Big decisions and realignment of CAS directors in June

Oh puh-lease!! There's really about one super, competent, smart, effective rep out of every 200-300. I'm sure you aren't even close to being in that count, though you think you are. It's called Delusion. Ask your docs for some references/info on meds for that.

Then again.......I guess we have to hire all the bottom feeders of the "rep pool" because who else would be willing to drive around in a crap car all day and deliver 3 key selling messages and Panera? We had to dummy down the industry because of the abuses 'Big Pharma' committed. No more intelligent conversations with the doctors. Just doughnuts, bagels, food, food, food. It's a joke you even think you have 'an enormous impact' on anything?!?! It's that "I have had 2 weeks of sales training on top of my BA/Masters in XYZ Studies, and so I have as much knowledge as the docs I deliver food to" attitude that has ruined this industry. Face it - reps are not experts in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, etc, so let's all just admit that you are sales people who win/lose based on personal relationships, plain and simple. Or the Bacon/Turkey Bravo combo that your 'Hot dog hero' nurses love.

LMFAO - you are crazy as shit, but your responses are funny as hell. I'm getting some popcorn.....please continue........

Oh puh-lease!! There's really about one super, competent, smart, effective rep out of every 200-300. I'm sure you aren't even close to being in that count, though you think you are. It's called Delusion. Ask your docs for some references/info on meds for that.

Then again.......I guess we have to hire all the bottom feeders of the "rep pool" because who else would be willing to drive around in a crap car all day and deliver 3 key selling messages and Panera? We had to dummy down the industry because of the abuses 'Big Pharma' committed. No more intelligent conversations with the doctors. Just doughnuts, bagels, food, food, food. It's a joke you even think you have 'an enormous impact' on anything?!?! It's that "I have had 2 weeks of sales training on top of my BA/Masters in XYZ Studies, and so I have as much knowledge as the docs I deliver food to" attitude that has ruined this industry. Face it - reps are not experts in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, etc, so let's all just admit that you are sales people who win/lose based on personal relationships, plain and simple. Or the Bacon/Turkey Bravo combo that your 'Hot dog hero' nurses love.

We let the reps in Dr. O'Connell's office because they feed the staff.......the girls love the added benefits and they love the meatball subs, chicken wings, sausage bombs and gel packed fruit tarts!

So true! While on the topic of the egos Reps have - Reps don't "educate" doctors. That is not just absurd it is also arrogant. I've never met a doctor yet (28 years) that hasn't seen more patients with side effects from the drugs they've written for, than any Rep has had time spent studying their presentation.

These doctors treat more people than reps see doctors. Doctors spend more hours studying disease and working with disease than a Rep will ever have giving presentations.

You don't need overpriced "parrots" - you just need somebody to drive around.....drop off samples, serve lunch and give them access to somebody who can really answer their medical questions if they have any. You don't need a college graduate for that. Anyone of them can call the company's med. officer and get a straight answer faster than talking to the Rep.

Try not to fall off your seat. Have another fart.

Bingo, the $$$ and nothing but the $$$ is why we are ALL still playing this game.
Money and the health benefits, company car, and basically as long or short a day as you want! It's a golden handcuff profession, but most of us admit that. Those who don't are kidding themselves. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Bingo, the $$$ and nothing but the $$$ is why we are ALL still playing this game.
Money and the health benefits, company car, and basically as long or short a day as you want! It's a golden handcuff profession, but most of us admit that. Those who don't are kidding themselves. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

It's not the reps who are useless it's the system that's useless. Most people want to make an impact and feel good about what they do. That's just not the case in pharma. You could work 24 hrs a day and finish dead last or have a vacant territory finish in the top ten. It's gotten progressively worse. Reps that were laid off at different companies now go,if they're lucky,to another company and bring the same lazy work ethic. This job is full of people with great acting skills, but inside this job will make them feel so insecure and meaningless. "Gotta go pick up the kids at 2pm and work out at 3pm."

you have to remember that you are dealing with spoiled children who have never been told no their entire lives. Mommy and daddy (eg Cadence) coddled them as long as they could and then made sure they "made it" in the real world. Its until now that the company doesn't treat them like Mommy and Daddy did so they get really mad and begin to complain. "I want, I need, I deserve, I do everything" They think they are all tough, "ill kick your ass" "suck my dick" "blow me" "I farted" etc etc. They complain that they do all the work, when in reality the CAS are trying to collaborate with a partnership......and that equates in their tiny, little competitive minds as weakness and ineptitude. ?! Maybe if they knock the ego chips off their shoulders and actually start working WITH the CAS......they might actually be successful......despite themselves.

Perfect description of the loser reps that are left in this company. They are the entitled that think they own the world when in reality they are the ones that nobody wanted and that's why they wound up here. Fucking Loser-ville in this place. All the good reps are gone. Mallinckrodt is the sloppy seconds of the Pharma industry.

it is amazing to read to such hollow and imbecilic comments and opinions. many of you come across as the most immature and idiotic people to post op cp and that is saying something. you are an embarrassment to yourself and your families.

I love the guy who hates MNK, hates the Cadence people, hates the job, hates the losers (his words not mine)who filled the spots that went vacant by the Cadence people who left. Not to mention and feels he in not mentally equipped to provide a respectable level of education to a HCP. Lastly, has a complex with lunch that seems very disturbing. I see therapy in his immediate future and or a divorce. Get some help!

Oh puh-lease!! There's really about one super, competent, smart, effective rep out of every 200-300. I'm sure you aren't even close to being in that count, though you think you are. It's called Delusion. Ask your docs for some references/info on meds for that.

Then again.......I guess we have to hire all the bottom feeders of the "rep pool" because who else would be willing to drive around in a crap car all day and deliver 3 key selling messages and Panera? We had to dummy down the industry because of the abuses 'Big Pharma' committed. No more intelligent conversations with the doctors. Just doughnuts, bagels, food, food, food. It's a joke you even think you have 'an enormous impact' on anything?!?! It's that "I have had 2 weeks of sales training on top of my BA/Masters in XYZ Studies, and so I have as much knowledge as the docs I deliver food to" attitude that has ruined this industry. Face it - reps are not experts in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, etc, so let's all just admit that you are sales people who win/lose based on personal relationships, plain and simple. Or the Bacon/Turkey Bravo combo that your 'Hot dog hero' nurses love.

You're really an idiot. Are you sure you work here or do you just "think" you do? Go away ass. As you can tell from several of the other messages no one likes you and your messages are both disturbing and unwelcomed.

you have to remember that you are dealing with spoiled children who have never been told no their entire lives. Mommy and daddy (eg Cadence) coddled them as long as they could and then made sure they "made it" in the real world. Its until now that the company doesn't treat them like Mommy and Daddy did so they get really mad and begin to complain. "I want, I need, I deserve, I do everything" They think they are all tough, "ill kick your ass" "suck my dick" "blow me" "I farted" etc etc. They complain that they do all the work, when in reality the CAS are trying to collaborate with a partnership......and that equates in their tiny, little competitive minds as weakness and ineptitude. ?! Maybe if they knock the ego chips off their shoulders and actually start working WITH the CAS......they might actually be successful......despite themselves.

You have to be kidding me right? Sounds like you are jealous and have grudges against the Cadence reps. Let me tell you something idiot. The reps that got the Cadence jobs were some of the best reps in the country period and had track records to prove it. So no need to trash the Cadmec reps because they were all great and for the ones that still exist at Mallinckrodt, they are some of the most talented and nice people to work with. So no need to trash Cadence reps to make you feel better about yourself. I can assure you, Cadence didn't coddle anyone. I actually think you are one of the CAS people. I can assure you that their jobs are an enormous waste and that is why Ron will be doing some major overhauling in that division. Talk about doing absolutely nothing. Reading your message, it's obvious you are one and trying your best to justify your job to yourself and others. So sad.

The CAS positions are embarrassing. There is absolutely no reason why they should be called directors. Unfortunately, most will benefit from that title when they look for other jobs as it will appear that they had people under them, which simply isn't the case. Looks great on a resume, but it just isn't reality. They shouldn't be considered the same level as a manager yet they are. I can tell you that I know two pretty well and they do absolutely nothing. Perhaps they go on a couple calls in an entire week.