Biohaven Acquisition


WORK!!! We don't play around here and this ain't your "big pharma slacker gig". You'll be watched like a hawk over here and no one will mess around with poor work ethic.

Give me a freaking break. We'll work the system over here at Pfizer just like we did at Biohaven. And don't humor yourselves, its all Big Pharma and nobody works.

WORK!!! We don't play around here and this ain't your "big pharma slacker gig". You'll be watched like a hawk over here and no one will mess around with poor work ethic.
Really? Pretty sure we wouldn’t have the #1 product as a company that started from nothing and is beating a monster like Abbvie without hard work. What an insult. This team is the epitome of hard work.

Really? Pretty sure we wouldn’t have the #1 product as a company that started from nothing and is beating a monster like Abbvie without hard work. What an insult. This team is the epitome of hard work.
"Hard Work" wouldn't know what hard work was if it jumped up and smacked you in the face! Go fake your VCC's, deliver your lattes, and pretend to think you actually "sell" anything.

If you can handle the woke garbage and needless WebEx calls in the middle of the day then you will prob be fine. Think the issue will be if you are going to be your own division calling on your own customers.

While I certainly can’t speak for everyone at Biohaven, I can say for myself and many of my colleagues that we have never worked harder than we have the past 2+ years. There’s no way we could have launched this drug entirely during COVID and come out as the top migraine drug without having actually worked. While many of my friends in big Pharma did little to no work for over a year, we were actually working the entire time to make this drug a success, while having a formidable competitor to deal with. There might be a lot you can say about Biohaven and the industry as a whole, but one thing you can’t say is we haven’t work. I guarantee we have outworked our colleagues at Pfizer and most other companies. This was not a cushy Pharma job, and many of us enjoyed that challenge and autonomy to do what we had to do to grow the business as long as it was compliant. From speaking with many of my colleagues at Biohaven, there’s a lot of concern about how much less money in bonus and equity we will be making at Pfizer as well as just a general unhappiness about being back in big Pharma, which most of us left to join this company. And if you worked and had success we were very rewarded for it. Believe me when I tell you a lot of us are not happy about this acquisition.

While I certainly can’t speak for everyone at Biohaven, I can say for myself and many of my colleagues that we have never worked harder than we have the past 2+ years. There’s no way we could have launched this drug entirely during COVID and come out as the top migraine drug without having actually worked. While many of my friends in big Pharma did little to no work for over a year, we were actually working the entire time to make this drug a success, while having a formidable competitor to deal with. There might be a lot you can say about Biohaven and the industry as a whole, but one thing you can’t say is we haven’t work. I guarantee we have outworked our colleagues at Pfizer and most other companies. This was not a cushy Pharma job, and many of us enjoyed that challenge and autonomy to do what we had to do to grow the business as long as it was compliant. From speaking with many of my colleagues at Biohaven, there’s a lot of concern about how much less money in bonus and equity we will be making at Pfizer as well as just a general unhappiness about being back in big Pharma, which most of us left to join this company. And if you worked and had success we were very rewarded for it. Believe me when I tell you a lot of us are not happy about this acquisition.

While I certainly can’t speak for everyone at Biohaven, I can say for myself and many of my colleagues that we have never worked harder than we have the past 2+ years. There’s no way we could have launched this drug entirely during COVID and come out as the top migraine drug without having actually worked. While many of my friends in big Pharma did little to no work for over a year, we were actually working the entire time to make this drug a success, while having a formidable competitor to deal with. There might be a lot you can say about Biohaven and the industry as a whole, but one thing you can’t say is we haven’t work. I guarantee we have outworked our colleagues at Pfizer and most other companies. This was not a cushy Pharma job, and many of us enjoyed that challenge and autonomy to do what we had to do to grow the business as long as it was compliant. From speaking with many of my colleagues at Biohaven, there’s a lot of concern about how much less money in bonus and equity we will be making at Pfizer as well as just a general unhappiness about being back in big Pharma, which most of us left to join this company. And if you worked and had success we were very rewarded for it. Believe me when I tell you a lot of us are not happy about this acquisition.

Curious what advice Pfizer reps have for Biohaven reps who will soon become part of Pfizer when we are acquired?

Layoffs will be around December. Nice buyout package and fat cut for the start of the year. All big pharma does it this way. And quarter after quarter biohaven posts loss after loss. Partly due to over saturation of a sub par sales force which is over paid and underperforming.

Layoffs will be around December. Nice buyout package and fat cut for the start of the year. All big pharma does it this way. And quarter after quarter biohaven posts loss after loss. Partly due to over saturation of a sub par sales force which is over paid and underperforming.

Over saturation? You’ve just evidenced that you have no clue what you’re talking about. Abbvie has always had many more reps than Biohaven does as well as a much more robust budget, yet we’ve more than held our own. Cutting back on the footprint would only give them room to take over and run away with market share. Biohaven managed to do what we’ve done with a fraction of a sales force that our competition has. Pfizer bought us for one reason: CGRP. Nurtec is the only medication we have so they are going to expect to see a sizable return in that investment and cutting back while the competition outnumbers them isn’t going to do it. They are going to want to overtake Ubrelvy pure and simple.

Layoffs will be around December. Nice buyout package and fat cut for the start of the year. All big pharma does it this way. And quarter after quarter biohaven posts loss after loss. Partly due to over saturation of a sub par sales force which is over paid and underperforming.
Yup, September 10, 11, in that area for a December 31 exit.

Really? Pretty sure we wouldn’t have the #1 product as a company that started from nothing and is beating a monster like Abbvie without hard work. What an insult. This team is the epitome of hard work.

Agreed. Insult to those of us who really work. And guess what? it is much more gratifying to not cheat your own self out of your own opportunities for experience. But hey, that's just me. No worries, eventually it comes out,because the truth has a certain ring to it. Dust off your resume.

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