in pharma sales. I have a chem degree. I know drugs. So I'm not just some random sales/marketing person. I just asked a simple question. jeez....
Get out of being a pharma rep. There’s little opportunity for career growth, and you’ll always be a puppet.

Get out of being a pharma rep. There’s little opportunity for career growth, and you’ll always be a puppet.

My friend who’s in sales for a tech company told me the similar thing. I thought she was just jealous because I was in pharma, and she had 7-8 years in sales and never pursued pharma. She also said what I’m doing is not technically sales, more so marketing.
Always thought pharma was just where the money was at. Idk maybe I’m not really a salesperson lol

Get out of being a pharma rep. There’s little opportunity for career growth, and you’ll always be a puppet.
Could be could be one of the 300 lb MAs we feed on a daily basis with a "degree" from ITT tech who swarm the lunchroom like pigs at the trough exactly at 12 pm but have to be take their food to their 2007 Kia Soul to watch Tik Tok videos during their 30 min lunch break so don't have time to chat

Could be could be one of the 300 lb MAs we feed on a daily basis with a "degree" from ITT tech who swarm the lunchroom like pigs at the trough exactly at 12 pm but have to be take their food to their 2007 Kia Soul to watch Tik Tok videos during their 30 min lunch break so don't have time to chat
You must be miserable, so you try to make yourself feel better by denigrating MAs.

Could be could be one of the 300 lb MAs we feed on a daily basis with a "degree" from ITT tech who swarm the lunchroom like pigs at the trough exactly at 12 pm but have to be take their food to their 2007 Kia Soul to watch Tik Tok videos during their 30 min lunch break so don't have time to chat
^ This is unfortunately accurate. Had an office manager call me 3 times today about tomorrow's lunch but couldn't be bothered to answer any of my questions about the actual work flow of the office. Can't wait to watch them feast tomorrow!

I care about my job too! I'm good at it, and my managers and team compliment how I am such a natural and have a future in pharma sales. I have a chem degree. I know drugs. So I'm not just some random sales/marketing person. I just asked a simple question. jeez....

So you are good at ordering lunch and making sure it gets to the office on time? I wouldn’t let the “compliments” go to your head.

Hopefully your chem degree and vast superior knowledge come in handy impressing the actual MDs and PhDs in the industry

^ This is unfortunately accurate. Had an office manager call me 3 times today about tomorrow's lunch but couldn't be bothered to answer any of my questions about the actual work flow of the office. Can't wait to watch them feast tomorrow!
Seems like you’re the bug and the office manager is the windshield. You bring no value, only food, so that’s how you are treated.

So you are good at ordering lunch and making sure it gets to the office on time? I wouldn’t let the “compliments” go to your head.

Hopefully your chem degree and vast superior knowledge come in handy impressing the actual MDs and PhDs in the industry
You, on the other hand, must be a titan of the pharma sales industry. Let's chill and remember this is CP and we're sales reps, not curing cancer. We bring food and hope doctors write our drug over the competitor. Maybe if we're lucky, we occasionally teach a medical professional something they didn't know, or, more likely, have forgotten. That's pretty much the extent of our jobs

You, on the other hand, must be a titan of the pharma sales industry. Let's chill and remember this is CP and we're sales reps, not curing cancer. We bring food and hope doctors write our drug over the competitor. Maybe if we're lucky, we occasionally teach a medical professional something they didn't know, or, more likely, have forgotten. That's pretty much the extent of our jobs

I think you just made the other posters point.