Big Dilemma-Need Advice


About a year ago, the biggest doc in my territory was trying desperately to get me to go out with him (we are both married). I told him as gently as possible -no. Since, then he will not speak to me and now writes exclusively my competitors products. I have not entered a call on him in over a year because although he is a target he will not speak to me and I cannot honestly say I detail him. Problem is my partners numbers and mine are now suffering I am even concerned about my district ( and ultimately my manager's numbers) because this guy is that big of a volume.
has anyone ever heard of a rep successfully being able to have a doctor removed from their sales data and their managers sales data for obvious retaliation type prescribing or conflict of interest prescribing habits?
Apologizing or trying to reason with him about the merits of the products is not an option - I have already been down that path. my partners are trying-but Don't think they will get anywhere.


About a year ago, the biggest doc in my territory was trying desperately to get me to go out with him (we are both married). I told him as gently as possible -no. Since, then he will not speak to me and now writes exclusively my competitors products. I have not entered a call on him in over a year because although he is a target he will not speak to me and I cannot honestly say I detail him. Problem is my partners numbers and mine are now suffering I am even concerned about my district ( and ultimately my manager's numbers) because this guy is that big of a volume.
has anyone ever heard of a rep successfully being able to have a doctor removed from their sales data and their managers sales data for obvious retaliation type prescribing or conflict of interest prescribing habits?
Apologizing or trying to reason with him about the merits of the products is not an option - I have already been down that path. my partners are trying-but Don't think they will get anywhere.

Honestly, I would tell you manager what this asshole did. I think he should be removed. Screw him big vol or not. No one should have to put up with this kind of stupid behavior. God, some doctors are worse than teenagers.

About a year ago, the biggest doc in my territory was trying desperately to get me to go out with him (we are both married). I told him as gently as possible -no. Since, then he will not speak to me and now writes exclusively my competitors products. I have not entered a call on him in over a year because although he is a target he will not speak to me and I cannot honestly say I detail him. Problem is my partners numbers and mine are now suffering I am even concerned about my district ( and ultimately my manager's numbers) because this guy is that big of a volume.
has anyone ever heard of a rep successfully being able to have a doctor removed from their sales data and their managers sales data for obvious retaliation type prescribing or conflict of interest prescribing habits?
Apologizing or trying to reason with him about the merits of the products is not an option - I have already been down that path. my partners are trying-but Don't think they will get anywhere.

My old company would do this for reps.

A company will view this as an easy way to escape future problems or liability.

You deserve to work in a hostile-free environment.

You should have come clean THE MINUTE after this guy approached you, and gotten him removed because of harassment.

Waiting for a year sounds like sour grapes.

Is it that easy to get a doctor removed from your call list and sales data because a rep reports the information. As a rep, I would find it more risky to report that that a doctor made untoward advances for concern that I would be viewed as a crybaby or weakling. This is interesting topic thought because I don't know if I have ever seen in writing what reps rights are as far as who their customers are and who they are required to be accountable for. Should this rep have to be accountable for this teenage acting doc? Should another rep have to be accountable for a doc that has made it clear he will only RX if he is made a speaker. Should another rep be accountable for a customer who has a family affiliation with a competitor product? I don't know the answers but would be curious to know how accountable reps can be held for the sales of products to doctors who are not really sellable.

If you are in a reasonably sized company, just make sure that you "document" or "memorialize" (as the suits say) this situation to your boss, cc to Human Resources. That way, you are not vulnerable to a bad DM who might simply say for you to ignore the situation, or punish you for not calling on them (which can encourage you to fake calls on them, which makes you vulnerable to getting fired with cause. Hey, is that the voice of experience I hear?).

If your manager has any cojones, he/she will take over that particular office on your behalf.

Is it that easy to get a doctor removed from your call list and sales data because a rep reports the information. As a rep, I would find it more risky to report that that a doctor made untoward advances for concern that I would be viewed as a crybaby or weakling. This is interesting topic thought because I don't know if I have ever seen in writing what reps rights are as far as who their customers are and who they are required to be accountable for. Should this rep have to be accountable for this teenage acting doc? Should another rep have to be accountable for a doc that has made it clear he will only RX if he is made a speaker. Should another rep be accountable for a customer who has a family affiliation with a competitor product? I don't know the answers but would be curious to know how accountable reps can be held for the sales of products to doctors who are not really sellable.
Sexual harassment is sexual harassment, no matter how you cut it. I've seen docs culled from lists because of behavior like this.

Is it that easy to get a doctor removed from your call list and sales data because a rep reports the information. As a rep, I would find it more risky to report that that a doctor made untoward advances for concern that I would be viewed as a crybaby or weakling. This is interesting topic thought because I don't know if I have ever seen in writing what reps rights are as far as who their customers are and who they are required to be accountable for. Should this rep have to be accountable for this teenage acting doc? Should another rep have to be accountable for a doc that has made it clear he will only RX if he is made a speaker. Should another rep be accountable for a customer who has a family affiliation with a competitor product? I don't know the answers but would be curious to know how accountable reps can be held for the sales of products to doctors who are not really sellable.

Managers and companies understand that some reps are sexually harassed (whether F or M). Nobody would ever be called a "crybaby". In fact, my first manager said to me that if I'm ever put in an uncomfortable position, I should not go back to that office.

My company has made it very clear that sexual harassment can come from within the company and from outside the company. Physicians may sexually harass sales reps and I suppose if it were bad enough, there could be some kind of recourse against the physician. But any company will not force anyone to go back there and they should take out their Rx data because of the situation.

We have a perv in my territory who has several complaints on him (in his board of medicine record - which is all public information). I refuse to ever go into his office and I tell every new manager why I won't go in there. I got him off the "call" list permanently and since his practice is dying, I don't really worry about the sales data.

Turn the tables on him. Call and set a date at a nice hotel--meet in the lobby or bar. Have someone else call his wife in tell her she be at the hotel at the same time.

Sexual harassment is sexual harassment, no matter how you cut it. I've seen docs culled from lists because of behavior like this.

Agree with DD. Document this now and if it ends up with you being let go, you will have a hell of a lawsuit. Better and easier to just document, take notes and keep a log. Share with your manager ASAP. The notes and the log are admissible in court and should be enough for your company.

Turn the tables on him. Call and set a date at a nice hotel--meet in the lobby or bar. Have someone else call his wife in tell her she be at the hotel at the same time.

Good idea but I'd leave his wife out of it. She may be aware of his tendencies but wishing to continue with his income while she has something going on the side. Do let your husband and manager in on it and they can be observing (maybe even filming). Maybe ask him, "What do you have in mind?" and record that. Anyway, if you suggest this to your manager, he/she might not want to do it but at least it verifies the extent of the problem. Also enter this discussion in your log. Your logging all of this is essential.

About a year ago, the biggest doc in my territory was trying desperately to get me to go out with him (we are both married). I told him as gently as possible -no. Since, then he will not speak to me and now writes exclusively my competitors products. I have not entered a call on him in over a year because although he is a target he will not speak to me and I cannot honestly say I detail him. Problem is my partners numbers and mine are now suffering I am even concerned about my district ( and ultimately my manager's numbers) because this guy is that big of a volume.
has anyone ever heard of a rep successfully being able to have a doctor removed from their sales data and their managers sales data for obvious retaliation type prescribing or conflict of interest prescribing habits?
Apologizing or trying to reason with him about the merits of the products is not an option - I have already been down that path. my partners are trying-but Don't think they will get anywhere.

Simple. Go out with him. Suggest dinner in at a very expensive place. Drink lots of good wine and over desert start sobbing. Confide in him that you have herpes and ask him if he will treat you. Have him pay the bill, make him feel sorry for you and he will start writing again.

What state are you in? This could be a nice financial opportunity! You obviously have not educated yourself regarding the legal aspect. This happens all the time. Take advantage of the opportunity to make some money and teach him a lesson!


Just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.


Just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

With all du respect the one year mark may not make a difference in some states but you better cough it up now or forget it. Maybe consult an attorney on the one year thing. I'm not understanding why you waited so long either.

With all du respect the one year mark may not make a difference in some states but you better cough it up now or forget it. Maybe consult an attorney on the one year thing. I'm not understanding why you waited so long either.

True, but let's face it -- it really sounds like sour grapes this long past the episode. She should have reported it as soon as it happened.