There are a number of things that I have a problem with at Kowa and I'm sure you do too. What is or who is the Biggest Looser at Kowa? My first selection is the IC program. Why does Kowa insist on rewarding low performers. If my quota is 400 scripts and your quota is 100 scripts and lets say I get 100 NRx's I'm at 25% of quota; however, if the other person who has a 100 script quota gets half my scripts (50) they are at 50% of quota and they get recognition and a larger bonus. Who is generating more business for Kowa? My reward for bringing in more scripts is a higher quota and little to no bonus???

I would say you are the biggest LOSER. Wow...what a schmuck

Re: BIGGEST "Loser" (dumbass)

Well, this rep may not be able to spell, but he or she is absolutely correct. A script is a script is a script and market share comparison is just a way for a pharma company to rip off the high performers. Your territories are drawn equally regardless of area concentration and population YOU IDIOTS!!! If a metro area has 3 million people, you have more reps. I know people who have territories that are literally "single buildings". You IC proponents are actually trying to convince us that a rep can more easily sell a doc on a drug in a high rise office than the rep who has to drive 100 miles to see his first doc? Wow! You are an IDIOTA (that's espanol for IDIOT, paa haa). But then again you may not really believe yourself. You may be just one of those corporate monitors who anonymously respond to legitimate comments of the malcontents. Hmmm, nope. You're just an IDIOTTTTT !!!!!! The true comparison of success is a doc to doc script comparison from the baseline to the finish. And that "ain't" measured by market share, FOOLS!! The only true measure is volume growth over time. Oh yeah, did I mention that you guys are IDIOTssssssssss !!!!

There are a number of things that I have a problem with at Kowa and I'm sure you do too. What is or who is the Biggest Looser at Kowa? My first selection is the IC program. Why does Kowa insist on rewarding low performers. If my quota is 400 scripts and your quota is 100 scripts and lets say I get 100 NRx's I'm at 25% of quota; however, if the other person who has a 100 script quota gets half my scripts (50) they are at 50% of quota and they get recognition and a larger bonus. Who is generating more business for Kowa? My reward for bringing in more scripts is a higher quota and little to no bonus???