Oh puh-lease!! There's really about one super, competent, smart, effective rep out of every 200-300. I'm sure you aren't even close to being in that count, though you think you are. It's called Delusion. Ask your docs for some references/info on meds for that.
Then again.......I guess we have to hire all the bottom feeders of the "rep pool" because who else would be willing to drive around in a crap car all day and deliver 3 key selling messages and Panera? We had to dummy down the industry because of the abuses 'Big Pharma' committed. No more intelligent conversations with the doctors. Just doughnuts, bagels, food, food, food. It's a joke you even think you have 'an enormous impact' on anything?!?! It's that "I have had 2 weeks of sales training on top of my BA/Masters in XYZ Studies, and so I have as much knowledge as the docs I deliver food to" attitude that has ruined this industry. Face it - reps are not experts in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, etc, so let's all just admit that you are sales people who win/lose based on personal relationships, plain and simple. Or the Bacon/Turkey Bravo combo that your 'Hot dog hero' nurses love.
LMFAO - you are crazy as shit, but your responses are funny as hell. I'm getting some popcorn.....please continue........