Big Week Ahead 8/5

Heard from a very good source (I know this is never good to say so bring on the hate) that the decision was made to provide a fuel card and up to $2,500 a year in expensed "reasonable and customary" maintenance on your personal vehicle, per guidelines of the fleet policy. I know it might be a drag reporting business mileage monthly but the expensing of oil changes, tires, brakes, ect is pretty reassuring. There is also talk of company offered discounted comprehensive insurance on your personal vehicle, based on a good driving record and periodic DMV audits.

Is this in addition to the .22 a mile or replacing it?

Get a small, efficient car and you will be just fine. You Americans with your ridiculous need to drive around 90 percent of the time in an oversized, three row gas guzzler need to change your ways.

Hey a$$ hat in pharma sales we drive 50k miles annually. Take you sub compact electric car that you drive 2k miles per year and stick it sideways.