Bill McLean info

bill is a good guy. Pittsburgh blue collar thru and thru. He gets the industry and despite the vp title he gets all levels of the job. Worked with him for many years as he developed. He is a solid leader who bleeds for the sales team. Visionary - no. But a good leader who will fight for sales - yes.

bill is a good guy. Pittsburgh blue collar thru and thru. He gets the industry and despite the vp title he gets all levels of the job. Worked with him for many years as he developed. He is a solid leader who bleeds for the sales team. Visionary - no. But a good leader who will fight for sales - yes.

As a used car salesman...

BM is a stand up guy despite the negative comments mentioned on this thread. He thinks of his people first unlike most individuals in upper management. If you spent a substantial amount of time at DSI you cant say that any/all re-alignments were not fair under BM's tenure. Remember this is the industry we chose and if you don't like it stay on here bashing other people instead of being productive.

Posters #21 and 23 are spot on about BM. Good guy. Amiable personality. Always put people and his sales force first.

Here's something to think about:

Compare the first 4 layoffs under the old regime. The over hire practice was a humane way to deal with downsizing. Was it purely Bill's brainchild or Japan's? Don't know. But at the worst you were able to think about your future career and plan accordingly all the while knowing that your job was secure with salary, earned bonuses and health insurance in place.

What were the 1st 2 things KK and RL did when they took over DSI?
1. Cut your healthcare by making you (the employee) "more accountable for managing your healthcare costs"...basically we are now far more out of pocket than ever before.
2. Changed the severance plan knowing full well what was to come.
3. So long over hire program, and trust me, there will be a lot of us who would gladly trade 2 to 8 months severance pay for a 12 month guarantee that was the over hire program.

Ever have RL walk up to you shake your hand and say hello at a meeting (and the obvious, no replies from under 40 hot women!!) and even remotely act like he wanted to get to know a little bit about you and your life? Nope. Never. I've seen the guy walk right by myself and 100's of others without even making eye contact (again, unless you are female and under 40 and hot).

Compare that to BM. He would walk up to anyone and say hello. He valued honest feedback from his salesforce, and if given in a positive way, there was never any fear of retaliation. BM was open to your ideas.

The above is my opinion and also my experience with BM, having worked for his for over 15 years. Im sure not all will agree on my sentiments towards BM, but I'm also 99% sure that most will have the same opinion of our new management team.

Good luck to all DSI families. If you are a rep, disregard anything and everything your DM's would have you believe at this time. Trust no one but your valued and respected friends at DSI and in this industry, an your "GUT". Protect yourself and your families. Put no one and nothing before your own best interests at this time. Yes, we're are still getting paid and we are obligated to perform as best we can under trying circumstances. Simply do your job as well as you can...make your calls and work to secure YOUR future.

I just posted above and I have one thing to add after re-reading my post.

Regarding what seem like cruel and cutting comments about a certain new Dir of Sales, if the guy is truly as I perceive him to be and anywhere close to what he it portrayed to be by others both on this message board as well as their own personal comments and judgements/opinions, the thing that bothers me the most is that he doesn't even try to hide it. I have witnessed his flirtatious ways on more than one occasion at the many national and sales launch meetings that we have had since these boys have taken over, and his agenda in social/drinking settings is just way too obvious. And to boot, he has a way too important opinion of himself.

The above are opinions of this poster and not an endorsement for

Sorry, had to close with a little humor. Often I come here for just that in light of the depressing situation that we are all in with ddi. Loving the Bob Abooey thread. Thanks to whoever started that one. Love the inclusion of the wack pack...good job.

Posters #21 and 23 are spot on about BM. Good guy. Amiable personality. Always put people and his sales force first.

Here's something to think about:

Compare the first 4 layoffs under the old regime. The over hire practice was a humane way to deal with downsizing. Was it purely Bill's brainchild or Japan's? Don't know. But at the worst you were able to think about your future career and plan accordingly all the while knowing that your job was secure with salary, earned bonuses and health insurance in place.

What were the 1st 2 things KK and RL did when they took over DSI?
1. Cut your healthcare by making you (the employee) "more accountable for managing your healthcare costs"...basically we are now far more out of pocket than ever before.
2. Changed the severance plan knowing full well what was to come.
3. So long over hire program, and trust me, there will be a lot of us who would gladly trade 2 to 8 months severance pay for a 12 month guarantee that was the over hire program.

Ever have RL walk up to you shake your hand and say hello at a meeting (and the obvious, no replies from under 40 hot women!!) and even remotely act like he wanted to get to know a little bit about you and your life? Nope. Never. I've seen the guy walk right by myself and 100's of others without even making eye contact (again, unless you are female and under 40 and hot).

Compare that to BM. He would walk up to anyone and say hello. He valued honest feedback from his salesforce, and if given in a positive way, there was never any fear of retaliation. BM was open to your ideas.

The above is my opinion and also my experience with BM, having worked for his for over 15 years. Im sure not all will agree on my sentiments towards BM, but I'm also 99% sure that most will have the same opinion of our new management team.

Good luck to all DSI families. If you are a rep, disregard anything and everything your DM's would have you believe at this time. Trust no one but your valued and respected friends at DSI and in this industry, an your "GUT". Protect yourself and your families. Put no one and nothing before your own best interests at this time. Yes, we're are still getting paid and we are obligated to perform as best we can under trying circumstances. Simply do your job as well as you can...make your calls and work to secure YOUR future.

Totally agree.

BM has multiple opened field positions that are not currently posted. These are specialty/oncology positions in both sales and managed care. Under the executive separation package, he is not allowed to contact you. When you know your decisions in the coming weeks, please contact him at (201) 692-1100. Best Regards!

Posters #21 and 23 are spot on about BM. Good guy. Amiable personality. Always put people and his sales force first.

Here's something to think about:

Compare the first 4 layoffs under the old regime. The over hire practice was a humane way to deal with downsizing. Was it purely Bill's brainchild or Japan's? Don't know. But at the worst you were able to think about your future career and plan accordingly all the while knowing that your job was secure with salary, earned bonuses and health insurance in place.

What were the 1st 2 things KK and RL did when they took over DSI?
1. Cut your healthcare by making you (the employee) "more accountable for managing your healthcare costs"...basically we are now far more out of pocket than ever before.
2. Changed the severance plan knowing full well what was to come.
3. So long over hire program, and trust me, there will be a lot of us who would gladly trade 2 to 8 months severance pay for a 12 month guarantee that was the over hire program.

Ever have RL walk up to you shake your hand and say hello at a meeting (and the obvious, no replies from under 40 hot women!!) and even remotely act like he wanted to get to know a little bit about you and your life? Nope. Never. I've seen the guy walk right by myself and 100's of others without even making eye contact (again, unless you are female and under 40 and hot).

Compare that to BM. He would walk up to anyone and say hello. He valued honest feedback from his salesforce, and if given in a positive way, there was never any fear of retaliation. BM was open to your ideas.

The above is my opinion and also my experience with BM, having worked for his for over 15 years. Im sure not all will agree on my sentiments towards BM, but I'm also 99% sure that most will have the same opinion of our new management team.

Good luck to all DSI families. If you are a rep, disregard anything and everything your DM's would have you believe at this time. Trust no one but your valued and respected friends at DSI and in this industry, an your "GUT". Protect yourself and your families. Put no one and nothing before your own best interests at this time. Yes, we're are still getting paid and we are obligated to perform as best we can under trying circumstances. Simply do your job as well as you can...make your calls and work to secure YOUR future.

I would agree that Bill was a friendly guy. He'd talk to everyone and seem genuinely interested in how they were or what was going on. That said, His love of Bill Assbury leaves me scratching my head. BM just took him in and let him do whatever he wanted. When BM left, Assbury got a big head and big ambitions to lead MM. Enter SS so that was shot down. But then SS took over protecting his ass. Assbury lost almost all of his group and remained a Sr Director - what the hell? Then his directors all left and he still stayed a Sr. Director. I'm sure BM will pick up with Assbury where he left off. That's why I don't like him and would never work for him again.

BM has multiple opened field positions that are not currently posted. These are specialty/oncology positions in both sales and managed care. Under the executive separation package, he is not allowed to contact you. When you know your decisions in the coming weeks, please contact him at (201) 692-1100. Best Regards!

Thanks! Surprised BM did call back after leaving a message with his assistant. Could not imagine he would remember a rep. He was ampathetic with current DSI situation as March is still fresh.

Anyway, the deal is that he has and will have positions opened selling epilepsy produces and some oncology openings. A few DSI reps and DMs have spoken with him already. He offered up hr contact name, Lucille. Not sure eisai is any stable either and finalizing position with a much better company. May not wait for package. You may want to reach out to BM just in case you are impacted in November. Cheer!