BI offers WORST PTO of any company

1800 bad drug

I find it comical when some puts up 1800 BadDrug. It's a for pay website created by for profit lawyers. It's not a real website. It's just some commercial site some one paid for and you guts think it is relavent or something. It would the same if you put 1800 McDonalds or 1800 FreshBalls. It's meaningless and I'm surprised you let yourself get duped into promoting their paid site for free. You feel silly?

Even worse that it's a telephone call. You must really even feel more ignoarnat than before. You are promoting a telephone number of another business. Now who's the dumb one.

You can call me at 1800 ATT, no wait, 1800 HomeDepot, no wait, how about 1800 WaWa's. So awesome. I got duped into someone else's for-profit site thinking it was real. Tee heee heee.