Biocodex Flop!

Here's a thought: Start spending your time @ instead of spewing hate and lies here. Work on a resume update & upload. Move on...

Thanks for the monster tip Grace. I used to work in the
home office, thankfully I got out a few months back. Here is the
straight scoop. Claire worked hard, posted awesome numbers but
never received the respect she deserved. I doubt she is working for anyone's
wife or husband even remotely connected to Biocodex. Karen was by far
Claire's best salesperson, any promotion she got was earned and well deserved. She's also a hard worker and sweet. Grace has a hate on for anyone who doesn't drink the Biocodex Mark koolaide, not to mention a pathological liar. Claire wasn't gone five minutes before She trashed her and they were supposed to be friends. She said Karen wasn't qualified until she really needed her. She constantly bashes all the DMs, Mark doesn't even listen to her anymore.
Good luck, it's a great place to get experience, wonderful trips and has some nice benefits. But the psychopaths in the home office make it less than enjoyable 90% of the time.

Thanks for the monster tip Grace. I used to work in the
home office, thankfully I got out a few months back. Here is the
straight scoop. Claire worked hard, posted awesome numbers but
never received the respect she deserved. I doubt she is working for anyone's
wife or husband even remotely connected to Biocodex. Karen was by far
Claire's best salesperson, any promotion she got was earned and well deserved. She's also a hard worker and sweet. Grace has a hate on for anyone who doesn't drink the Biocodex Mark koolaide, not to mention a pathological liar. Claire wasn't gone five minutes before She trashed her and they were supposed to be friends. She said Karen wasn't qualified until she really needed her. She constantly bashes all the DMs, Mark doesn't even listen to her anymore.
Good luck, it's a great place to get experience, wonderful trips and has some nice benefits. But the psychopaths in the home office make it less than enjoyable 90% of the time.

This company is still around? I launched Florastor and moved on years ago; I heard several people like Mary Berry and others moved on. Is Claire still with the outfit? Jim B? Nicholas from France still involved? Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of the issues associated there are keeping the turnstile turning. Sucks too! Florastor was a great product!

Come on...rub the genie lamp in Marc's office and do tell what the next move will be. No one seems to know anything about nothing. Those numbers released looked "great". We all might be looking for a new gig soon when the doors get bolted shut. Next years' national meeting is going to be held in Mexico City although Spain would work.

Open up a forum!! Speak what is on your mind!! Let's see true raw emotion!!

Thanks for the monster tip Grace. I used to work in the
home office, thankfully I got out a few months back. Here is the
straight scoop. Claire worked hard, posted awesome numbers but
never received the respect she deserved. I doubt she is working for anyone's
wife or husband even remotely connected to Biocodex. Karen was by far
Claire's best salesperson, any promotion she got was earned and well deserved. She's also a hard worker and sweet. Grace has a hate on for anyone who doesn't drink the Biocodex Mark koolaide, not to mention a pathological liar. Claire wasn't gone five minutes before She trashed her and they were supposed to be friends. She said Karen wasn't qualified until she really needed her. She constantly bashes all the DMs, Mark doesn't even listen to her anymore.
Good luck, it's a great place to get experience, wonderful trips and has some nice benefits. But the psychopaths in the home office make it less than enjoyable 90% of the time.